Ok here we go.
Once again just the gaming stats for last month taken from the boardgame stats app I use.
Plus how I’m doing with the challenges I set up.
Ok here we go.
Once again just the gaming stats for last month taken from the boardgame stats app I use.
Plus how I’m doing with the challenges I set up.
Last night saw me staying up way past my bedtime playing boardgames! Oh what a naughty stop out I was.
Ok let me explain.
Now that for the foreseeable future I have gainful employment which requires me to start at 5am (or 7am on a Sunday). As you can imagine I go to sleep around 7pm (Nico and Loki permitting!). Which coincidentally was the start time of our gaming session last night. But careful planning meant I knew I didn’t have to be up before the crack of dawn, and in fact could sleep in.
All I had to worry about was not falling asleep at the gaming table. After all with Jonathan and Jeff my opponents for the evening who knows what they would have been egged on to do by Nathan.
Our game for the evening was Tinners’ Trail. And like every learning game and first plays we do, we threw caution to the wind, ignored common sense, good practice, and read the rulebook at the table for the very first time.
Look when we read the rulebook out loud at the table, this is no Friends Reunion table reading of an old episodes script. It’s a hard thing to do. You are reading aloud, possibly paraphrasing, trying to parse what you are reading, trying to listen to the others at the table, answer questions. You get the picture. It’s like a Jim Davidson comedy routine waiting to happen.
But sometimes this is the only way we can do it. We let people know in advance it’s a learning game and all that implies. It’s why usually it’s a separate session from a regular club night (although as you know that’s not always the case). Those of us attending accept this and any other caveats.
Onto the game itself Tinners’ Trail.
Basically the game is about mining enough resources to sell, and then with that money buy victory points. And you do that over four rounds.
But it’s how you get those resources and how much they are worth that’s the interesting bit.
I decided very successful to drain Jonathan and Jeff of their opening cash and action points during round one so that I could pick up mining areas cheaply, and boost my cash balance. So I used my cards to help bluff and put my plan into action. Another element of this plan was to push up the bidding so the winner spent more. It’s that push your luck element of knowing when to drop out before getting stung paying over the odds for a rubbish plot. Which Jonathan did fall into the trap of once or twice, as did Jeff.
By the end of the first round I had no cards left. It wasn’t a drawback for the later rounds. Or it was, or should have been but I wasn’t punished for it. This is quite an aggressive thing to do that could back fire. Luckily in this instance it didn’t.
I like how the price for the two resources is determined at the start of each round by rolling three d6 dice (although they were not proper numbered d6). Which means that it could possibly be more practical focusing on mining one resource over another because it’s worth lots more.
Recently games that have a fixed number of rounds like Lost Ruins of Arnak or even Wingspan have left me feeling I’d like one or two more rounds. But Tinners’ Trail felt just the right length.
What you do get left wanting more of each round is more action points to spend so you can do more. But I also like that whole you have ten action points, here are the actions you can do and the action point cost of each. It makes you focused and trying to work out the optimum order to do them in.
I also like how resources within an area you are mining are limited. So you have to manage when the optimum time to mine them is based on their market cost.
Naturally there were one or two misplays and/or mistakes. But that’s something you accept is going to happen in a learning game. After all it’s a learning game!
But the important thing is I won. Quite comfortably in the end.
Tinners’ Trail is an enjoyable game. I’d definitely play it again. Would I be as successful next time? Who knows.
And before we finish with the last bit of the post the photo by Jonathan from the evening. I’d like to say a big big thank you to our hosts The Luxe for being so splendid.
Last night saw a Commander session at The Luxe with myself, Diego and new member Sam battling it.
Whilst Diego was playing with some of Sam’s decks. I played my Ur-Dragon deck that I hadn’t played in a long long time.
Some new cards had been added during that time, such as Tiamat, and one or two Nicol Bolas cards. So the deck was long overdue an outing.
The first game of the evening was over pretty quickly. I hadn’t hit my land drops, didn’t get to any of the mana rocks or ramp. Diego was doing much better with the enchantments deck he was playing, however neither of us had any answers to the problems Sam was presenting on the battle field. Especially when damage was getting doubled.
I stuck with the dragons for game two. Sam went to a new deck, and Diego stuck with the enchantments (I really should have made a note of the Commanders, next time).
By all rights I should have lost this game. However thanks to mercy or pity (take your pick which) from Sam I didn’t. I was down to 8 life. Sam needed help taking on Diego. So a deal was made. I wouldn’t attack him if he let me live.
