Spirits of the Forest digital now live

The post title says it all really.

The app version of the tile set collection board game Spirits of the Forest is “finally live on both Google Play and iOS App store and it’s free for everyone to download and play in both solitaire and multiplayer.”

Here are the all important links.

My username is surprise, surprise, whitespider1066 if you want to hit me up for a game or two.

Three Cool Cyberpunk Red Additions

I so need to get a session or two of Cyberpunk Red organised. But that I’m afraid has to wait for safer times. However in the meantime I got one or two bits in to help with that when it happens.

The cool thing is one is generic enough it could be used in a Judge Dredd RPG, Genesys RPG Shadow of the Beanstalk, or even an Alien RPG session. Whilst another although aimed at Cyberpunk players it’s contents could apply to other RPGs. Finally the third item is pure Cyberpunk Red only.

First up is the newly released Cyberpunk Red Data Screen.

The Data Screen is the official GM screen for Cyberpunk Red by R. Talsorian Games.

My initial impressions of the screen is that I like it. It looks one of the more useful screens in relation to the information it has (see below).

I love the art on the player facing side (see below). It screams cyberpunk, the Bladerunner influence is clear to see. The sprawling metropolis of Night City looks stunning.

The Data Screen is available from R. Talsorian Games directly if you can’t wait (like me) for it to arrive at your FLGS (they are in transit).

Next up is a reprint of a 1994 book for the Cyberpunk RPG, “Listen Up You Primitive Screwheads!!!!” The book offers “advice on a number of topics, including crafting long-term campaigns, game style and atmosphere, cyberpunk sociology, running interesting and dynamic combat, and more!” Despite being nearly 30 years old, the info still seems relevant today.

“Listen Up You Primitive Screwheads!!!!” is available physically, as a pdf and as an audible book. Which ticks all the bases for me. I don’t think this will be a surprise to anyone but I have all three versions! So I can listen to the book while going to sleep or driving (a good use of an audible credit). I do like having a physical copy, I’m old school like that. But I also like the digital as well in case I need to print or quote something. I’m an ideal mark for a publisher.

Finally the “Big Book of CyberPunk Battle Mats” is bigger than I was expecting. It’s A3 size (there is an A4 version). I really should read the product description. But as I said at the top of the post this is generic enough to be used with several other systems. The maps can be bought digitally via DriveThruRPG for use with something like owlbear.rodeo for running a game online.

Inside the large tomb you get the following maps: Concrete Plaza,Motel,Downtown Shops,Nightclub,Neon Streets,Neon Crosssing,Car Park,Neon Alleys,Subway Station,Rooftop Helipad,Supermarket,Municipal Lobby,Municipal Rooms,Corporate Office,Data Centre,Tech Rooms,High Rise Hab Block,Corporate Lobby,Neon Plaza,Freeway,Luxury Residence,Warehouse,Shipping Container Lot,Storm Channel Underpass ,Industrial,Cabin in the Woods,Quarry Dirt Track,Ruined Street,Death Road,Abandoned Desert Houses,Mud and Grass,Deserted Train Yard,Shanty Town, and a Blank Grid.

Having said that it’s large, I do actually prefer the larger A3 size over the A4 (I have one of the fantasy map books of theirs in that size).

I just need to use the stuff now in anger.

Getting by

Just a holding post to say I’m still here.

Not been up to much. To be honest I’ve not felt up to doing much. Despite having some posts in various states of completion.

I’m not going to be cryptic about why I’ve felt this way. Wednesday my Aunt was rushed into hospital after having seizures. It wasn’t looking too good at one point. But she has improved a little, but not out of the woods.

It’s made harder by the fact that my Aunt is on the opposite side of the world in New Zealand.

So you can imagine we have been a bit distracted, shocked, and worried.

Apparently I’m to blame for my friend Gavin getting into MtG!

All I can say is if that is what he has to say to himself so that he can sleep at night. Then I’ll be the bad guy for him!

Gavin has learnt to play MtG using Arena, and bought the last starter set, and a Commander deck. Gavin is looking to upgrade the Commander deck, and has been pointed in the direction of one or two sites that write upgrade articles about the precons.

