Turning Angrath into a legendary creature

SPOILER ALERT TO MY ADVENTURERS! The following post contains spoilers for the up and coming campaign. You may want to avoid this post and join me in a future one.

In what seems an age now (and technically it was) I made an initial stab at bringing the MtG Planeswalker Angrath to D&D, the Forgotten Realms, and my campaign.

Time passes, DM’s grow, get more experienced, learn new tricks (yes this old dog is learning new tricks!)

Although the adventurers in my campaign have not met Angrath yet. They have come across his minions, and herald. And they have definitely incurred his wrath by attacking his pirates liar, and stealing a boat from his pirate fleet.

So a reckoning is on the books for the party sooner than later.

The encounter with Angrath most certainly is a boss fight.

For this post I thought I’d revisit Angrath and reimagine him as a legendary creature.

To do this reimagining I will be following the Sly Flourish template for improvising legendary monsters (I only did a none post about it a couple days back).

Let’s get started…

The initial monster stat block for Angrath will remain the same, which is the Minotaur stat block.

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the monster fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Legendary Actions:

  • Misty Step
  • Melee attack

Hit Points: 152 (doubling the Minotaur HP – but this most likely will be adjusted at the time of the encounter to take into account the level of the party and how the encounter is going).

Tweak Damage: Angraths whip will do 15 slashing damage plus 10 fire damage. His warhammer will do 8 bludgeoning damage plus 10 fire damage.


  • Fire shield
  • Shield
  • Scorching ray

Minions: naturally Angrath will not be alone when he brings his wrath onto the adventurers. There will be pirates supporting him. He will also be able to redirect damage to his minions.

I do like the idea of Angrath being a legendary creature. It seems more fitting for the boss of a pirate fleet, and his Planeswalker heritage. I’m also now of the opinion these spells he now has access to are more in keeping with the character.

So that’s Angrath as a legendary creature. How balanced or challenging he is is another thing. That will only be known once he is used in anger in a boss encounter.

But the process of making Angrath legendary was fairly quick and painless. Vraska next I suppose. But less pressure as the party are a while off from meeting her.

VtM: Rivals Toreador Pre-Constructed Deck

Despite having written two posts yesterday, the second could easily have been scheduled for today, I’m back with another post today.

As we await the opening up of pre-orders for the second expansion for Rivals, The Wolf and The Rat (Gangrel & Nosferatu clans). I thought I’d start looking at the Core Set and the first expansion Blood & Alchemy (Tremere & Thin-bloods clans) in an adhoc series of posts.

These posts will initially look at the pre-constructed decks (as I play them), followed by posts looking at deck building.

I’m going to give a big disclaimer before I do though. I don’t have lots of game time playing Rivals. Heck so far I’ve played it twice! So I can’t be called an expert by any standards. What I will bring to the table when I look at the decks is my experience from playing MtG, Epic the Card game and Android Netrunner.

This inaugural post will be looking at the Toreador clan pre-constructed deck from the Core Set.

The image below is the official deck list for the Toreador deck.

You can pick up this deck list and others here

The rule book gives the following description for the Toreador deck.

Ideally in your starting hand you want one of the Unhosted Action – Ongoing cards, and an Attack card that increases your attack (such as Biting Comment, Seduction or Baseball Bat).

Your first turn you need to be attacking a City Deck Mortal in the Street and attaching it as a retainer to Lixue Chen. Plus playing the Unhosted Action. Unless your Unhosted Action is Beauty is a Beast then you need to play that first and use it’s ability to aid in the attack. Depending on the mortal being attacked you may not need to play an Attack card, and can save that for a later turn.

So let’s look at the cards.


Agenda/Haven plus new player leader

Looking at the agenda, haven and leader the word that is on all three cards is retainers. This is telling me that this deck is the Rivals version of an MtG voltron deck. I want to be attacking City Deck Mortals in the Street and attaching them as retainers to the vampires in my Coterie. Not only do I get an extra agenda point, the vampire heals one blood plus the retainer buffs the vampire in some way also making them more powerful.

Faction Deck

I like that Bella Forte and Iris Lokken synergise so well with Search Engine. Being able to control the top card to get maximum benefit from these two is really powerful.

Having two vampires that do something with retainers is good. Whether it is stealing an opponents retainers with Liza Holt or getting an influence buff from them like Muhammad Zadeh.

There are two vampires that can block ranged attacks. The jury is still out on how good these are for me. My limited play hasn’t allowed me to fully appreciate these cards.

Muhammad and Iris get nice influence boosts to sway those scheme votes. Iris is great for trying to get your own scheme through. But Muhammad once buffed with retainers is great for voting on your own schemes or an opponents.