That bought me time to get pieces into place and get dragons on the battlefield. My dragons would be coming in with haste and dealing damage based on the number of dragons I controlled to a player or Planeswalker. So when Sam finished off Diego I was able to play some dragons and chip away at his life, and then swing in for lethal and victory.
The final game of the evening I broke out the new Eldrazi deck. Sam and Diego swapped decks also. They both had life gain decks. Both adding counters to creatures. But the one Diego was playing was generating counters and tokens like crazy. On top of all that life gain.
I was going under the radar for much of the early game. I had plenty of land but no cheap creatures to get out. Rounds 6 and 7 were the earliest I was going to get anything out. Field of the Dead was going to help me get some 2/2 zombie blockers out.
Despite drawing Helm of the Host turn 2 I sat on it for most of the game. It might have given a big hint to my game plan and put a target on my back.
I was forced to play my Commander so that I could trash my land that enabled me to fetch a colourless creature. This deck isn’t built around playing the Commander. It’s a nice +1/+1 effect if out. But not a crucial part of the plan. However as I said I was forced into this because Diego was getting out of hand, and his flyer with 19 counters on could kill me his next turn. So I went and got Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre and took it out. Diego swore he wasn’t going to do that, but attack Sam with it. But previous turns that creature had been used to attack me. I wasn’t convinced.
Some how I got another turn and that’s when I played Helm of the Host and attached it to Ulamog. The token then swung at Diego. It was pretty much my last act of the game. Diego crushed me on his turn.
It was then a battle of the life gain decks. Both Diego and Sam broke the 100 health barrier. Neither were showing signs of getting the killing blow. The film for the evening had ended and the poor staff of The Luxe were cleaning up. A draw was called.
It was a fun evening. Sam’s decks were awesome and scary at the same time. Especially the one Diego was playing at the end. Can’t wait to play some more Commander.
Life has changed a bit since Nan left us. I have a part time job now that sees me start work at 5am. But finishes midday (at the moment) which leaves me the rest of the day to be there for Mum. So you can imagine I’m pretty tired by the evening and usually asleep by 7pm!
This week has been particularly tiring as I worked what I dubbed the long week so that I could be around today when a second stair rail is fitted to Mums stairs to help her get up them.
So I’m pretty knackered. And it might be understandable why there has been no posts during the week.
Gaming wise obviously I’ve not played anything since last Friday. However there have been some arrivals.
Last weekend saw the arrival of the latest and second expansion, The Wolf and The Rat for Vampire the Masquerade (VtM) Rivals.
It’s arrival bought a new dilemma on how to store the game and both of its expansions. The core game box is no longer large enough to hold everything. So I started thinking about alternative storage solutions. High up on the possible solutions were the MtG storage boxes for cubes or lots of Commander decks. And that is an option I may eventually go for. However I decided to repurpose my quiver that was currently home to various rpg decks for the new home of my VtM Rivals cards.
There’s room for the third expansion (currently in production) so it’s bought me a little time before I have to get a second or alternative solution.
Naturally tokens for the game are kept separately now, and I need a folder to store the rulebooks. But that’s just how things are. Although I should look into some stickers to decorate the folder.
There was one hiccup with this preorder of the expansion. The promo Tamaska & General Flint Alt Art Cards were included. But the Victor Temple Promo card wasn’t. Apparently it hadn’t arrived in time to be sent out with the preorders. Which I’d argue that Renegade Studios knew and should have been proactive in letting customers know before shipping started. The promo will be sent out at a later date. So we will get it. But when, who knows? I’m more concerned that it will be packaged properly and not destroyed in the post. Plus this is extra expense for Renegade.
On Monday the first three organised play kits for VtM Rivals Season 1 arrived. I’ve not even opened the box for those yet. I suppose I should do just to check over the contents. Depending on how next weekends learning games go, I might be able to start to organise some events!
The start of the week saw the launch of an EU specific web store for Stonemaier Games. Which meant my Champion account was moved over to that web store, and all my orders will be through there now. And to celebrate its launch Jamey gave EU customers an extra 10% off if they used the provided promo code he emailed out.
Champion discount and a further 10% off! Ok the temptation was too great. Before I knew it the spiral bound version of the Scythe Complete Rulebook, some of the plastic token storage containers, and four of the double sided neoprene Wingspan player mats were in my shopping basket.