We should be playing MtG this coming Monday. Although it won’t be the full Commander experience we’ll play 2 player Commander. I’m going to use this as a chance to start testing one of my new decks that I built during lockdown. Plus I might take the Ur Dragon precon for Gavin to try. I was taken aback at how much that deck is going for these days. It’s shockingly high.

So I’m looking forward to actually playing again in real life. So you know what the next post will be all about.

Adventures in the Forgotten Realm Prerelease Weekend

It’s prerelease weekend once more in the world of Magic the Gathering.

This year instead of giving the world another core set, WotC have decided to break from the norm and the MtG universe by cross pollinating with their other major product they sell D&D, to bring us a D&D themed set called Adventures in the Forgotten Realm.

The prerelease kits are slightly different from “regular” prerelease kits in that we get a proper d20 die instead of the usual spin down die.

The reason for this change is that some of the cards in the set require the rolling of a d20 to decide which benefit/option is selected on the card. There is a card showing this “mechanic” in the gallery below.

Each prerelease kit also has the 3 adventure cards as double sided foil cards, with a token on the opposite side. These 3 adventure cards named after famous D&D adventures are a new mechanic for this set.

As you can see we are getting some great new looking cards. I really love the ones that look like a classic D&D module cover. Although the ones that look like art from early rulebooks look very cool too.

Sticking with the D&D theme we get new enchantments called classes. As you can see in the one above, each level of the card has a mana cost to activate.

Sadly world events are still conspiring to prevent in real life prerelease events taking place. Which is a shame because I’d love to be playing this sets prerelease with friends. I think it’d have been very popular.

This is the last prerelease where we will get 2 draft boosters with the prerelease kit. From the new Innistrad in the Autumn we will be getting a set booster instead. These are more expensive, so naturally we will see an increase in the cost of a prerelease kit.

Along side the prerelease kits the Commander precons were also on sale. With this set we get 4 new decks to play with. Which takes my back log of precons to play to about 20 odd decks now since world events kicked off over 18 months ago.

What cards did you pull this weekend?

Keep an eye out for…

Just a quick post to give the folks a heads up to keep an eye out for a couple of app versions of boardgames.

The first is for Jonathan’s favourite game (I still think it holds that lofty position) and probably in my Top 10 (I’d be surprised if it didn’t make the cut), Wingspan.

Finally Wingspan is coming to iOS.

You can currently pre-order Wingspan for iOS on the App Store for £9.99. Which is almost half of what I paid for the Switch version.

I’d like to think that they will have sorted out alerts to tell you when it’s your turn in an asynchronous game with friends. But I’m not going to hold my breathe over that.

Oh and Wingspan gets released for iOS on 20th July.

Next up is a digital version of the tile draft and set collection game Spirits of the Forest.

The app will have asynchronous multiplayer and a solitaire mode. Plus the price is amazing – it’s going to be FREE.

There is no release date at the mo. The app is awaiting Apple approval. I think this will appear with no warning. So as soon as I know (the publisher will be emailing KS backers of the expansion, of which I’m one when it’s out) you’ll know.

Judge Dredd & the Worlds of 2000 AD RPG Case Files 1 – 7 Print Edition

This morning the printed copy of Judge Dredd & the Worlds of 2000 AD RPG Case Files 1 – 7 arrived.

This is a collection of the case files that were first available as separate pdfs as part of the EN Publishing Patreon. I bought these via the EN Publishing webstore. For your money you get a pdf of the case files and a physical copy that is printed on demand via DriveThruRPG.

This is a soft cover book. 36 pages of content, with 2 blank pages. Print quality is ok, nothing outstanding.

There are 7 case files in this collection. 5 of them have been available for free to patreons (Monkey Business, Nobody Expects the SJS, Night of the Living Dredd, Obstructing the Law, and Red Dredd Redemption) as pdfs. The remaining 2 are new (All Boxed Up, and The Future of Law Enforcement), or I’m assuming they are as I haven’t noticed them on the EN Publishing patreon page.

These case files can be run as one shots or as part of an already on going campaign.

I particularly like that Monkey Business “is designed to be played as a one-shot. It is perfect for convention demos, or introductory game sessions.” This is the one I’d use as a taster with friends or those that want to try the system.

A couple of the case files have a content warning because of the themes. If running those ones and you aren’t using any safety tools then you might want to think about introducing them. And definitely follow the advice given about running those adventures.