Library Deck

42.5% or 17 cards of the Library Deck are Attack cards, with 1 duel use Attack/Reaction card. That’s a pretty big signal to me that this deck should be attacking, whether it’s your rival or City Deck Mortals in the street. I like how there are cards to drain your rivals prestige, steal a retainer or get a buff from your own retainers.

12.5% or 6 cards of the Library Deck are reaction cards, not including the duel use card. Only Fleetness fits in with the retainer plan. The other is ok for it’s shields and absorbing damage.

7 cards or 17.5% cards are Schemes. Two do something with prestige. Although it sticks in my throat with the group hug cards where I’m helping everyone. My favourite of the three is Balance of Power as it can be used to weaken my rival. I suppose in a multiplayer game you could try and politicise them and strike a deal to play them.

With 22.5% or 9 cards being these ongoing Unhosted Actions. I like these as they fit in nicely with the overall game plan. I do like Search Engine, don’t under estimate being able to control that top card of the deck. Apart from its great synergy with the two vampires mentioned above. Just being able to filter what you draw next is really powerful.

There is a single title card making up 2.5% of the deck. It feeds into the influence plan for schemes. But not sure how good this card is.

Let me know what you thought of this post in the comments below.

Vampire Wednesday Morning

One of the things I like about Renegade Games and what they are trying to do with Vampire the Masquerade: Rivals is establish a community for the game.

Vampire Wednesdays is their attempt at creating their version of Friday Night Magic. To support this they have been running a weekly live stream on twitch on Wednesdays. With the video being shared on YouTube days later.

Ideally because I don’t do twitch I’d love them to push the live stream to YouTube at the same time, or at least put the video up on YouTube within 24 hours. But I can only dream.

At the moment the only other player I know who likes the game is Diego. Luckily the day he is free to play is a Wednesday. Sadly due to timezones and availability we are playing many hours before the Vampire Wednesday live stream. So any fun formats, rule changes introduced for those joining in are missed. I suppose we could use them the following time we play.

This morning Diego and I met up to play a two player game of Rivals.

I played Toreador, whilst Diego played Malkavian. Once again these were the pre-built decks straight out of the core box with no modification.

We were still having to refer to the rulebook to look things up. Like conspiracies, we hadn’t played them before. But for our second game we were getting better!

I have to say I enjoyed playing Toreador.

My experience with the deck was far far different from Gavin last week. The cards were much much more kind to me. I had Search Engine and Influencer in my opening hand. Both Unhosted Actions. So they were both played for my first turn. A great set up turn. Influencer was great as it set up playing a scheme turn two to take a prestige from Diego.

Whilst Search Engine gave me the Rivals version of the scry mechanic in MtG. I love this card. Being able to basically control the top card of your deck with this deck is important. Several of the cards in the deck have you revealing the top card to get some kind of benefit, like extra attack or influence.

It’s also important with the Toreador deck to get a retainer early on to start buffing your vampires and gaining agenda points. Which I was able to do on my second turn. Getting a vagrant also allowed me to mitigate the S.A.D. damage at the end of my turn until a second one appeared in the street. So I was happy leaving it there to chip away at Diego’s Coterie.

Diego had a nice card that exhausted all my vampires so I couldn’t attack his vampire he was going to claim the Prince of the City with. Unlucky for Diego he never got to benefit from it as I claimed it off his vampire on my turn.

In the end I won by TKO or more correctly sending all his vampires to Torpor.

I enjoyed Rivals as a two player game. It was different to last weeks three player game. I like both player counts. But I can see how a deck needs to be built for either a two player or multiplayer game. Multiplayer your deck can be a bit slower to kick in, but in two player you need to be out of the starting block as quick as possible.

There wasn’t enough time to have a three player game with a friend of Diego’s that turned up mid game. So we had a couple of games of Perudo before I had to head back home.

I’m looking forward to our next Vampire Wednesday Morning.

Improvising Legendary Monsters the Lazy DM Way!

Yesterday Sly Flourish put up one of his DM Tips/Short Cuts videos that was about “Improvising Legendary D&D Boss Monsters” (video embedded below).

I love videos like this. I love how they help DM’s, whether new or old, have the tools to help them up their game while running a D&D session. But especially videos like this that help build up tools you can use to react to unplanned events at the table.

After all even in my short time as a DM I know that the party of adventurers will go off book, do the unexpected. You can’t plan for everything. And the way of the Lazy DM doesn’t try to.

But it does give you the tools to be able to handle everything. Even if you are making it up as you are going along at the table. Or improvising as it’s called.

I was going to write up some notes on the video for me to refer to at the table. An aid memoir.

But before I did that I thought let’s just see if Sly Flourish has written a blog post on this to go along with the video. He had not. There was a post on “Improvising Colville-style Action Oriented Monsters in D&D” which has been added to my notes.

