Wingspan – 100 point barrier broken!

A bit of a sensational post title, many many other players have achieved this. But this is a first for our group.

But before I go into how that was achieved I just want to sing the praises of one of the Wingspan apps features that I really like. That feature is the Preserve Archive.

When you finish playing a game before returning to the main menu you are given the option of saving that game to the reserve. I’ve been doing that for all the games I have played so far (I only play Wingspan against my friends online). So it’s like keeping a running record of those games, which I really must turn into data that can be analysed and graphs drawn (wish there was an easy way to get to this data). But it really is cool being able to go back and look at the detail of everyone’s final board state.

Yesterday I got to play three games of Wingspan.

The first game of the day was a three player game with Jonathan plus an AI opponent during the afternoon.

For some reason the Switch version of the app decided to play up by crashing. And then once back up and online, deciding to play the background music so it sounded corrupted! Even quitting and go back in didn’t seem to fix it. But I soldiered on through this adversity to tie the game with the AI. Which was given the win on some bs tie breaker.

The second game of the day was later in the evening and saw Jeff joining in to make it a four player game. Having done absolutely nothing between games to rectify the earlier sound issue, it was now fine!

It wasn’t until the later stages of the game that I decided to look at the board states of the others. I was horrified to see Jonathan had both Ravens out. But he was struggling for some reason (He’ll hopefully put his experience and reasons in the comments about this). I still thought the game would go to Jonathan.

So I was pleasantly surprised that I scored more points than him. And I’ve only just noticed I scored the exact same score as I had in the earlier game. Alas thus was not good enough to beat Jeff, who romped home to his first win. I suspect he’s been practicing.

We started our third and final game, after all our first game had taken about an hour. There was time for another. Or so we thought. Jonathan noticed it first. But this third game was taking an age. Despite taking our turns almost instantly (there was no AP going on), the little egg timer would appear and be there for minutes (never timed sadly). Something was up. But we were committed now. It was well over two hours for the game to finish.

The game did finish though, and when the dust settled, scores tallied. Not only had Jeff hit the 100 point barrier, I had smashed through it and got the win with 102 points. Just like buses if I was to use an old tired cliche.

As you can see below I needed to set up a card draw engine to get cards into hand to fully utilise my bonus. So I took the early decision to forget the end of round objectives and try and get as many birds in hand as possible. I certainly got a lot of value out of tucking cards, such as draw another card, gain an egg, discard a wheat to tuck two, gain a wheat. Because I was drawing so many cards I was able to cherry pick cards that fitted in with my plan and deny the others.

This morning I realised I should have scored 103 points, but failed to tuck and draw one more time on my last turn! I was too set on making sure that I had 8 cards in hand to max out my bonus, forgetting the last tuck replaced itself. That slip could have cost me the game. Many a game has been won by a single point.

I did miss out on 2 points from the final turn. Basically if I had the nest space I could have gained a further 2 eggs. But I was 100% full, no room at the inn. So not an option.

Below are the final board states for both Jeff and Jonathan.

As you can see Jonathan was one bird from completing a self set achievement of completely filling his reserve. The next achievement for us all to try and beat.

I’ll leave you with a parting gift of Wingspan tallying up the final scores. While watching this 30 second clip (the Switch is great at creating these) trying and imagine being Jeff and thinking you’d got this. Then it dawning on you that I had a lot of tucked birds as they got added to my score, and you had just been beaten. I can still here the echoes of Jeff screaming “noooooooooooooo!”

Back to other stuff in the next post.

4 thoughts on “Wingspan – 100 point barrier broken!

  1. Can’t really explain what went wrong with my game with the Ravens. I just couldn’t get anything going, despite having those two powerful birds. At the start of the game, I was really lagging behind with birds played, and I was drawing bird cards in the hope of being able to find a nice combination to work with. After a few draws and a vague idea of what could be done, I drew the first Raven. I had planned a different engine completely, but changed it when the Raven came into my hand. That was probably a mistake and I should have stuck with my original plans. To be fair, I only got the second Raven on almost the last turn of the second round, so didn’t really exploit it. With two Ravens though, I didn’t have an excuse not to have more points than I ended up with. 58 points with two Ravens working for you is a pretty dismal result.

    In the last game I was going for an attempt to fill my board for the first time, but the trade off for doing this was in points. I started by constructing a drawing engine to get some cheap-to-play birds in my hand (I also had a couple of ‘when played’ birds that could play an extra bird into their habitat). I was too busy trying to get birds that would help in my quest to worry about what you and Jeff were doing, although I did try to get in with the end of round goals where possible, but didn’t concentrate on fulfilling those things at the expense of trying to fill my board. I failed in my self-imposed mission, needing just one more turn to do it. I really was disappointed with myself and even more so when I realised that both you and Jeff had broken the 100 point barrier and I hadn’t fulfilled my first. It would have been great to say that I also achieved what I set out to do in that particular game, but alas, it was not to be.

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