The case files have a different layout to the original pdfs. I particularly like how the stat blocks appear in the case files.

The look of the stat blocks matches the other Judge Dredd books, as does the rest of the layout. It’s more compact and easier to read.

I do prefer the original green and yellow colour scheme to the blue and gray of this collection. The original felt more comic book like. Don’t get me wrong I don’t dislike the new colour scheme, I just prefer the other one.

I have one complaint about this collection and it is with the first case file Monkey Business.

Below you will see a comparison between the map for this case file in how it appears in the original pdf, the pdf of the collection and the printed copy.

In the printed copy the map is too dark, the grid lines and details are almost invisible (I’m hoping the photo above captures this). I thought it might be the pdf, and although smaller and darker than the original version, it is still clear. So the printing is the problem here. I’d almost say the printed version is unusable.

It is obvious that in resizing and re-orienting the map the image got darker and fuzzier. Luckily I have the original pdf. But I’m disappointed that this got through quality control. The new version of the map is a step backwards.

Monkey Business is the only case file with maps. There is a second map, but this is a side view of a building, also dark, but much less an issue. There is the blessing that no other case file have a map, so they are unaffected by this printing issue. For the remaining case files you are expected to come up with your own maps for various locations used.

In an ideal world EN Publishing would make the original clearer, sharper map available as an image GMs can download and print.

I’m struggling to say this compendium of adventures is worth the money. Especially if you are only getting two new adventures. It’s handy having them as a hard copy but worth it? I’m not sure.

Quest Models

This recent video by Sly Flourish is one of many short DM advice videos that he has released recently. They are rather nifty, and brilliant for those with busy lives.

The reason I’ve embed the video and talking about it here is that I think this advice is pretty universal to which ever RPG system you are playing.

The three common quest models Sly briefly covers in the above video are:

  • Kill the boss quest
  • Recover the artifact
  • Rescue somebody

Sly points out that it’s the flavour that makes these quest models interesting. To aid in that flavour I think the adventuring party needs a patron of some kind. Whether that patron is a crime lord, guild leader, a fixer, wealthy, powerful, a corporation (I think you get the idea) they are a handy plot device to use to introduce one of the quest models above, and not just away to give the party useful equipment.

For instance they could have to eliminate a rival crime lord, steal a top secret device/plans from a rival corporation, or rescue hostages.

This isn’t the first time that Sly has talked about quest models. In the video below he talks about “The Three-of-Five Collection Quest”.

“The Three-of-Five Collection Quest” is a variation of “recover the artifact” quest. Sly also lists three other quest models within the above video, the “heist”, “kill the lieutenant” and “destroy the thing”. But in reality to the initial list from the quest models video we are only adding one new quest to our tool box.

  • Kill some-one
  • Recover the thing/heist
  • Rescue somebody
  • Destroy the thing

I would argue a heist is a variation of the recover the thing quest model, if not the same thing. I don’t see any difference between the “kill the boss” and “kill the lieutenant” quests. They are basically go kill some-one for some reason. So I think count as one.

UPDATE: adding a fifth quest model escort/protect someone/thing.

With these handful of quest models it should be easy to come up with quests for your campaign or even at a push on the fly.

Oh while I’m talking RPGs. It struck me as I was binge watching Leverage for the third or fourth time that the Leverage team is the perfect party make up for a cyberpunk (Red or Android) party.

I’m not sure what the mastermind role would map to, but they are basically the brains of the group. But every other role maps I believe. At a push this could be a D&D party too. What do you think?

It’s that portal song title post again

Time sure flies.

Before you know it over a week has passed since the last post.

Not much has happened to share on here. Obviously world events are still putting a dampener on things like playing board games in person. Plus there hasn’t been much online gaming using apps (outside of Star Realms and Epic the Card Game) either.

My “secret” project is going slowly. I’m not sure what folks will make of it. It is a departure for me and this blog. Which I hope folks will like.

On the Kickstarter side of things Vampire the Masquerade: Rivals finally landed (after it hit retailers).

Naturally I’ve sleeved it all up with the official sleeves that came as part of the Kickstarter. I’ve even used a couple of the Stonemaier token containers to surprisingly store the tokens for the game.

From a recent Renegade live stream it was revealed what the next expansion will be after the first expansion Blood & Alchemy comes out. It will be called The Wolf and The Rat. But it was also revealed they have a third expansion that has finished production and a fourth currently being worked on. Both of them currently remain unnamed.

