SPOILER ALERT TO MY ADVENTURERS! The following post contains spoilers for the up and coming campaign. You may want to avoid this post and join me in a future one.
Looks like I need to get back to the library earlier than planned to print out the new stuff from the update to the City of Arches I need in my DM folder to aid in the prep for the next session and the subsequent ones.
Obviously the two pages that make up the adventure generator will be printed. This is a version of the Core Adventure Generator from the Lazy DM Companion geared towards the City of Arches.
The new side map is a must. To give you an idea what this looks like I’ve put a snippet below. I will need to create a relevant snippet for Mark to aid in his characters knowledge of the city.
Finally the new location descriptions will need to be printed out.
I’m glad this update has been released. It will be very helpful in preparing the next session.
After tying up the two Children of Ibraxus cult members that they had captured to the alter in the crypt entryway. Our party of adventurers headed off to find a safer place to have a short rest.
The party decided to rest by the arch in the Sunset Grove.
At the end of the break Quintus Harrowtoes disappeared through a door in the base of the arch.
The party followed after him, descending into the sewers below the City of Arches.
Quintus was moving too fast for them. All they heard as he disappeared was “this way”.
Jeb shouted very loudly to try and get Quintus to come back to them. But it was to no avail. Although it did seem to alert the inhabitants of the sewer to their presence down there.
Whilst looking for Quintus the party came across a web column dotted with cocoons in the middle of the central chamber that lead down to the lower level.
As the party descended down the spiral stairs Babs was attacked by a Giant Spider. Battle ensued, and the eventual defeat of the Giant Spider.
On the lower level the party ignored the fleeing swarm of rats to stumble upon the liar of a Giant Crocodile.
It was here they discovered the torso of Quintus amongst the remains of other prey moments before being attacked by said Giant Crocodile.
Things weren’t looking good for the party. They were most certainly looking at a very brief future. That is until the timely appearance of the wizard Tantalos Whitetail. Who sent the Giant Crocodile back to slumber in the depths of its lair.
After introductions and a brief admonishment about waking up the Giant Crocodile, Tantalos gave the party directions on how to find their way out of the sewers into the Lower Reaches.
And that’s where we left our party.
Post Mortem
SPOILER ALERT TO MY ADVENTURERS! The following part of the post contains spoilers for the up and coming campaign. You may want to avoid this part of the post and join me in a future one.
I’d like to say I was writing my session notes this morning whilst drinking my usual hot mug of caffeinated liquid. But I wasn’t. I was writing my session notes whilst my coffee sat next to me forgotten. It was so cold by the time I’d remembered.
Once again my morning before the session sees me at the library printing stuff out. This time it was the following:
Sewer Lair map from Lazy DM Workbook A3 x 2
Location descriptions for Sewer Lair map from Lazy DM Workbook A4 2 pages
Secrets and Clues page from Lazy DM Companion A4
Points Crawl page from Lazy DM Companion A4
Annotated map of City of Arches A4
I’d printed a copy of the city map for Mark. His character grew up in the City of Arches. So they should know their way around. I also said Mark’s character should also know one area of the city really well. Mark was told not to share this map with the others.
I did two copies of the Sewer Lair because I wanted to annotate one with the notes for the session, and have the other to use whenever.
Being early to the session gave me time to finish off my notes for the session whilst sitting outside in the sunny but cool breeze weather. Which was basically coming up with the secrets and clues. Then when our venue was open I was able to get our play area set up.
As you can see above the warning cards giving valuable advice to the players are back. They should be there every session. However that can only happen if you remember to take the index card box with them in to the session.
Today there was no nice A3 printed map for the players. No 3D terrain or battle map. Instead I was drawing sections of the map on small dry erase boards (see photo below). This seems to have worked ok.
I could have killed the party today, it was very close. The Giant Crocodile was way too over powered for the party. Made more deadly I think because they were not recovered from the run in with the Giant Spider. Maybe I should have used a regular crocodile or two instead.
As you may have guessed from the rather dull dramatic retelling of the sessions story. I did indeed intervene to save the party by having an NPC turn up and rescue them.
I did try and warn the party that there was something dangerous ahead with the fleeing swarm of rats. But as you gathered that subtle warning was ignored.
Although the Giant Crocodile made story sense. At CR5 it was way way over powered for these none rested or healed level 2 characters.
I did hand out an inspiration token today. But not really as a reward for good roleplay etc. More to help counter none optimal decisions.
The Creature and NPC, and Monster cards really do work well for me. Having just what I need for the session plus some “favourites” that are campaign related to call upon does cut down on what I have to carry with me to a session. I’d love something like these for the Tomb of Beasts 2.
Right now to start working out how to get the party out of the sewer alive!
You know it’s the law that I have to say the following.
