It’s back to work and the varying shifts, and yet some how I’ve managed to get to the end of week 3.
The moving shifts such as three lates, a midday, followed by a couple of early shifts does take a toll.
Add in I’ve had to do stuff to get ready for starting a new job (more on that in a life, the universe, and coffee post).
Suddenly squeezing in this has been a challenge.
I feel as I’m coming up with these rooms that they are encounter light.
However this first level is meant for tier 1 parties, and story wise in my head is “controlled” by religious fanatics (priests, clerics, cultists, etc) loyal to the rising evil.
As we get deeper and closer to the rising evil we’ll see things get weirder and more monstrous.
I also don’t like my map until I have finished the inking on day 7. It’s only then that it comes together for me. Until then it doesn’t seem like a real map worthy of sharing.
Currently there is a Humble Bundle called “RPG Worlds by Kobold Press and Friends” going on that has one or two useful books for this challenge.
The one that sold it to me was Endless Encounters: Dungeons.
“Endless Encounters: Dungeons is an encounter and adventure generator for characters level 1-10 using the 5th edition game system!”
I looked at the sample pdf and instantly thought I want this book. In fact this has jumped onto my “I want a physical copy” list.
The others in this great bundle that I think will be useful for the challenge are Kobold Presses Vault of Magic, plus some bestiary that will be useful in sticking the megadungeon.