“What should #RPGaDAY do for its 10th anniversary next year?”
I have to say the last few days of #RPGaDAY haven’t been fun for me. As the posts have shown I’ve not had much or anything to say on the days probing insightful question.
This is my fourth year (wow that’s surprised me) and I enjoyed the previous years much more.
As the the gallery below shows those previous years that I took part in were different.
They used single words that I found much more open to interruption and less restrictive. And yes I did find some days harder than others to write. But I feel I had a better writing experience.
So for me I’d love to see a return to the “old” format.
I’ve parked the delorean back in August of 2016. So let’s look at what games I played back then.
My top 9 played games of August 2016
Well it looks like I was still playing the lcg Ashes Rise of the Phoenix Born.
I love the worker placement game The Manhattan Project. So it was a no brainer that I got the card game based on it The Manhattan Project Chain Reaction. It’s fairly light and quick to play.
I’ve also been known to enjoy a game of 7 Wonders. Despite being able to play 7 Wonders as a two player game, it’s a kludge at best. Now 7 Wonders Duel is an amazing two player game. So good that Nathan loved it, and has his own copy.
Continuing the two player game theme this month seems to have I got the great two player hand management game Odin’s Ravens to the table.
And a big surprise I actually played a couple of physical games of Star Realms. That is such a rarity.
I enjoyed New Bedford but can I ever forgive it for bringing Nantucket (the worst game ever) into my life?
And here is the complete list of games played I played back then.
Sunday started off with a coffee and chat with Chris (a friend who had moved out of town) at the Tesco Costa to pick up a copy of Lords of Waterdeep for Diego.
This was followed later in the day by playing a four player game of Brazil Imperium with Jeff and his family.
Who played which leader
Mandy didn’t want an aggressive game so I chose the map below for our game. Which does look awesome.
Map played
It was interesting playing a non-aggressive game. This was more a race to get an engine going so you could complete your era mission cards. A totally different feeling and experience to my first play Friday evening.
With the Capital cities being so far apart each faction had space and time to build and get an engine going without fear of being attacked.
I had some pretty good synergy between my era cards that involved collecting paintings.
I was lucky getting paintings that aided me a lot, like being able to build anywhere, ignoring the terrain restrictions on buildings.
The end of game was triggered by me completing my third era.
Once all the dust had settled, scores tallied. Jeff and myself were tied for first place. The only tie breaker in the rules gave victory to the player with the most science tokens on the map. In this game it was Jeff who had a single one sitting on his church! I had none.
Jeff was the winner on a tie breaker.
But I had a great time playing the game with such great opponents and friends.
Apart from when a global pandemic and the UK Government’s mishandling of it throws a spanner in the works. My friend Jeff throws a gaming day to celebrate another year on this planet.
Yesterday was the appointed day of celebration for this year.
It was a particularly important one for me. One I didn’t want to miss considering the life stuff that happened to Jeff just before Christmas.
There was nearly a spanner thrown in the works when I found out that I’d been given a shift in my new job on the same day. Luckily it was an early shift (remember that early start I mentioned in the previous post?) meaning I could go to work and arrive by midday to take part in the game day.
This years big game saw the return of Memoir 44 and an Overlord scenario.
The first scenario saw the Russians vs the Germans in Tigers in the Snow scenario.
Jeff commanded the German forces, whilst Jonas commanded the Russians.
There was some pretty amazing demonstrations of poor dice rolling by both sides during the game.
However the Germans won in the end.
The second scenario we played was the reverse side of the Tigers in the Snow map, Operation Market Garden.
Naturally this second scenario had a personal connection because Arnhem is one of the battle honours of the Paras. My dads regiment. Dad was in 2 Para.
So when it came to choosing positions at the table there was no way I wasn’t going to be in charge of the 1st Airborne.
This time Jeff was commanding the Allied forces, whilst Jerry commanded the Germans forces.
Despite once again the Allied forces not getting to Arnhem, the Paras stood strong against the German forces, and sealed an Allied win.
Memoir 44 is a great two player game. However as a multiplayer game using the Overlord rules and maps it’s a great multiplayer game too.
Despite being knackered once I got home. I had a great time celebrating another year with Jeff, friends and his family. I’m thankful to have been invited and to have been able to go.
Now the discussion starts for what next years big game will be.
Food:cowboy beans plus cake. The beans were fantastic.
But here we are once again at another Friday evening Fenland Gamers club night.
We weren’t up to the heady club record breaking attendance numbers of the previous club night. But we were at a very respectable eleven. Which is about our average these days.
This weeks game night was a rarity indeed because for the second session in a row I got to play with Jonathan once again.
Our first game of the evening was a new addition to my collection, the roll and write Riverside.
On the roll/flip and write spectrum of complexity Riverside is most certainly on the lighter side. Which isn’t a negative. I enjoy lighter roll/flip and writes as well as the much more complex ones. The important thing is whether they are fun to play. And Riverside most definitely is.
Despite its simplicity compared to some in my collection, there are some nice mechanics in this roll and write.
I love the modular board set up that means no two games will be exactly the same.