SPOILER ALERT TO MY ADVENTURERS! The following post contains spoilers for the up and coming campaign. You may want to avoid this post and join me in a future one.
It only clicked yesterday that the players characters haven’t healed or had a long rest yet. So when levelling up they should not be increasing their current hit points to match their new maximum. So I reminded them of this today. Better late than never.
I think I’ve also settled on how session two will start. As the party are escorting the two cultist prisoners to the business establishment of their patron, they will be ambushed by other members of the Children of Ibraxus cult.
It will be a “you are are surrounded and out numbered. Handover your prisoners.”
From there who knows what will happen!
I’m leaning towards the party having to go into the sewers to locate a relic. The old urban legend about crocodiles/alligators living in the sewers of L.A. I feel like making that a real thing in the sewers of the City of Arches. Others creatures I’d like to use possibly are a swarm of rot grubs, and definitely a swarm of rats. I’m also feeling pulled towards using some oozes, maybe a cube of some sort.
I had the Creature and NPC Cards by Gale Force Nine arrive today. I have the cards they do that cover the Monster Manual. Which I like. They are handy to just have the relevant monster cards for the sessions encounters to hand without having to carry the Monster Manual with you. So now I can do the same with the creatures and NPCs.
As the bottom photo above shows the way I store them for use at a session is with some Ultra Pro 9 Pocket folder pages. Obviously these go in my DM folder with all my other notes.
Ok I know I usually do these posts at the start of a new month. But I have no gaming planned until Saturday. So I thought I’d get a head start and bore you with the stats for March now.
SPOILER ALERT! The following post contains spoilers for the Rise of Fenris campaign for Scythe. If you haven’t played the expansion and wish to avoid any spoilers you may want to avoid this post and join me in a future one.
Since coming out in 2018 the Rise of Fenris (RoF) has been sitting sealed in bubble wrap on my shelf waiting for today!
During that time I’ve managed to avoid any spoilers, and just as important resist opening it up.
I wanted to experience the campaign as it unfolded episode by episode revealing what ever surprises it held inside its box. You only get to do this once. It’s like watching a movie, or hearing a song for the very first time. You can never recapture that moment. No matter how hard you try.
Today Ben, Jeff, Shane and myself met up to start this journey together.
For this opening session of RoF we used the neoprene map. It truly is a lovely version of the game board. We were using the base game of Scythe plus the following expansions Invaders from Afar (nearly wrote Mars there), Encounters, and all the promo packs. For the first two episodes it is not recommended to play with the Wind Gambit expansion.
This meant all faction and player boards were in play when it came down to choosing our faction for the campaign.
Player boards were dealt out randomly to each player. Then starting with the highest numbered player board and going in descending order we drafted our faction board, avoiding any banned combinations. Which meant I chose first, followed by Jeff, then Shane, and finally Ben.
We had our factions for the campaign.
I thought on my drive over I had decided maybe I won’t chose Rusviet. But instead try another faction. Assuming no one else chose Rusviet that is. However without even thinking I went for my favourite faction. Somehow the familiar seemed right.
Having the lowest numbered player board meant that Ben would be first player in episode 1 of RoF. A bit of a curve ball for him as this would be his first time of playing the game! Which was also true for Shane. They were about to jump into the deep end of the pool, having only watched a tutorial online. Would they sink or swim? For sure their learning curve was going to be very steep, against two very competitive players.
Episode 1
This is how the factions and player boards matched up for the opening episode of the campaign.
Republic of Polania/Industrial (White) – Ben
Saxony Empire/Patriotic (Black) – Jeff
Nordic Kingdoms/Militant (Blue) – Shane
Rusviet Union/Mechanical (Red) – Me
Setup for episode 1 was as expected, just like a regular game of Scythe. Then it came to making the additions for this opening episode.
The first addition was to draw 1 random objective card from the deck and place it next to the Triumph Track. This was to be an extra objective all players could complete and place a star on.
Next was to punch some cardboard and add an influence token to each of the Triumph track categories plus the objective we had just added.
We also got to choose a free perk for this episode. After that they would cost us hard earned dollars to purchase at the start of each episode. The first hit is always free.
The “special rules” were simple. Be the first to place a star on a category or the added objective and claim the influence token.
Objectives for episode 1 were simple. Win the game, and collect influence tokens.
This first game was basically like any regular game of Scythe. With the only difference being we got these influence tokens that we had no idea what they were going to be used for.
Somehow I wasn’t the first to the Factory! Ben was. Yeah I know how did that happen? But I was second.
This was an unusual game, or it felt that way. We were all in the first section of the popularity track when it came to the final counting. No one had massive amounts of territory that they controlled. There was combat but not massive amounts. It felt we were all being very insular.
I did trigger the end of the game. On the road to doing so I had collected 5 influence tokens.
Not one of us completed the additional objective.
