Record breaking club night

I know a day or late on this one. But better late than never. Besides I do have this whole #RPGaDAY2022 thing going on at the moment if you hadn’t noticed.

Plus I had my last shift at my current store yesterday before moving to a new one and a new role.

I’ve been really taken aback about how supportive and kind everyone at work has been. There’s a bit of me that thinks it doesn’t deserve all these kind words.

Yesterday my boss came in to say good bye, thank me, and give me a card and a bottle of Monkey Shoulder whisky. Charla a friend gave me a couple of chocolate cup cakes (I do have a whole cake thing going on). Then at the end of the shift I was given a card signed by lots of friends and colleagues, lots of chocolate and a chocolate birthday cake.

That last bit nearly made my eyes leak.

I’m kinda sad I won’t be working with them all. However it’s not a good bye. More I’ll see you around. As I’ll still be shopping there, and possibly picking up the odd overtime shift.

Anyway I digress and you want to know more about the blog post title.

Friday was once again that time for another Fenland Gamers club night at our hosts Wisbech St Mary Sports and Community Centre.

As per usual I was there early to get set up. With the help of Charlene, Colin and Ben we put up three tables, and some chairs. Got our refreshments in, and waited for others to turn up. My waiting included ordering and enjoying a banana split.

When Jonathan arrived he pointed out we didn’t have enough tables out! He was expecting seventeen people to turn up! Seventeen!

That is the club record that was broken. We’ve never had that many attend before. That’s massive for us.

Despite having so many attending I did get to game with Jonathan on a club night. Which as I’ve said before is a rarity these days.

But then I did have a couple of games Jonathan was interested in trying with me.

Our first game was The Bloody Inn. A game I came last in. I had an engine built that was good for bribing guests. But that took far too long to set up, and I let it too long before bumping off and burying guests.

Marcin on the other hand took quick and easy points and ran away with the victory.

Our second game of the evening was a new arrival that day Santorini New York.

I quiet enjoyed play this. It’s definitely a much better multi player experience than Santorini. Which is a two player game only. Never play it with more.

There are some nice twists to the core Santorini game play in this new version.

I like the different ways to win. There are now three ways. Two require that you meet the win condition and be the current player with the Statue of Liberty. The third just be the last person standing.

That requiring to be the player with the Statue of Liberty in order to win is nice. It creates some interesting decisions when it comes to selecting a card to play. Possession of the statue goes to the person who played the highest valued card each round. However that also means that person is going last that round.

There is the whole hand management side to the game deciding which and when to play a card. Even which card to keep for the next or future round.

I like the fact everyone has access to the same “god” powers. Although it’s possible to get a hand of cards that are mostly the same ability. In our second game on our final round I had three engineer cards out of the five cards in my hand.

Placing skyscrapers is a nice new addition, and adds in a whole new decision of how best to place to screw over an opponent. Ideally blocking them in so they have to lose a worker.

Visually like it’s predecessor New York looks stunning on the table. A real wow factor.

But there is a but! A big but!! The quality of the game board and cards is atrocious. It really lets the game down. I know it’s not an expensive game. But a better quality game board would be worth an extra couple of pounds to the price of the game.

There is room for both versions of the game in my collection. Especially considering that merits of both games. If I was just playing with another player it’d be Santorini every time. It’s an amazing game, and a better game. But want to play at a higher player count it has to be Santorini New York. That’s where it’s strength is compared to Santorini. It’s a much better multi player experience.

Results of Fridays games

When I left what seemed like the longest game of Ticket to Ride Europe was going on. I think they are still playing!

This was an amazing evening of gaming. So great to see so many people playing games.

#RPGaDAY2022 Day 14

After yesterdays near slip up and just about posting within the days deadline (by the UK time zone that is). I’m writing todays hash tag entry before I’ve even had my first coffee of the day!

So let’s get on with this so I can have my coffee.

Suggestion Sunday: Roll 1d8+1, and tag that many friends and suggest a new RPG to try.”