The use of the median die to move the cruise ship standee around the board is cool.
This median die also determines the rounds temperature and whether dice are in the heated area or not. The importantance of this is that to use a die in the heated area requires you to cross out fire symbols. If you run out of fire symbols or don’t have enough left you can’t use a die in the heated area.
This gives some interesting choices to make such as when and if to use dice in the heated area. Running out of fire symbols means you can no longer use the green die (which is always in the heated area, and can be added to the other dice) or use one of the base dice in the heated area.
I also like the restriction on scoring trips that each time you score a trip it has to be a higher score than the previous trip of that type.
Add in the captains boat and the points switch that adds at the end of the game. There are some lovely little touches that makes this a fun game to play.
Next up was a new game to Jonathan and myself Colorful.
This game had a Codenames vibe to it. But we loved it.
The game plays very quickly. Is quick to teach. We learnt and played two games in less than fifteen minutes. A perfect little filler game.
I loved that the game starts out as a co-operative game as long as everyone is giving the same answer to the clue. But as soon as there is a difference in an answer then it switches to a competitive game with a single winner. A very nice twist.
Our third and final game of the evening was another new arrival of mine and current hotness Brazil Imperium.
In the run up to playing this I had seen Brazil Imperium being mentioned in the same breath as Scythe. Many comparing it with my favourite game of all time.
Having played it I can see there are some similarities but there are enough differences that Brazil Imperium is it’s own game with room for both in a collection.
I like the modular board setup with the rulebook having several layouts to choose from based on player count and if you want an aggressive game or not. There are additional official maps that can be downloaded off the bgg game page.
However there does seem a basic rule for designing your own maps that the number of “big” tile pieces to use is dependent on the player count. Then the use of the smaller tile sections, positioning of capitals is all then dependent on how confrontational you want your game. So it is possible to randomly generate a board.
Map used for our game
The first similarity with Scythe is the action selection for a turn, and not being able to repeat the same action on the next turn. Add in the ability to upgrade those actions by placing an appropriately shaped product on the action using the manufacture action. You can’t escape that Scythe comparison.
You could argue the player boards and the variable powers of the unique leaders are also Scythe like. But with Brazil Imperium you decide which side of the leader board you use for the game. Plus leaders are linked to a board by colour. So only the blue leaders can be used with the blue player board. I’d like to see more leader options in the future.
When you build a building the resources it generates remain on the tile until used. However if an opposing army occupies that space they get to use any resources there. Also very Scythe like.
Who played which leader in Brazil Imperium
Having the combat cards and gold cards have not only a gold or combat use, but an alternative ability such as end game scoring or some other in game power, is a really nice touch.
The use of era cards that set an objective for you to achieve gives you a focus during the game. Getting era cards that compliment each other and your leader is key. Although you start with an era card for each of the three eras, it is possible to get additional era cards. Completing an era then gives you a choice of which palace to build, opens up more buildings to build, and gives another upgrade for one action spot.
The paintings cards add a great power up mechanic. And another thing to look think about. Some improve production, others break rules, some give combat bonuses. You get the idea.
The exploration tiles are a nice touch, giving some sort of bonus. Along with a feeling of exploring the unknown.
Combat is quick and simple. Which is a plus.
This is a great engine builder that does give a great feeling you are building an empire. I almost want to say this is a civilisation type game. In some ways it does feel like one. Thinking about it it doesn’t feel too dissimilar to Civilization A New Dawn.
Yeah I really like this game.
Winners of the games played!
It was about 9:40pm when I and Jonathan left. The others were still playing games like Gaslands. But I had a 5:30am shift start the next morning. Which means the alarm going off at 4:10am. I needed some sleep before work. Granted not much. But some!
A couple of long days means I’m behind on the final days of this years #RPGaDAY.
So instead of separate posts I’m going catch up with this one single post.
It’s not as if with the current theme of the probing questions I have a lot to say anyway. So together my brief answers might make one post!
Day 26 – “Why does your character do what they do?”
I remember at the time I was playing Dram the Halfling Wizard one of the influences for his personality or having little to no fear, being curious, and getting into trouble was Tass from the Dragonlance books.
Obviously I didn’t borrow the kender trait of other peoples possessions somehow falling into his care. That wouldn’t have been within character for the wizard I felt. Although it would be interesting to play.
It helped Dram knew Misty Step. So when he got into that sticky situation he could just disappear out of it to a safe spot! A good example of this is when at the Ruins of Thundertree when he went into the abandoned and decaying tavern The Brown Horse looking for ale and discovered some Ash Zombies instead. Whilst Dram Misty Stepped away from them to safety outside. Others in the party had to deal with the Ash Zombies differently!
Day 27 – “How has the character changed?”
I don’t think he has!
Well I didn’t get to play Dram long enough.
Overtime I’m sure he may grown over time. But we’ll never know.
Day 28 – “Style Sunday: Roll 1d8+1, tag that many friends with your favourite RPG cover art.”
I’m not going to tag anyone!
But below you will find a gallery of some of the cover art I really like.
One or two of the books I don’t own. One or two I do own but don’t have that edition with the art on.