Trying out the level with tiles

SPOILER ALERT TO MY ADVENTURERS! The following post contains spoilers for the up and coming campaign. You may want to avoid this post and join me in a future one.

Decided yesterday to build the first level of my dungeon to see how it looks. Or could look.

Level 2 is a bit more complicated.

The plan is not to have the the whole level out on the table. But only show the relevant bit (read as little as possible).

You will notice I’m not using pieces with walls. I’m implying they are there, and the mind will do the rest!

Doing it this way avoids one of the criticisms of 3D tiles that the players view of the room gets obstructed and they can’t see what’s going on. It’s also cheaper for me.

I keep saying this, but I can’t wait to see the players reaction when they see all this on the table.

In the meantime I have some boat tiles being printed. My friend sent me a photo of the stuff in progress.

I’ve got enough ordered to make a long boat or keelboat plus row boat. The photo below off the thingiverse page shows the sort of thing that can be done with them.

The draw back of this method over say battle maps is that the benches for rowing aren’t present/shown. But that’s something I can live with, given the flexibility of the system.

Next on the to do list, brown primer and oak brown paint, and a wash. Not sure what wash to use. I have a brown, or do I use a light or medium tone?

Can’t remember where I got this next photo from, it’s somewhere off the Internet. But this is the sort of thing I want to be able to achieve eventually.

I’m not sure where they got some of the tiles (the straight triangle ends) but I’ll get there.

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