I’m not going to follow this to the letter today. Instead I’m going to suggest to who ever reads this blog a couple of new RPGs to try and why.

These won’t be RPGs I’ve played. But they will be ones I own. The reasons I give to try them are basically what attracted me to the RPGs and why I want to eventually get them to the table.

My first recommendation is the FFG series of RPGs, The End of the World.

There are four books in this series, Zombie Apocalypse, Wrath of the Gods, Alien Invasion, and Rise of the Machines.

I own two of them, Zombie Apocalypse and Alien Invasion.

So why should you play them?

Firstly the players play as themselves usually in whatever town/city you live in. Their starting equipment is whatever they have in their pockets and in the room the game is played in. You also if you are the GM get to kill yourself off in some gruesome way right at the start of the game. There has to be a reason you aren’t taking part in the adventure after all.

I find this first reason so, so cool. It also makes the whole game so personal. All of a sudden it’s not some npc villager dying and coming back to life as a zombie, it’s John Satt who you went to school with. Wait that’s my best friends house those aliens just blew up.

The second reason is the d6 system used by the game. It’s very narrative based. Very similar mechanics wise to the FFG custom narrative dice used in the Genesys system. So no special dice needed. Very quick and light to use.

The third and final reason is the variety of choice of apocalypse you want to experience. Each book has at least three variants based around that books theme. These books theme and variants inside can be said to be inspired by one or two movies. Which I love.

Ok on to the next recommendation.

I think you should try either the Labyrinth RPG or the Dark Crystal RPG.

Most definitely if you are a fan of either or both the movies. But I think you might enjoy these even if you are not.

Each book is the complete adventure, you only need add pen and paper, plus d6 dice in the case of the Dark Crystal.

These are rules light systems. Very accessible.

They look fun.

I love both movies. So I was sold on the theme.

Let me know if you’ve played these and what you thought about them.

#RPGaDAY2022 Day 13

Wow nearly missed todays entry.

It’s going to be close.

Right todays theme is…

How would you change the way you started RPGing?”

I don’t think I would change anything about it really.

Sure it would have been fun to have started playing with my friends that I grew up with, and went to school with.

I’m not sure if that had happened I would have actively searched for an RPG society at Brighton Polytechnic. But instead been happy to play D&D with my friends whenever I returned home (which I did often).

I made some good friends playing MERP. Unbeknownst to them they were helping me through a very difficult part of my life. They played games with me, treated me normally. Something I needed at the time.

And I wouldn’t want to change that.

Blue Updated

Wednesday morning saw me visiting Diego’s Pad once again to play VtM Rivals.

It was a chance to try out the changes I made to my blue deck. Diego was also trying out his first built Rivals deck.

Below are our two leaders for the mornings games.

Our leaders

Our first game was a victory for Diego by knocking out my last vampire in my coterie. I’d shuffled my deck too well and wasn’t hitting the newly added reaction cards. Or when I did it was too late. I also remember running dangerously low on my prestige in this game too. Which meant I also wasn’t hitting any of my prestige generating cards.

Game two ended in an agenda points win for Diego.

Something I was unable to stop.

In this game I failed to control the streets, so there was a build up of citizens and vagrants.

The game did last a lot longer. The control side was working really well. The reaction cards were impactful.

I did mill Diego! And for a couple of rounds had Diego down to zero or one card in hand. Having two copies of mental block out meant a lot of pain for Diego.

I’m happier the deck is working a lot better.

Ok here is the bit folks really want to see, the new deck list.