Why four mats and not five? I don’t intend to play Wingspan at five players ever ever again! Famous last words I know. But if I only have four player mats it’ll be hard to play at the higher count.
Yesterday also saw the arrival of another preorder. This one was for the Cyberpunk Red rpg.
Inside the package was the Cyberpunk Red Data Pack and Netrunning Deck. I’ll look at these in more depth in another post (possibly if I remember).
So that’s all the stuff that landed this week. Thanks to the randomness of the whole shipping crisis currently going on who knows when my preorders for the Arnak or Imperium expansions will appear. Potentially The One Ring second edition Kickstarter might arrive before Christmas too.
Anyway it’s a Commander session this evening that I’m very much looking forward too.
I think if my maths is correct (and I’m sure Jonathan will confirm or point out my glaring mistake) we had 11 at last nights Friday gaming shindig. Which potentially makes it the best attended gaming session so far.
However being victims of our own success and our hosts cutting down on the available area we could set up and play in (they had cordoned off an area for their Christmas tree and seasonal decorations) things were a little cramped around our two tables. Luckily we didn’t need the third table up as that would have been an issue.
We settled on two gaming tables of a group of five and a group of six.
Jeff, Nathaniel, Rachel, Marcin and myself made up one table. So whilst the others played some game or other on their table, we played King of Tokyo Dark Edition.
I love the art in this new edition of the game. But then again I liked the art of the original version. Although obviously the colour palette used in the all new art work is darker.
The new wickedness mechanic is an interesting addition. It adds a new way to power up during the game. I didn’t manage to get one of the new wickedness tiles. But the ones Rachel and Nathaniel got looked like pretty cool bonuses to have.
The components in this edition live truly up to the deluxe description. The lightning bolt shape of the energy cube, the shaped tokens, the embossed box.
It’s a really nice edition of the game, and it’s still fun to play. But you have to like take that games, the Yahtzee mechanic, and player elimination.
In our game Marcin managed to get a points victory by hitting that magic number of 20.
Our second game of the evening was a learning game of Vampire the Masquerade Vendetta. And I mean learning game as in a live table reading of the rulebook as we set up and tried learning the game.
Vendetta is at its heart an area control game. But with a twist! Each player gets a random vampire clan that has a unique deck. And although everyone starts off with the same two named cards. What they actually do is different for each player. Then at the start of each of the three game rounds you draw two cards from your deck, select one to keep and one to put at the bottom of your deck. So slowly over the rounds your hand size gets bigger giving you more options each round.
There is however a catch! In each round you don’t get to play all your cards. You are always left with one card in hand. Which is cool as it means your opponents aren’t sure exactly which cards you have played. Especially if you also played cards face down on your turn. The bluffing you can do in this game is incredible.
I love all this. But also how you build up a picture of what cards your opponents have, but you never have a complete picture as there is always that new card you have no idea about.
I think a player aid would have been useful for players to remind them of the round structure. But that’s a minor quibble.
As you can see I ended up Prince of the City.
Breaking from the new normal of finishing the post off with some of Jonathan’s photos from the evening (I’m not sure he took any) I’ll finish with an update on the progress made on the three challenges I set my self.
UPDATE 22/11/21: The natural order has been restored! Plus there is a great comment from Jonathan on this post too.
From time to time instead of writing a new post about something I’ve already written about I have been known to actually update the original post instead.
My post that shares some recent videos from Arcane Library and Sly Flourish about generating ideas for adventures using random tables is one such post. So if you want to see the update just click here.
As the above image demonstrates I did in fact cave and get Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons. I can’t wait to use it within my campaign. But first we need to get our sessions started again. No new date has been set yet!
In other news FFG in partnership with Dark Horse Comics are releasing a third art book in their series based on FFG intellectual property called The Art Of The Android Universe.
The Art of the Android Universe will be “showcasing the design and art from the hit table top games set within the Android Universe!”
Cool I’m a big fan of the Android universe. I have been ever since I first got into playing Android Netrunner. I just love this vision of a cyberpunk future that FFG have come up with.
This art book will be a great resource for GM’s wanting to run an adventure in the Android universe. I’m pretty sure it will compliment The Worlds of Android book very nicely as a source of inspiration.
The Art of the Android Universe is due out according to its Amazon UK page on the 16th December and will be £33.99.
EN Publishing have just announced that their license to publish 2000 A.D. related products is coming to an end.