There was one last place to check before sitting down and scribbling down some stuff. That place was the Uncovered Secrets pdf on his Patreon for patreons (although later this year will be part of a third book in the Lazy DM series).

I hit pay dirt. Sly had written up the notes for me already. How kind. That saves me a lot of time. I know I have the pdf, and can print the page out. But I’m hoping that when it comes to putting the new book together that this makes the cut. Sly has said on his live streams that one or two of the Patreon articles that makes up Uncovered Secrets and the Adventure Generators pdf (both will make up the new book) will remain Patreon exclusives.

I’m also crossing my fingers that the above linked article about Action Oriented monsters gets added.

So you’ve just read a post about how I haven’t made some notes on a video I like! Is this a none post? I’ll try better in the next post.

#RPGaDAY2021 Day 31

So here we are the big finale. The final post of this years hashtag.

Apart from starting a day late, it felt a little strange to be doing this at the correct time.

I do like the daily prompts to write something (no matter how half hearted the words are). I’ve treated each post as a longer format tweet than an in-depth well written witty take on that days theme.

I certainly don’t do this to generate traffic to the site. I barely promote my participation. I think maybe five or six times (if that) I shared a link to the entries on Twitter. There was no noticeable jump in page views or visitors from doing so. So it’s lucky I don’t do this blog for self promotion or to make a living from.

Let’s do this one last time…

This post has to be a thank you post really.

They won’t see this, but I think I need to say thank you to the likes of Matt Colville, Sly Flourish, Nerdarchy, Jim Murphy, Seth Skorkowsky, The Arcane Library, and The Secret Cabal’s Lords of the Dungeon for their inspiration and great content.

A big thank you to The Luxe for allowing our D&D group to play on their premises.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t say thanks to my best friend Duncan for his friendship and printing 3D stuff for me to enhance the table top experience of my sessions.

An even bigger thank you for our D&D group, for their kindness, support and patience as I find my feet as a DM.

And finally a big thank you to you the reader for suffering my ramblings.

Normal service will now be restored until next time.

#RPGaDAY2021 Day 30

The penultimate hashtag post.

We’ll look at how I think this years has gone tomorrow.

In the meantime here you go…

Probably the hardest theme of them all.

However as I was thinking wtf am I going to write about this one it came to me.

I forgot to mention an RPG that I owned yesterday!

Yeah I know it’s weak. But it’s the best I could come up with.

So what RPG did I forget to mention?

Why Labyrinth The Adventure Game.

It’s a complete RPG with everything you need to play it in a single book.

Well almost. You still need to print out character sheets, and use pens or pencils.

You can read my first look at it in a previous post here.

#RPGaDAY2021 Day 29

Wow is there really only two more posts left after today? This years hashtag has flown by.

So here is today’s post…

For me today’s theme is straight out the different RPGs out there (and there are a lot).

Below is a list of the different RPG systems I own:

  • Genesys (Terrinoth, Android, Keyforge)
  • Judge Dredd and Worlds of 2000 A.D (Strontium Dog, Rogue Trooper)
  • Paranoia
  • The End of The World (Zombie Apocalypse, Alien Invasion)
  • Alien
  • Cyberpunk Red
  • Star Wars RPG 30th Anniversary edition
  • Thunderbirds
  • Judge Dredd RPG 1985
  • Judge Dredd RPG 2002
  • Elfquest
  • D&D 5e
  • Fate Condensed
  • Twilight 2000 4e
  • The One Ring 2e

I know, I know the last two aren’t officially out. But I do have the early pdf copies of the rules that they released to backers. After all I backed them, and shipping chaos allowing will have the physical stuff before the year ends.

What surprises me is how many of the ones I own are d6 based, and build a dice pool of some kind.

There is only one that uses custom dice, and that is the Genesys system. Although the dice app for it is now free. With those d6 systems some may have official dice with one or two of the numbers replaced with a symbol. That is a nice touch and doesn’t stop the game being played with regular d6. Unlike the Genesys system that is unplayable without its custom dice.

The only d20 based systems I have are the obvious D&D and the 2002 Judge Dredd RPG.

I also like how my RPG collection is more scifi leaning than fantasy. Although I love both genres.

After coming across the year zero engine in the Alien RPG from Free League I’m impressed how flexible the system is. It is used in all of there RPGs which cover a handful of genres. But I’m still impressed with how they used it in the Alien RPG and it’s stress mechanic. It sold me on the game. So it’s not a surprise that I have more than one of the Free League RPGs now.

It looks like I also skew to systems that are for an IP I like or love such as LoTR, Judge Dredd, Star Wars, Elfquest and Thunderbirds.

I’d love to know what you think my RPG collection says about me.