After the tallying of coins was done, and the dust settled Jeff had won.
We made a note of the money earnt. This was going to allow us to buy stuff in subsequent episodes.
Before we moved on we had one more thing to do. Using our influence tokens we had to vote on the direction of the next episode. Did we want to focus more on War (combat and interaction) or focus more on Peace (engine building and infrastructure).
I voted for peace. Which with my 5 tokens guaranteed that was the route we would be going down.
Episode 2
For episode 2 we got new player mats, which were drawn at random. Once again enforcing the banned pairings. Below are the new faction and player mat pairings.
Republic of Polania/Mechanical (White) – Ben
Saxony Empire/Innovative (Black) – Jeff
Nordic Kingdoms/Industrial (Blue) – Shane
Rusviet Union/Engineering (Red) – Me
The game board was reset. The influence tokens returned to the box.
The setup for episode 2 gave us a new Triumph track in the form of a Peace Triumph track overlay. Plus each of us got our matching faction alliance token. We also got the chance to purchase a perk for the episode for $15.
The episode goals were to obviously win the game and build structures.
This time I was the first to get to the Factory. Order to the universe was restored.
It would have been nice to have had the Polania faction ability. But Ben wouldn’t have it. All he saw was the money on the front of the tile, and that he got considerable less on that front than me. He didn’t see how powerful my faction ability was. So sadly I was limited to just one of the encounter cards options.
Initially Shane turned down my offer of an alliance also. His Nordic ability would be handy for my workers. He listened to Ben’s flawed money argument. But eventually he caved and an alliance was made. At just the right time for me as it gave me enough income to fuel my factions abuse of its power until near the very end.
The river walk for my workers did prove very handy allowing me to expand out and build my structures close to encounter spots.
As the final scores show this episode really really suited my faction. I was in the final section of the popularity track getting the maximum points multiplier.
I wasn’t expecting any combat to happen. It didn’t “gain” you anything. However in the later half of the game Ben and Jeff turned to the aggressive side and attacked Shane!
At the end of the episode we got to choose a free Infrastructure Mod, and the chance to buy other ones for $50 each. The number you got to choose from depended on how many structures you built during the game. You got to draw two initially plus an extra one for each structure you built. Which meant I was choosing from 6 mods.
“Remember, wealth earned in Episodes 1-7 is not used to determine the winner of the campaign, so spend it to improve your empire!” Rise of Fenris rulebook, page 19
How cool is the above? “The winner of the campaign is the winner of the final episode”. Love it.
I really loved these first two episodes. The additions weren’t overwhelming, they ease you into the campaign very gently. I can’t wait for our next session in two weeks time and see what surprises lie in wait for us. We haven’t even opened a box yet!
Last night was the fortnightly Fenland Gamers club night, and what was to turn out to be a record breaking one.
Since the reintroduction of in person gatherings last year our club numbers have grown to what I thought was the lofty heights of between 8 and 10 regulars on a club night.
But we went into the stratosphere last night with 14 turning up!
Jonathan had already prearranged a game of Railways of the World. So as they got setup to play it, the rest of us decided what we were going to play. We had one table playing Dinosaur Island. Whilst on my table we played Libertalia.
Out of four plays now this is only my second win.
For this game we used the stormy side of the board with its “meaner” loot abilities.
There were certainly days on the voyages where I had no loot tokens or even a crew on my ship.
At the start of the last voyage I was on 33 points, Jeff was on 28, and Ben was leading on 36. It was anybodies game to win really.
But when your opponents both take out each other’s Wind Nymph leaving it open for you to have yours out and collecting coins, you have to chuckle.
The game is fastly becoming a favourite. It’s quick to teach. Plus it’s a relatively quick game.
As the scores show I did narrowly win this game.
Next we played a new game to me from Oink Games called Scout. Which is a trick taking game.
After a very confusing rules explanation things became clearer once we started playing.
It’s actually a nice little game. So nice I’ve added it to my wish list.
On the last round I should have let the game end when I had a chance. But I took one for the team and it cost me dearly. I wouldn’t have won. But the others would have had much much lower scores.
I had this idea this morning as I drifted in and out of sleep to do a series of posts that look back at yesteryear and the games I was playing that month.
Obviously there is only so far I can go back as I have only been recording game plays in the bgstat app since December 2015.
I thought I’d start the flashbacks with that first full year of data that I have, which is 2016.
I’m not going to do news headlines for the month. But the mess that is Batman v Superman hit the cinemas in March 2016. As did the dire sequel to Olympus Has Fallen, London Has Fallen (which I took Nathan to see).
So what were my top 9 games that I played back in March 2016?
My Top 9 Played Games In March 2016
Only Android Netrunner from those 9 is no longer in my collection. I still have very fond memories of playing the game. In fact I still use it as a measuring stick that I judge similar games by. I still rate the game very highly. Still love the Android universe.