Blue V2.0

Leader, Haven, and Agenda
  • Agenda – Death is Only the Beginning
  • Haven – Eternal Life Mortuary
  • Leader – Annika (Hecata)

Vampire Deck

  • Faith Gray (Tremere)
  • Lorenzo Murik (Tremere)
  • Anjali the Samedi (Hecata)
  • Bianca Giovanni (Hecata)
  • Kristin (Hecata)
  • Nathaniel (Hecata)


  • Second Tradition: The Domain (Action Ongoing)
  • Sleep of the Damned (Ritual) x 2
  • The Shakedown (Action) x 3
  • Clairvoyance (Action) x 2
  • Blood Makes Noise (Ritual)
  • Truth of Blood (Ritual)
  • Mental Block (Unhosted Action Ongoing) x 3
  • Tenebrous Avatar (Reaction) x 3
  • Fortify the Inner Facade (Reaction) x 3
  • Defense of the Sacred Haven (Ritual) x 2
  • Grave Robbing (Action) x 3
  • Early Grave (Action) x 2
  • Seek Knowledge (Ritual) x 2
  • Fourth Tradition: The Accounting (Action) x 3
  • Flesh of Marble (Reaction Special) x 2
  • Spirit’s Touch (Action) x 2
  • Hardened Flesh (Reaction)
  • The Mighty Fall (Attack/Reaction) x 2
  • Slap in the Face (Reaction) x 2


So approximately a third of the deck are reaction cards! That’s a pretty big commitment.

With me milling Diego in game two I want to try this deck with the Disheveled Shelves agenda.

I’m also thinking maybe cutting back the rituals and adding in the wraith cards!

I still need rituals to increase the havens secrecy. But I’m not really getting the opportunity or deciding to play them. Which means the vampire slots might be open to consideration also.

#RPGaDAY2022 Day 12

We are fastly approaching the mid point of this thing. The time is flying by. I think this years focus definitely so far seems so much more personal. I must catch up on some of the other content creators and see what they are doing.

Let’s see what todays soul searching question is.

Why did you start RPGing?”

I think it’s been established my teenage years were the 80’s and the UK home computer boom. Living in a fenland market town.

Over in the states they had the whole satanic panic stuff going on. Which never really was a thing over here. So we weren’t really aware of it.

What I was aware of was the “moral majority” in the US and their campaign against heavy metal. After all I was into KISS and other metal groups, reading the then monthly Kerrang! and driving my parents and neighbours crazy with loud rock. So this sort of thing got reported in Kerrang!

In the UK we didn’t escape the moral crusade of others. Here we had Mary Whitehouse and her campaign to censor tv and video. We had the whole video nasty thing. Plus a wanna be Mary Whitehouse called Victoria Gillick who was trying to impose her catholic beliefs on the country and control girls bodies. Fun fact about Victoria Gillick she lives in Wisbech. So we often saw her round town. I went to college with one of her daughters. Plus a few years ago her husband was a UKIP town councillor.

The nearest I got to hearing about the religious fundamentalist campaign against D&D was seeing the Tom Hanks movie Monsters and Mazes (rented and watched on video).

There is a certain picture being painted over these types of posts. I certainly think comparisons could be made between Wisbech and say a mid west American town. It was (and still is) Hicksville.

It certainly feels looking back that it was in its own little bubble. Although it still has the whole “are you local?” thing going on.

I’ve already said previously the home computer boom expanded my world.

Despite owning a copy of the Basic D&D Starter set. I hadn’t actually played it. None of my friends were interested.

I think I could be best described at the time as D&D or RPG curious!

Playing an RPG seemed the natural progression from adventure and RPGs on the home computer.

They were something I wanted to try. I thought I would enjoy them. Although to be truthful, I wasn’t entirely sure what they were, and how you played them.

I think I’d owned the Starter set for a couple of years before going off to Brighton Polytechnic.

I joined the role playing society at Brighton Poly so I could try an RPG for the reasons mentioned above.

Maybe in a future post we will get to explore the Brighton years in more depth. Until then catch you in the next post!

#RPGaDAY2022 Day 11

“If you could live in a game setting, where would it be?”

I’d like to say the Forgotten Realms, but let’s face it it’s basically a fancy Middle Ages setting. No flushing toilets, no running water, diseases, working the land, feudal system. Need I go on to why I wouldn’t want to live there?

Middle Earth?


No for me it’d have to be one of the cyberpunk dystopian futures such as that depicted in FFGs Android setting.

The moment I first played Android Netrunner I fell in love with the theme.

The runners taking on the mega corporations.