#RPGaDAY2021 Day 28

As life starts to move with tentative steps in the direction of “normal” I’m left thinking how much of the old “normal” do I want back? Now is the time to come up with a new “normal” and as the song says them times are a changin’. Particularly diet wise and eating less meat.

And here we go again…

Thought I’d go with a little dungeon delve today using The Deck of Many Dungeons to generate a little single level dungeon to explore for a low level party.


It’s been a long time since I rock and rolled
It’s been a long time since I did the stroll
Ooh let me get it back, let me get it back
Let me get it back, baby, where I come from
Led Zepplin, Rock and Roll

It’s been a long time since we gamed at The Luxe.

But last night we finally returned to our gracious hosts for a test gaming session with limited attendance.

The plan was hold a game night at The Luxe. See how it went. Review the evening and make a decision about restarting regular club nights.

Our game for the evening saw Lost Ruins of Arnak hit the table. A game that joined my collection over a year ago and remained unplayed until last night. I hadn’t even punched the cardboard until Tuesday when I discovered I hadn’t even done that.

Naturally I arrived a few minutes before the designated start time for the evening to get set up. It’s a little thing but it does ensure that the majority of our game time is spent playing and not setting up and packing away.

And that brings me to my main comment about the Lost Ruins of Arnak. It’s a lot of setting up. Lots of fiddling about with mixing up tokens and placing them on the board, shuffling decks, shuffling of piles of tiles.

Once you start playing it’s a lovely game, a great mash up of deck building and worker placement. I can see why this was getting a lot of buzz when it came out.

I love how it’s 5 rounds and that’s it. It forces you to focus. And seems a popular mechanic in some great games (Imperial Settlers and Wingspan come to mind). Like those other games you are left wanting at least one more turn. Which I like.

Also like those other games you start off not being able to do much and as the game progresses you are able to do more and more on your turn as you buy items or artifacts to make your deck more powerful.

Naturally there were misplays and a need to refer to the rule book on a regular basis through out the evening. Our impression of the rule book was it wasn’t great. We found trying to find information not easy due to it being spread over multiple pages, if it had what you were looking for. Plus on more than one occasion we found that it was also unclear in the information it was giving. I think our best example of this was artifact cards, buying them and using the ability straight away.

I loved that new cards (unless an artifact) went on the bottom of the deck. Getting to use the new cards quicker is cool.

The research board is a great addition as you race the other players up it to claim bonuses before the others.

I was surprised how few sites we explored to. In the end there were 4. I think it’s more that we all got distracted by the research board at the cost of exploring.

Jeff took the honours and romped home to the victory. Sadly I came last by a point to Jonathan. So now I got to live with that until I can return the favour and crush him.

The general consensus around the table was we liked Lost Ruins of Arnak. Definitely a game we want to get back to the table (aren’t they all?)

It was felt the evening went well. We all felt safe enough. The precautions our host have in place to mitigate risk were excellent. Although the cinema wasn’t busy, no crowds in the foyer. So we decided to go ahead with holding regular gaming sessions again. But at a slow, cautious pace. What that means is instead of weekly gaming sessions on a Friday they will be fortnightly. As for the monthly meet up. Before starting that up we decided to get some feedback from the club members about the best night to hold that.

For those interested we are asking that those attending are either vaccinated against covid and/or have taken a LFT (which is negative) in addition to any requirements that our hosts The Luxe require.

I’m hoping to get Dune Imperium, Star Wars Outer Rim, Rolling Rome and Vampire the Masquerade Vendetta to the table over the coming weeks.

#RPGaDAY2021 Day 27

The end of another week, and the start of a bank holiday weekend. Which as a full time carer means diddly squat. Especially over the last 18 months plus because of world events.

But gaming sessions with friends has started to become a thing again. And that makes a big difference to things. Something to look forward to again.

This evening we have a test gaming session at The Luxe. If this is a success then gaming sessions for Fenland Gamers will start back up on a regular basis (assuming world events don’t conspire against us). So here’s hoping things go well.

One more time with feeling, here is today’s thing…

Taking the easy route out with today’s entry for the hashtag and going for one of the alternative themes, Group. Which will also be very very short, thankfully.

Having the right group of people around the table is so so important.

Not every group is made up of life long friends. Often it is a group of strangers who eventually (maybe) go on to become friends.

So that session zero before a campaign is so important for everyone. It helps bond the group (or hopefully starts the process), makes sure that players and DM/GM are on the same page when it comes to expectations (play styles, themes, direction of campaign) , and topics that are off limits.

I’m lucky I have a great group for our D&D campaign. Some are new friends, others are friends I have known longer. All I have met through our game group Fenland Gamers. And I’m looking forward to continuing our campaign with them and seeing where we take it.