#RPGaDAY2022 Day 7

My day of the week clock is going to be so messed up this week. Mainly because I’m working both days of the weekend.

However I have a transfer date to my new store. Which means this time next week I’m based at a new location. Doing a new role. Very exciting times.

But that’s enough about me. We are here for that day seven goodness of the #RPGaDAY2022 thing.

So todays thought for the day is “System Sunday: Describe a cool part of a system that you love.”

Before I actually share my brief poorly written thoughts on this subject. I just want to say I love the idea of doing a regular Sunday thing looking at a cool part of a RPG that I own. Maybe it’s something I’ll come back to once this death march has finished.

In todays answer I’m going to look at the cool part of the Alien RPG that attracted me to the game.

I’ll admit right here and now I’ve not played the Alien RPG. I have everything for it. But not played. There are plans to run a session or two starting to take place. But nothing solid at the moment.

When I first heard about the Alien RPG obviously the theme of having a RPG set in the Alien universe really attracted me to the game. I love the Alien movies. Love the books, graphic novels, video games set in that universe.

However what really sold me on the game and made it a “I must own this and play it” was when the YouTube channel (sorry can’t remember which) I was watching started talking about the stress mechanic the game used.

… mounting tension is represented by your STRESS LEVEL. It usually starts at zero, and can increase by pushing dice rolls (see page 60) and by experiencing frightening or stressful situations…page 30, Alien RPG Core Rulebook

This is how the core rulebook describes how the stress mechanic works.

When you push a roll, your STRESS LEVEL immediately increases by one point… When making skill rolls—including the immediate re-roll when pushing—add a number of Stress Dice to your dice pool equal to your current STRESS LEVEL. This means the stress actually increases your chances to succeed at skill rolls—it makes you more sharp and alert. However, if you roll a face hugger symbol on one or more Stress Dice during a skill roll, you risk panic.page 61

The stress dice should be a different colour to the other dice used in a skill roll. Obviously Free League sell their Alien specific dice (pictured above). However any six side dice can be used.

That push your luck element to represent stress really did impress me. It sounded so cool and simple. And yet effective.

Rolling those dice and seeing the face hugger appear surely must cause the tension to rise not just for the player rolling but also round the table. What’s going to happen on that panic roll? “A Panic Roll can cause your skill roll to fail no matter how many you rolled.” page 61.

A panic roll has you “Roll a D6, add your current STRESS LEVEL, and check the table…” page 104.

As long as your total is less than six, nothing bad happens. But seven upwards bad things start to happen. The severity of that bad thing gets worse the higher your total. It starts off minor but soon gets to “oh shit”.

The more you push your dice rolls the more likely something bad happens when you get the face hugger symbol. So you have to manage that stress level. All of a sudden that skill test you have to pass becomes a difficult decision about whether you push the roll and increase your stress level risking bad things. I can only imagine (at the moment) the tension.

All this just resonated with me. I just needed to play/own this game.

I hope you also found this mechanic cool. What would your answer be.

Grp2: When last we left our heroes… #6

Our paid employees of Adele continued their exploration of the first floor of the haunted house. Where they came across the bound and gagged Drenol. Babs thought it was her lucky day.

Jeb was a bit suspicious of Drenol, and remained so after Vas freed Drenol.

In the next room the party searched Vas found Drenol’s missing gear. Despite Jeb’s gut feeling of Drenol, and growing jealousy he was getting from Babs.

In the final room to be searched Drenol took the lead in an attempt to earn the trust of the party. It was here that he disturbed a minotaur skeleton and three zombies hiding behind a four poster bed.

After the “minor” skirmish of which the party somehow escaped with minor wounds, we left the party deciding what to do next.

Post Mortem

It’s been a while since I’ve had to copy and paste the following into a post.

SPOILER ALERT TO MY ADVENTURERS! The following part of the post contains spoilers for the up and coming campaign. You may want to avoid this part of the post and join me in a future one.

Obviously with this post mortem only appearing now it’s right and proper to surmise that session six didn’t happen in July.

Life once more got in the way and only two players could once more make it. So that first attempt in July got turned into a Star Wars Outer Rim session.

Then the next scheduled weekend for it had to be cancelled due to work. I had a shift that day.

It was nearly the case again this time. I still have a shift today. However I was able to suggest we move the session to last night instead.

Naturally life decided a couple of players couldn’t make it. Plus we were getting a new member to the group.

