What does…? A response to A Double Double ‘n Dice

It seems at the moment my only Dice Masters posts are “responses” to the excellent Dice Masters podcast A Double Double ‘n Dice, hosted by Kim and Jocelyn.

Ok we know by now the reason why I’m not getting Dice Masters or any other lcg/ccg to the table. But for those that have worse memories than myself I’ll remind you. The venue where we play games currently isn’t open on a Tuesday. I believe they will be once again as we get nearer to the Summer. However unless a new venue can be found we are unable to play at the moment.

But less of my gaming woes and back on to topic.

In the latest episode Kim and Jocelyn ask…

Before we get onto my thoughts on what was discussed, take this opportunity to hear Kim and Jocelyn discuss this subject first by playing the embedded YouTube video below.

Welcome back.

The discussion started off with mulling over the release schedule of product and what the “perfect” frequency of new sets would be each year.

Eventually Kim and Jocelyn hit on three sets a year. Which was the number I initially thought of when they started discussing the subject.

For me three sets a year, which is basically every four months, gives folks time to buy, collect, and play with the new set before starting all over again.

It also doesn’t flood the market, stretch store finances, or milk us players.

One thing WotC used to do. But they have stopped any pretence now and are just out to squeeze as much money as they can out of players. They release way too much product, you barely get chance to play with it before the next thing is out. And the end result is there are some really poor sets released that don’t sell. Which hurts the LGS who get left with product that isn’t selling.

And I want Wizkids to learn from the WotC mistakes.

The three sets a year should allow Wizkids enough development time to release a higher quality product that players will want to.

I would add along side three sets a year I’d love to see some supporting products like the original style two player starter sets, or a preconstructed team that would be competitive in a LGS game night. Something new players could buy and get a good start to playing the game with.

I’m going to skip over the competitive play of worlds and nationals. I’d never make it to worlds (would need a passport first). A UK/EU nationals held at UKGE each year would be cool. I’d go to that.

It’s the OP kit discussion that I went…

You can’t have exclusive cards with new abilities that can only be gotten by winning a tournament of some kind.

We all know that there are some unscrupulous store owners out there (mainly in the US I think) that would sell on the OP kit or the exclusive card on eBay for silly money.

But more importantly if the card turns out to be a Master Mould or Gobby level card only a very small handful of players will have it. They will have an unfair advantage.

If I buy a booster/draft pack I have as much chance as the next person in pulling something good.

This suggestion puts the card in the hands of a minority, and makes it accessibility or chances of getting it very restricted. What if your FLGS doesn’t run Dice Masters events? You’re screwed.

Wizkids could ban the card. But that then makes it worthless as a prize.

Easiest solution don’t do it in the first place. Make prizes stuff like playmats, or as also suggested alt art cards, or even mini booster packs of three cards, possibly with alt art of cards from the last three sets, for example.

Don’t give participation prizes to everybody!

Nooooooooo! I was going all Luke again.

You pay your event entry fee. You need something back apart from just playing the game. Stores can’t not charge. They have to pay for the OP kit, and any additional prize support. They need to cover the expense of the kit.

But at the same time not everyone is going to win a prize. So a participation prize is a necessity.

These store events are about building the game and its community.

Participation prizes are a key part of that.

Come to our event, take part and get a cool card for doing so. It’s a great selling point.

I think Wizkids could even learn from FFG and Star Wars Unlimited here and borrow their OP format. I like the encouragement of the casual side where even just turning up talking about the game, trading cards, building decks will get you a participation prize!

The rest of the discussion I totally agree with.

I did get another brief mention in the mail bag section of the show. And now know Kim will never read these posts of mine.

Still a great episode that as you can see obviously sparked some thoughts.

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