This final week of the hashtag seems to be focusing on players and the characters they are playing.
Which as a DM/GM only at the moment makes these soul searching questions very hard to answer.
“What situation are they currently in?”
I’m going to go back to the last time I played as a player and my halfling character Dram.
In the last session Dram appeared this is how he left.
“As dawn approached Dram was was sitting on a stump wrapped in his fur blanket, cuddling his glass staff, lost in thought.
“I bet Sarmyar is having a boring time without me.” With that thought lingering in his head Dram mumbled some words and disappeared.”
I like to think that Dram did catch up with Sarmyar and for a while they had travelled together and had an adventure or two. But now that he is out there getting himself into trouble and Misty stepping his way to safety.