Which meant I had to somehow find a reason for a new adventurer to suddenly appear and join the party. Along with the two existing players once again playing two characters.

I was going to have them come in through the front door for some reason. However the Ghosts of Saltmarsh haunted house map had a better solution for me.

In one of the unexplored rooms on the first floor bound and gagged in just their under garments is the owner of the haunted house. This got changed to our new player.

As I was prepping for the session before the others turned up I informed the new player how they’d be appearing in the house, and sadly they would have none of their starting gear.

The starting gear I would be placing in one of the other empty unexplored rooms on the first floor.

I also wanted a combat this session to kind of bond the new member with the rest of the group.

So in the remaining unexplored room I decided there would be some zombies hiding behind a four poster bed.

At the last moment I added in a minotaur skeleton. Just to make it “challenging”. This felt more like a mini boss and minions battle now.

I need to run zombies correctly. When they hit that zero hp I didn’t do the Undead Fortitude. They just died.

I thought this introduction of a new player to the group went rather well. It felt a natural part of the exploration of the haunted house.

I’m still concerned about these seemingly op Tasha abilities. I want there to be peril, challenge to encounters. Otherwise what is the point of doing them, or playing? Do I ban them? I want them to have them. But how do I handle them?

I really like the new spiral bound edition of the Lazy DM Workbook. Having that and the Companion at the table as part of my toolbox during the game is nice.

We didn’t finish the haunted house, the players still potentially have the attic to explore. Which means this will have taken three sessions to complete. Longer than I thought it would. I then need to decide if the players level up. It depends on how the next session goes.

Hopefully life and work allow the next session to go ahead as planned with a full house of players.

#RPGaDAY2022 Day 6

Day six in the #RPGaDAY2022 house.

Darren is really struggling with todays challenge “How would you get more people playing RPGs?”

Apparently his dislike of streamed games like Critical Role is playing a major factor in hindering him participating in the challenge.

However his only contribution so far has been to hold his RPG sessions (which have on the whole been D&D sessions) in public places like a cinema foyer, or the sports and community centre.

Which he hoped would peak peoples curiosity, get them to ask about what they were doing, even take part in a taster session.

Sadly the last part hasn’t happened yet. But he remains hopeful.

In the meantime the streamed games are proving rather popular and attracting lots of new players to RPGs, particularly that 800 pound gorilla D&D.

#RPGaDAY2022 Day 5

Here we go again, day five.

I hope you are taking the opportunity to check out other content providers takes on each days theme/inspiration.

Today we are asked “Why will they like this game?”

Is it the theme?

Is it the story?

Is it the setting/world?

Is it the game mechanics?

Is it all, some, or none of the above?

Playing “blue” in Rivals!

August has started off with some games of Vampire the Masquerade Rivals.

Last night was a Vampire Wednesday session where Shane, Marcin, and myself saw our clans battling it out for control of Prague.

Then this morning it was Diego’s turn to try his luck winning control of Prague.

From the above you may have gathered we were playing with the new city deck that comes in the latest expansion Heart of Europe.

For both sessions I was testing my first attempt at building a deck for the game.

It was good that I got a multiplayer game in with it. Plus a head to head. I was able to see how it played in both circumstances. A deck will sometimes be more suited to one format over another.

But before I talk more about my deck let’s briefly look at the games and new city deck.

First up below are the leaders and rivalries for the Vampire Wednesday session. It was the same for both games played.

How the rivalries played out at the Vampire Wednesday session

This was a session where both players teamed up against me!

What can I say? I guess neither Marcin or Shane have played MtG, especially against a blue player.

They did not like it that I was attaching cards to their characters, or stopping them playing cards.

Naturally the way my initial draft of the deck is constructed I didn’t have much in my tool box to stop attacks. Plus I forgot to burn vagrants and citizens in the street when I used my leaders ability.

Leaders from this mornings games with Diego

The new Prague City deck was renamed the deck of doom. The new Second Inquisition cards are nasty. They stack! Ignore secrecy! Do damage and discard cards based on number in the stack!

The new citizens and vagrants are colourful and paint a seedy side to Prague. Plus a bit more tougher to remove.

The new Prince of the City title gives two agenda points when attached to a character. So less impactful than the previous one that gave an agenda point plus prestige at the start of each of your turns. You don’t feel pressured to attack the Prince to stop that gradual accumulation of agenda points.