Obviously I play a lot of Star Realms and Epic the Card Game but digitally. I just don’t get the opportunity to play either as physical games. It might even seem a little odd if I did!
Batman Love Letter still gets to the table. Still a great version and my favourite Love Letter.
Five Tribes, 7 Wonders, and Discoveries need a bit of gaming love with a return to the table. Maybe that could be a new challenge at some point, games that haven’t been played in over a certain number of years.
Let’s look at the stats summary for the month.
Stats Insights For March 2016
For those with even less of a life than me, and wish to see the complete list of games I played that month. Here you go.
Complete list of games played in March 2016
That was a cool little exercise. Let’s do it again real soon.
Life had once again aligned the two schedules of Diego and myself so that we could once again have a morning together playing Vampire the Masquerade Rivals.
We selected our prebuilt clans for the morning. Both of us went with the “default” leader for our clans.
To decide who was first player we rolled two of my “who goes first” dice. Diego won that one. I should have heeded the warning sign.
Nosferatu vs Thin-blood
This mornings games couldn’t have started off any worse for me.
Turn one for Diego, play Constant Surveillance and shutdown my Agenda.
Constant Surveillance
My thoughts were to hold off playing another vampire until my next turn, and instead draw two cards trying to dig for some alchemy cards. Which I had none off in my opening hand. And that was my first and only mistake in the game.
Despite drawing four cards in that opening first turn of mine I didn’t find a single alchemy card. Which made Diego’s next turn sting just that little bit more.
Turn two for Diego was to attack my leader in my haven. I had nothing to do but take the beating and watch my leader get sent to torpor, and Diego get one of the quickest and easiest wins possible.
Game one over and done with.
Game two it was my turn to start.
I wasn’t making the same mistake twice.
This second game lasted much longer, and went the distance so to speak of an agenda points win.
I had the early lead on that front, but that was capped at a max of six points from my agenda ability. Diego soon caught up, and then went ahead.
I was much happier this second game. I was getting alchemy cards and attaching them to vampires. We were up to three S.A.D. Agents in the Street. I was more than happy to leave them there as a problem for Diego as I could absorb their damage by spending a prestige.
In the meantime I started picking off citizens in the street. Sadly not fast enough to catch up with Diego who grabbed an agenda point win.
Vampire the Masquerade Rivals Scores for Second Game
We followed up Diego’s comprehensive victories at Rivals with a game of Port Royal.
This was a different experience to the two player game I played with “has to keep pushing his luck” Jeff.
Diego was a much more cagey player. I don’t remember either of us not getting to choose a card on our turn through two ships of the same colour being out.
But like our second game of Rivals after I took an early lead Diego closed the gap and took the lead by completing at the time the only contract that had been drawn. A second contract did appear near the end in which I was in a better position to claim. However the cards didn’t work in my favour, and Diego was able to get the final two points he needed for the win.
Final scores for Port Royal
Although I lost this morning. I still had a great time. I look forward to our next Vampire Thursday Morning.
SPOILER ALERT TO MY ADVENTURERS! The following post contains spoilers for the up and coming campaign. You may want to avoid this post and join me in a future one.
As soon as a session finishes the clock resets and the countdown begins once more until the next session.
I did cave at the end of the first session and let the players level up their characters. Naturally I’m waiting for the new stats to be sent to me. I’ll probably send a gentle reminder at the weekend.
Although I suspect I’ll be running The Delian Tomb next session or a variant. I might stick to goblins. Plus maybe add one or two other surprises, such as a slime or two.
I think my main prep will be to come up with more “jobs” for the party to do for their patron.
This campaign could easily turn into a D&D version of Warehouse 13. I don’t mind having them retrieve the artifact of the week so to speak. But like Warehouse 13 I need that story arc, a big bad for them to lock horns with.
For this I think the “Hunt For The Relic” adventure generator in the Lazy DM Companion might be very handy for generating the artifacts for them to go after.
The nice thing is some of these artifacts can be keys to opening one of the many arches that give the City of Arches it’s name.
There is also with the arches the opportunity to have the “alien” of the week mashup like episodes with them arriving at the city through an arch. This could be very Star Trek/Stargate like. Or there is even the chance for them to visit other realms via the arches and the relics they retrieve. Once again very Stargate or The Time Tunnel influenced.
I think that’s enough brainstorming for this post. Catch you in the next one.
I finally decided to change the Play 20 New-to-me Games challenge.
You’ve read me pontificating (poorly) about how I might have set this challenge to low. Thus making it probably the easiest of the four gaming challenges I undertook at the start of the year. So easy in fact I was pretty close to completing it.
Have no fear I’m not making as great progress through the other challenges. They are much much harder to achieve.
So I doubled the number of new-to-me games I need to play.