No real reason is given in the announcement. However we can speculate as to why until the sun goes down and still not know the truth. So I’m not going to even try.
What I will say is that this is a bloomin shame. I really liked the WOIN system they based everything on. I loved that the source books followed major classic story arcs.
However you will still be able to buy the current 2000 A.D. related products until March 2022, remaining stock levels permitting of course. Plus from Dragonmeet time next month there will be a half price sale on the rulebook.
You can read the full announcement HERE.
SPOILER ALERT TO MY ADVENTURERS! The following post contains spoilers for the up and coming campaign. You may want to avoid this post and join me in a future one.
So this weekends planned session has been cancelled due to lack consensus as to which day it should be. At the moment no new date has been suggested or agreed on. Which is very frustrating.
I’ve not so subtly prodded the group in our Messenger group about this. So it’s wait and see to whether anyone or all of them will come to a date they all agree on.
I think I’m ready. I just need to go through the Lazy DM steps before hand.
I’m still dithering over whether Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons will be added to my library of D&D books. I know the adventurers have met the Red Rage of Mintarn. But do I plan for them to meet more dragons in the future? I certainly think they might have an encounter with a dragon turtle whilst at sea. And there is the germ of a plan for running the Jim Murphy Undead trap. Which will involve, possibly, an undead dragon skeleton. Just to make things interesting.
But do I need Fizban’s? Need? No. Would like? Possibly.
I’m sure I’ll get it. The question is just when.
In the meantime I’m left wondering if our campaign will manage to start again. I think it’ll be lucky if we do get a session before Christmas now. Then obviously the seasonal event kicks in which takes us into next year. Maybe I’m being too pessimistic and need to be more optimistic.
Our second monthly meet-up since club gaming sessions started back up happened last night.
Earlier it looked in doubt whether Jonathan or I could make it! For me it was dependent on whether mum felt up to dog sitting. She had been looking after them for most of the day while I was at work. Oh yeah I have a part time job that I started this week.
Luckily things worked out for both of us to be able to attend. Unusually for me I was the last one to arrive at The Luxe. Despite being on time. I’d been caught up with phone calls with family and friends, plus catching up with a neighbour after delivering a parcel that had been left with mum for them. So I wasn’t late, just not my usual early self.
There were 5 at the table and it was decided to play Wingspan “fully loaded” (all the expansions). I know Jonathan and I had both said we’d never play Wingspan at its full player count again. But here we were setting up for 5 players.
After a rules rundown for Colin who hadn’t played the game before, we started play.
I’d forgotten how long a max player count of Wingspan can take. I think including setup (which is pretty quick), rules explanation, the total time playing was a tad over 3 hours.
To be fair it didn’t seem that long.
But it’s funny to think it was only the previous Friday that we did a 4 player Civilization A New Dawn game in less time than this fully loaded 5 player game of Wingspan. I think Tapestry was around this play time as well. However Jonathan won’t play those games. The theme, and type of game aren’t ones he enjoys. And the duration of last nights game I suspect pushed the limits for Jonathan.
It certainly did for me, but for other reasons. I’d told mum I’d only be a couple hours! So I did have to apologise when I got home. The saving grace was she could have an easy day to day and not get up early.
The final scores are below. As you can see it was a very comprehensive win for Diego. And done in such style by achieving the holy grail of our two achievements for playing Wingspan of filling up all the spaces on the player board. But not only that Diego got the other achievement as well of getting a score over a hundred. And I think this was also the first physical game to break that barrier. So bravo Diego.
And finally we finish with Jonathan’s photos of the evening.
It was a great evening of gaming, great banter, great fun, with great hosts.
Since it has become possible to game in person again there have been more and more opportunities to get games and expansions bought during the lockdowns to the table.
A while back I did a post about what I had acquired during that period and looking forward to getting to the table. And I have managed to get some of those games to the table. Which the gallery clearly shows below. However there are still a few that have not been as lucky.
But I decided while starting this post to turn getting the games/expansions to the table as a challenge within the Board Game Stats app that I have been using for years now.
What shocked me whilst setting up the challenge was the number of games/expansions that found their way into my possession in that time! I’ve given myself a year to complete this challenge. One or two of them are big games that will be harder to get to the table and thus will need longer to plan for.
But I did setup a second challenge with a closer deadline to play 15 new-to-me games by the end of the year.
As a one off below is the complete list that makes up the pandemic challenge.