Still Alive

After a day or two without posting I thought I better post something as proof of life. Plus by using the post title that I have, and the obvious (for a gamer) music choice at least you have some quality entertainment before getting to my drivel.

I thought in this “come back” post I’d briefly look at the two new apps I’ve been playing. Or at least discuss my experience of them so far.

About three weeks ago I got accepted onto the beta test for the Roll for the Galaxy app. It’s something I’d forgotten I had applied for. So when the email arrived in my inbox telling me I was in, was a pleasant surprise.

Basically being part of the iOS beta test means I get to play the game for free until they are ready to release it officially to the general public. That’s when I will have to delete the beta version and pay for the release version. When that moment happens I will gladly part with the money.

I’m really enjoying the experience of playing the app. I’ve not played against anyone else yet online. But my games against the AI have been fun.

I do own the physical game and I like playing the game. How ever I’d not really considered it a filler game. Games had typically taken around 30 – 60 mins depending on number of players and experience etc.

What I’ve found with the app and playing against the AI is that I’m playing the game as a “I have 5 minutes to fill” type game. Which surprised me a little. In fact since getting the app it’s been my go to app for those moments of “I want to play something, but not invest lots of time playing” moments.

In fact this beta version came out within a day or so of the Imperial Settlers Roll and Write app, and apart from an initial play, I’ve been playing this instead.

Nearly two weeks ago now the digital version of Viticulture was released.

Sadly for Viticulture it was after the Roll for the Galaxy app, and it has taken me just over a week before I even fired the app up and played a game.

Since then I’ve played a couple of games against the games AI. I’m liking the implementation but I’m missing the Tuscany expansion. It’d be nice to play a game or two against friends. But not likely to happen for a while.

But like the Lords of Waterdeep and Manhattan Project apps it will allow me to scratch a gaming itch. After all these are my three top favourite worker placement games. So having the option to play all three of them now digitally against AI is a god send.

I still have the Charterstone app to start playing, and I want to learn Race for the Galaxy using the app. So plenty to keep me going.

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