I like the new City deck. It feels fresh.

Obviously I could have made changes to my deck before playing with Diego. But I didn’t. I wanted to see how it did in a head to head game.

It did it’s thing. But the same weaknesses I identified last night were also an issue in this format.

Game results for both sessions

My first deck

Let’s now look at my first ever Rivals deck and the thinking/inspiration behind it.

When I was sleeving the Shadows and Shrouds expansion cards I came across the card Mental Block. I wanted this in the Hecata deck. Then it got me thinking. This is a very blue card.

The inspiration for this deck

I have been known to splash blue in a deck.

I wondered if it was possible to make a blue archetype deck in Rivals? Are there enough cards to make it viable?

I used the Hecata precon as my starting point.

I stripped out the cards to do with wraiths. They didn’t fit in with the game plan.

I wanted vampires in torpor, getting the torpor ability value from them each round plus clock up the agenda points.

But at the same time I needed to protect my haven and leader. The plan to do this was to control my foes/rival. Whether thats from forcing them to discard cards, stopping them playing cards, removing mortals/citizens from the streets, or giving them curses.

All blue like things to do.

I also needed to generate prestige somehow so there are ways to do that.

I have card draw options in the deck and a way to increase the secrecy of my haven. Enabling me to try find solutions, and make it harder to attack vampires in the haven.

This is a passive deck. It’s not meant to be aggressive. It’s meant to control.

Here is my first attempt at a deck in Rivals which I call…


My leader, haven, and agenda
  • Agenda – Death is Only the Beginning
  • Haven – Eternal Life Mortuary
  • Leader – Annika (Hecata)

Vampire Deck

  • Faith Gray (Tremere)
  • Lorenzo Murik (Tremere)
  • Anjali the Samedi (Hecata)
  • Bianca Giovanni (Hecata)
  • Kristin (Hecata)
  • Nathaniel (Hecata)

Library Deck

  • Soul Crushing (Attack)
  • Second Tradition: The Domain (Action Ongoing)
  • Sleep of the Damned (Ritual) x 2
  • The Shakedown (Action) x 3
  • Clairvoyance (Action) x 2
  • Blood Makes Noise (Ritual)
  • Utter Darkness (Attack)
  • Interrogation (Attack)
  • Truth of Blood (Ritual)
  • Mental Block (Unhosted Action Ongoing) x 3
  • Psychic Assault (Attack) x 2
  • Tenebrous Avatar (Reaction)
  • Fortify the Inner Facade (Reaction) x 3
  • Defense of the Sacred Haven (Ritual) x 2
  • Grave Robbing (Action) x 3
  • Early Grave (Action) x 2
  • Seek Knowledge (Ritual) x 2
  • Fourth Tradition: The Accounting (Action) x 3
  • Flesh of Marble (Reaction Special) x 2
  • Spirit’s Touch (Action) x 2
  • It’s Your Funeral (Attack) x 2

I need to replace the Attack cards with more Reaction cards. They are dead cards in the deck.

Do I have the correct number of copies of each card? Not sure that will be the tweak after I add in the reaction cards.

I’ll close with this Rivals agenda which has me thinking about a second deck!

Does this make mill a viable deck archetype?

#RPGaDAY2022 Day 4

And we are back with day four of this month long event.

Today I answer the big question on everyone’s mind who is taking part in this, “Where would you host a first game?”

When I ran my first D&D game as a DM, which also happened to be a taster game also, we played in the foyer of The Luxe cinema. A very public location.

Now if I was to repeat the event I’d use our current hosts for Fenland Gamer sessions Wisbech St Mary Sports and Community Centre.

As the photo above shows there is plenty of space to have a couple of tables out.

There is a bar so refreshments can be purchased at a discounted price (compared to a pub or other establishment). We can even purchase food now. Well technically we could before but it was just a couple of rolls as your only choice. And we weren’t guaranteed those being available either.

We can be as private or public as desired. I know the D&D group prefer sitting in a different part of the bar which is more open to the public.

Sometimes that choice is out of our hands because of bookings.

However for a first game I’d try and make sure we had a bit more privacy. Just so that new players felt more at ease and less self conscious.

Where would you hold a first session?

#RPGaDAY2022 Day 3

Well here we are day three.

Lets dive straight in.

Todays theme is ”When were you first introduced to RPGs?”

I was first introduced to RPGs way back in the mid eighties.