Yes it’s still a world of haves and have nots. A world of corruption, run by mega corporations. Mega corporations that are not openly at war with each other, but fight against each other in the shadows.

Image Copyright to FFG

To be fair apart from the level of technology, no space travel, or space elevator, are we really that far off what is being depicted in these type of settings?

Mega companies like Amazon, Google, Facebook and Apple more or less tell Governments how much tax they will pay. They are almost a law unto themselves. Our politicians no matter their political leaning act in the best interests of the big companies and the rich.

But still in this bladerunneresq future I’d see myself more as one of the runners than say a Street samurai. It’d just love the tech. As I do now, and have done ever since the home computer boom of the 80’s.

Which setting would you choose?

A hot day of gaming

It’s been one of my days off and I managed to get a day of gaming in!

This morning I was over to Diego’s Pad as it is identified on the bgstat app play VtM Rivals. I’ll cover this in another post. I want to go over deck changes and this isn’t the post for that.

Then this afternoon Jonathan and myself met up at our local Costa to play games.

It’s been a long time since Jonathan and I have held one of these.

It’s been a while (not as long as the gap between now and our last Costa gaming) since I’ve had a chance to play a game or two with Jonathan.

It’s the price we’ve paid since we had the influx of new members to the club night.

I’m not complaining. I think it’s amazing and wonderful that we have so many people now attending meets, even arranging their own sessions.

New friendships have formed.

New gaming rivalries.

It’s gotten easier to get various games to the table.

But the side effect is that we don’t get to play games together as often as we used to.

On a side note I’m now wondering how or when the next stage of the club happens. By that I mean we get even more members coming along! Or even how we achieve that. Will it be a slow gradual growth or like this time a more dramatic increase over a short period? I can’t wait to see which.

After purchasing our over priced beverages we played a game of the roll and write I got from Jonathan The Castles of Burgundy: The Dice Game.

Apart from a rules gaff on bonus points per completed area. The light to mid weight roll and write was fun as a two player game.

It’s foot print, and simplicity to some of my other roll and writes makes it a great game to put in the bag for these sort of sessions.

Our second game of the afternoon was Onitama with the “new” Shadow and Light expansion.

We both really liked the Shadow and Light expansion. It bought a nice hidden movement element to the game.

Plus this main way to play the expansion (there is another way you can play Onitama) was quick to setup and understand the rule changes. It helps these are summarised inside the two game screens.

You have an extra decision to make on a turn about whether you move the ninja or not. Plus extra tracking of the ninja on the smaller board. But it doesn’t actually add another to the time to take a turn.

I think our main and only criticism of this expansion is that the screens could have been a bit taller. A criticism I’ve seen elsewhere. I feel the box size of the expansion had more to govern the size of them than the actual practical use of them.

The results of our Costa Gaming

I’ve had a blast playing with my friends today. Long over due.

#RPGaDAY2022 Day 10

It’s a blistering hot day, I’ve managed to get some gaming in on my day off. Apart from the heat it’s been a pretty good day off. But I’ll cover all this in another post.

You’re here to read todays entry in the 2022 RPGaDAY thingy.

So what is our thunk for the day?

It’s “When did/will you start Gamemastering?”

I started gamemastering way back (and this makes it sound like a long time) in 2019. I want to say April/May time. I’d go back on here and check but in this heat that’s too much effort.

In reality we are talking less than twenty sessions. It’d be more if there hadn’t been a global pandemic.

So I’m a fairly inexperienced DM/GM.

But I do enjoy it. Especially after discovering the way of the lazy DM. Which has made preparing for sessions a delight.

#RPGaDAY2022 Day 9

Let’s see what’s behind the round window.

Todays deep dive question is “What is the 2nd RPG you bought?”

To answer this one we need to once more jump in to that Delorean and go back to the life shaping year 1988.

It, (to paraphrase a famous quote) was the best of times and the worst times.

In 1988 I was living down in Brighton, studying at the Polytechnic.

