D&D Grp 2 Session 8 Planning #1

So tired.

But I have a session to prepare for.

SPOILER ALERT TO MY ADVENTURERS! The following post contains spoilers for the up and coming campaign/session. You may want to avoid this post and join me in a future one.

The players have finished the haunted house adventure. At the end of I let them level up. So since the last session they have been busy working out what new abilities etc their characters will have.

I’ve given the players some “homework” before this coming Saturdays session. Basically I’m advancing the in-game calendar by a week, and the players have been asked to come up with what their characters did in that week to gain all these new skills/abilities they have gained going from level 2 to level 3.

Before the party entered the haunted house a guard of the Silver Talons did drop the following adventure hook to them.

The back walls of one of the villas collapsed into a series of chambers appearing to have once been a temple to a dark bestial god. The family owning the villa has gone missing and the Silver Talons seek discreet investigators to enter the temple and find any survivors from the collapse.” Page 14, City of Arches by Mike Shea

However the party has taken at least a day to work their way through the haunted house. They have took two long rests and a short one.

So my plan in the next session is to have the streets a buzz with the story of how a different group of adventurers are being proclaimed heroes for rescuing the missing family.

I have some homework too!

I need to go through and work out with the Ghosts of Saltmarsh adventure just what the party have found.

Which give some great opportunities for adventure hooks.

I’ve had some great NPC cards by Monte Cook Games arrive.

As you can see they have some great art, and system neutral info about the NPC on the reverse.

I like these sort of things. I have some Pathfinder ones also. They are great for bringing NPCs to life for the players. But also for inspiration to while preparing a session.

I do feel this next session needs to see Adel’s rival being introduced and making an offer to the party for the artifact they have.

Adel will be a bit miffed the party took too long getting back to her with the artifact.

Not sure how both will play out.

I like the idea of the party having to enter into a “mega dungeon” to get the next artifact. But that will be a single possible hook for them to follow up.

If the party decide to activate the watch and go through the rift/portal I need to chose or create a realm of dread.

Another hook will be a Harengon looking for adventurers to rescue their family or maybe protect their “warren”.

All I know about this upcoming session is it’s going to be very by the seats of the pants, reacting to what’s happening on the day.

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