I’d read about them in one of the many video game magazines I bought at the time. Probably C&VG.

From there I bought a couple of fanzines at the time. I definitely remember reading one of these that mentioned Tunnels and Trolls.

However the first RPG I bought was the classic red box Basic D&D Starter set.

Sadly I had no friends interested in playing.

So it wasn’t until I went to Brighton Polytechnic in 1987 to do an HND in Computer Studies that I joined a RPG society and played my first RPG.

That RPG was MERP aka the Middle Earth Role Playing Game. I played a hobbit (can’t remember the class) called Dram.

It was this society that taught me the secret of making alcholic jelly!

What is your answer for todays theme? Let me know in the comments.

#RPGaDAY2022 Day 2

With this post I’m back on track and all caught up.

I’m so glad it was only a day I had to catch up on.

On the plus side you have had a post-tastic day from me to help pass those moments of boredom.

So our inspiration/theme of the day is “What is a great introductory RPG?”

For me, based on my limited experience, a great introductory RPG has to be fun, accessible, not bogged down in rules. Ideally it has to have a good introductory adventure that is challenging but not deadly for the players, but also supports the new DM/GM, and playable in about three hours. Oh and affordable, ideally under £25.

With that in mind, the first RPG that comes to mind is Paranoia. In particular the introductory adventure [YOUR SECURITY CLEARANCE IS NOT HIGH ENOUGH FOR THE TITLE OF THIS ADVENTURE] from the Mission book that comes with the Ultraviolet edition of the Paranoia RPG.

I really do love how this introductory adventure talks a new GM through the adventure. You don’t even need the rulebook handy!

Naturally D&D comes to mind with it’s Starter and Essentials sets. An indepth review of the latest Starter set by Sly Flourish shows that the included adventure has support for a new DM. Although the included rules books are cut down from the full blown equivalents they are still a lot of reading before hand.
However in Sly Flourish’s Uncovered Secrets Volume 2 (a Patreon exclusive at the moment) there are rules for a ”One-Sheet 5e”.

This simplified version of 5e helps experienced DMs teach new players or lets anyone to run quick improvised 5e games including guidelines for creating simplified 1st level characters.
Which although I haven’t used yet, are printed out and in my DM folder ready for that introductory session.

So thats my two suggestions for todays theme. Not very original I know. I’ll try harder tomorrow.

#RPGaDAY2022 Day 1

A day late, but here we are once more.

The theme/prompt starting off this years #RPGaDAY is ”Who would you like to introduce to RPGs?”

Gosh this is harder than you think, and its only day one!

There are so many ways you can answer this.

Do you go down that classic dinner party with anyone route? Do you pick people you know? Or maybe go for a more general catch all answer?

Obviously if anyone posts on the Fenland Gamers Facebook page or Discord server they want to try D&D (Usually the one most people are aware of and ask about) we try and accommodate by running a specific beginners taster session first.

One or two of my work colleagues have expressed an interest in trying RPGs. I’d love to run something for them. But there seems so many obstacles to overcome before that happens. The main ones being conflicting shifts, child care, and where to host.

I’d love to introduce my son Nathan to them too. I think he might enjoy them. But it would basically be a DM and single player (Nath), as we would only be playing when I visit. I know D&D can be played like this. But I’d much prefer a system that excels or is made to be played like this. So I need to do some research in this area.

I’ve not done the dinner party route. And despite answering the question I seem to have just listed why I can’t introduce them to RPGs. But that has to be a factor. Unfortunately I have a job that covers evenings and weekends. The times when the majority are free. Which does make things a bit harder. Life does have a habit of getting in the way.

But when it doesn’t I love introducing folks to RPGs.

#RPGaDAY2022 Intro

It’s that time of year again where I spam you with badly written posts about RPGs based on a daily theme.

I nearly forgot all about it (again).

But a day late is better than never or months later.

Below are the planned themes everyone will be sharing about this year.

#RPGaDAY2022 Themes taken from https://www.autocratik.com/2022/07/announcing-rpgaday2022-in-august.html

Don’t forget people will be creating around these themes in many many different ways. Doing a search on the various social media platforms or just your favourite ones for the hashtag should reveal a wealth of amazing content.

As per usual for me, my participation in this annual event will be via posts on here.

Sadly for you. But lucky for me. I only have one day to catch up with. Which means today will be a very heavy post day for me.

So I better get catching up. See you in the next post.