And yes for the record I have pre-ordered Blood & Alchemy. The bonus for doing so are a couple of alt art vampire cards, one for each clan.

Another big reveal from the stream were the contents of the first three OP kits for Vampire Wednesdays. These will be available for your FLGS to order, or for those that can’t get their local store interested, or get to a store to participate you can order direct from Renegade. These OP kits introduce three new vampires that will eventually be available on the Renegade website to purchase.

I got the season 0 OP kit as part of my Kickstarter and plan to get these as well. These will form part of my attempt to kick off a Rivals scene in Wisbech once Fenland Gamers starts up gaming sessions again. Although my track record in doing that sort of thing is pretty poor.

Which brings me nicely onto the news that Jonathan and I have had chats between ourselves and also with our hosts The Luxe about when and how we will start gaming sessions back. Taking into account current world events we are eyeing September as our target month for once more holding meet ups.

Hopefully in the meantime those corrupt, lying bullies in charge of running our country will not screw things up (although history is not on their side on that front) and we will indeed be able to safely once more gather to roll dice, shuffle cards and move pieces of plastic around a board.

On the D&D news front apparently next week (Tuesday) instead of releasing stories setting up the next MtG set, because that set is a D&D/MtG standalone crossover set, WotC will be releasing five free D&D adventures for players to download. These 15 to 20 page adventures are aimed at tier 2 characters, specifically levels 8 – 10.

Hopefully the next thing you read on here is the “secret” project. But you know me!

A crazy turn 1 play in Star Realms

Yesterday I had one of those insane starts to a game of Star Realms.

For those interested all 18 expansions are in play for this game.

I’m the starting player, which means I have an opening hand of three cards.

One crazy turn 1!

This may have not been the most optimal play, and as usual against this player I may go on and lose. But that doesn’t matter I managed to do this insane start buying the 8 cost Command Ship on turn 1. That’s just not possible normally.

As I’ve said on numerous occasions it’s crazy cool stuff like this that keeps the game fresh and surprising.

Now I just have to hope my opponent doesn’t see this little clip!

Command Decks Come To Star Realms App

Last week saw an update to the Star Realms app released. Which saw the 18th expansion Command Decks introduced to the game for £6.99.

Each Legendary Commander has a unique starting deck (that replaces the normal hand of Scouts and Vipers), and has two unique Gambit cards. They also have different starting Authority values and hand sizes. Each Command Deck has a powerful 8-cost ship that gets added to the trade deck at the start of the game.” (https://www.starrealms.com/star-realms-command-decks-now-in-star-realms-digital/)

This is the first time that I will have played with the Command Decks, despite owning the physical decks. The only time I seem to get to play the game in real life is with Nathan. And that hasn’t happened for a long time. So I’m pretty excited to be able to play with them now.

As stated in a recent post I’ve played over 10k games with the app now, and the expansions have helped keep the game fresh. Although I tend to play with every expansion selected, which allows for some crazy starts and plays. Sometimes it’s refreshing to play with just the core set, or with only a couple of expansions selected.

The least used, ok not used at all, side of the expansions for me is the campaign missions. So I can’t speak for that side of things. It could be argued I’m not getting maximum value out of my purchases. But the campaign side just doesn’t interest me.

What isn’t obvious when selecting the Command Decks expansion when making a challenge to another player is how to select which of the seven Command Decks you play with.

When you select the Command Deck expansion in the bottom left corner an avatar of the current selected Command Deck appears (shown above).

If you click on that avatar you are taken to the Command Deck selection screen (see below) where you can select the deck you wish to play with.

On that screen pressing the little question mark and you get the specific rules for that Command Deck.

It should be noted that which ever deck you select will be the default Command Deck you get whenever you accept or issue a challenge until you change it.

Compared to the other expansions and the cost of the full game this expansion is on the expensive side. But as with the others this is buy once and have everywhere! Which takes the sting out of it for me. This is one of my favourite things with Star Realms that my games in progress and purchases follow me to which ever platform I’m using. No need to buy again.

I’m sure that there will be one or two Command Decks that I will prefer over the others. But that’s something to discuss for another day (once I’ve played them all for starters).

Right I’m off to take my turns…