It was the first time in my life that I was living away from home. I was adjusting to living in a hilly place. Brighton with its hills is the complete opposite to the Fenland town I had spent my whole life in. Which is flat as a pancake.

The previous year we had “survived” the great hurricane that had hit the UK. With all the fallen tries around Brighton it seemed to an active imagination like mine at the time like Saruman had been at work here recreating Isengard.

The start of 1988 saw my Grandad passing away. I remember being told he’d gone into hospital, and I was planning to travel back to see him. However my aunt (living in Horseham at the time) asked me to call in on the way back. Which I did. It was then she told me he had died.

Later in the year I got to meet Ace Frehley and get his autograph at a record signing in Kingston Upon Thames. Followed a couple days later seeing his first ever UK solo gig. I was buzzing those few days.

During the Summer my brother and I were at the Castle Donnington Monsters of Rock gig. Where we saw KISS. But acts like Guns and Roses were also playing.

We saw one or two other groups that year. But I can’t remember who.

Then in September Dad decided to take his own life. I was at home when this happened. I tried to resuscitate him. I’ll never forget the taste of his breathe. As you can imagine this hit me pretty hard. The new academic year started weeks later. We had barely said good bye before I was back down in Brighton.

My final year (I was doing a two year HND) was more me trying to deal with Dad’s death than studying. It was a very rough time. But I some how passed.

So there you have some context around my purchase of my second RPG. Some of this will be very new information to some of my friends.

From previous posts in this years #RPGaDAY we know that D&D was my first purchased RPG, and that MERP was the first one that I had played.

However my second RPG purchase was not the rules for MERP but the core rulebook for the Elfquest RPG.

At the time I was developing a serious comic book habit, with the Brighton Forbidden Planet being my main dealer of choice.

I had already bought a complete set of the Howard the Duck comic book in the search of the first ever KISS comic book appearance. I really got into Howard the Duck through this search. A love of the character I still have to this day, despite the movie.

I was buying Batman and Punisher comics, Nausiccaa plus some other manga. But more importantly I had stumbled upon the Pini Elfquest comic.

There was something about these wolf riding elves and their search for a new home and other elves that just grabbed me.

So when I found out that there was an RPG (basically by seeing the rule book on the shelves at the Brighton FP) I had to buy it.

Sadly I’ve never gotten to play the RPG. I don’t think I’ve ever sat down and read the rules completely. Only ever skimming through them.

I know there are some criticism of the rules and the bonding of elves with there being little or no control over who bonds to who. In these more enlightened times I’m sure that if this was to be updated that that problematic bit would be dropped or handled more sensitively. Let alone the mechanics simplified and made more accessible.

Maybe one day I’ll get to play it, or use it with a system like Genesys.

What was the second RPG you bought?

Cake, the big apple, and space cats

Thought I’d give you a little breather from the yearly hash tag shenanigans on here with a little update on the collection.

Last week I finally got my hands on a copy of the Portal boardgame.

I bought this off a friend. There was only one way I could address the envelope with the agreed sum within (see below).

The plan is to finish off my posts on the video game (I’ve not forgotten, just not had the time), then write about playing the boardgame.

I did order a copy of Santorini New York via Which should arrive by next week.

I had to order it from the US of A because this rethemed version of the two player classic never got a release on these shores. Copies have found their way here. But never in any quantity.

GenCon has been and gone (just, it finished yesterday). The FFG in-flight stuff was very uninspiring. Their big surprise/teaser at the end was a Star Wars deck builder. But obviously no more details on that at the moment.

However finding out Twilight Inscription was a roll and write set in the Twilight Imperium universe got me interested in this when it releases next month.

From what I can gather after the in-flight chat about the game, and watching a GameBoy Geek video on the game, it most definitely falls on the heavier side of the roll and write spectrum.

Heck each player gets four player boards to manage! Which are double sided. One side is identical for everyone. The other unique. So you get to decide how everyone plays the game, whether every starts off the same, or with slightly different boards.

So I’m totally sold on this.

I just needed the Genesys Twilight Imperium source book to be released. It’s nearly a year late at the moment!