On the winning side x2! Aka Jeff’s Birthday Gaming Bash 2022

Apart from when a global pandemic and the UK Government’s mishandling of it throws a spanner in the works. My friend Jeff throws a gaming day to celebrate another year on this planet.

Yesterday was the appointed day of celebration for this year.

It was a particularly important one for me. One I didn’t want to miss considering the life stuff that happened to Jeff just before Christmas.

There was nearly a spanner thrown in the works when I found out that I’d been given a shift in my new job on the same day. Luckily it was an early shift (remember that early start I mentioned in the previous post?) meaning I could go to work and arrive by midday to take part in the game day.

This years big game saw the return of Memoir 44 and an Overlord scenario.

The first scenario saw the Russians vs the Germans in Tigers in the Snow scenario.

Jeff commanded the German forces, whilst Jonas commanded the Russians.

There was some pretty amazing demonstrations of poor dice rolling by both sides during the game.

However the Germans won in the end.

The second scenario we played was the reverse side of the Tigers in the Snow map, Operation Market Garden.

Naturally this second scenario had a personal connection because Arnhem is one of the battle honours of the Paras. My dads regiment. Dad was in 2 Para.

So when it came to choosing positions at the table there was no way I wasn’t going to be in charge of the 1st Airborne.

This time Jeff was commanding the Allied forces, whilst Jerry commanded the Germans forces.

Despite once again the Allied forces not getting to Arnhem, the Paras stood strong against the German forces, and sealed an Allied win.

Memoir 44 is a great two player game. However as a multiplayer game using the Overlord rules and maps it’s a great multiplayer game too.

Despite being knackered once I got home. I had a great time celebrating another year with Jeff, friends and his family. I’m thankful to have been invited and to have been able to go.

Now the discussion starts for what next years big game will be.

Food:cowboy beans plus cake. The beans were fantastic.

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