I’ve already said what my plans are for this coming weekends UKGE.
The car parking for the three days has been paid. Saving me a fiver according to the official website. Which is better than nothing and worth doing. Unlike getting your tickets to UKGE in advance which has absolutely zero benefit.
I’m not sure how the attendance for the expo will be effected by the two day train strike starting on the Friday. It will naturally mean some won’t be able to attend. But in any significant numbers? We’ll have to see.
I’ve caught some coverage about the expo online. Sometimes these content creators/social influencers (same thing as far as I can tell) just annoy me with their bad takes, factual errors, etc. In this case it’s not being sure about their facts. At least do some basic research before opening your mouth! And these are the folks the expo organisers court, give press passes to.
But the excitement is building for the weekend. I’m really looking forward to being at the expo.
After a week of doing nothing gaming wise and silence on here I finally have something to write about!
There was no gaming Friday night. However half term did get a good start with a game of A Game of Thrones the boardgame second edition on Saturday afternoon.
Dave (Stark), Jeff (Targaryen), Jonas (Arryn), and myself (Baratheon) gathered together to fight for control of Westeros and to sit on the Iron Throne. That left Greyjoy, Lannister, Martell, and Tyrell becoming vassal houses.
Our battlefield was the base game plus the Mother of Dragons expansion and the awesome playmat (below).
We also used the Tides of Battle deck during combat.
Usually I’d use either the A Feast for Crows or the A Dance With Dragons expansions for the relevant player count. They can still be used with the Mother of Dragons expansion. But not in the same way. However I love how the Mother of Dragons turns the unused houses into vassal houses that are controlled by the players.
Control of those vassal houses can change each round. So you are in that difficult position when using them of trying to use them for your own tactical advantage. But not leaving them in a state that if controlled by someone else they can hurt your plans.
You can watch our game condensed down to a thirty odd second video below.
I decided to look at the history books of my game plays that is the bgstat app, and I have never won a game of AGoT! Never!
And yet I love the game.
I get to play with my friends. I love the banter, dealing and backstabbing. And that’s before I even start on the other aspects of the gameplay/mechanics that I love.
Our game only went five rounds before Jeff and his dragons won.
A great afternoon gaming. A great way to start the half term.
The plan was is Clack could make it we’d play three player Scythe. Otherwise Dave and I would play Star Wars the Deckbuilding Game and War of the Ring the card game.
However I wouldn’t know until Dave got there which plan we’d be doing. So I had no idea how many tables to get out or which game to set up. I hate not being able to get the setting up done in advance of folks turning up.
It looked like it was plan B. It’d be Dave and myself gaming.
We started off with Star Wars the deckbuilding game.
Dave was the “good guys” as he described them from the movies in their white armour, aka the Empire. Whilst I was the rebels. We used the suggested first/learning game setup from the rule book, with the optional rule allowing you to bribe neutral cards from the Galaxy row and place them in the discard pile and not your deck. The victor would be the first person to defeat three bases of the opponent.
Our first game was over relatively quickly with the rebels rushing the empire bases to get the win.
We enjoyed that first game so much that we wanted to play again.
Our second game we used the Whole Galaxy rules which basically means you are using all ten base cards. You are also playing the first to four bases defeated. It’s described in the rule book as the way the game was intended to be played.
It was another rebel victory.
Our remaining games were with the secret base rules. This is where apart from the starting base you choose four other bases and the rest go back in the box unseen. So your opponent has no idea what bases you have chosen.
I like this version of the rules. It gives you moments in the game where when you have to select your next base you regret not having one of those you put back in the box as it would be better for where the current game is.
We played three games using the secret base rules which saw an empire comeback to level the score at 2-2. Luckily the decider was won by the rebels.
So we spent the afternoon playing Star Wars the Deckbuilding Game with the War of the Ring Card Game not getting a look in.
Yes we both thought the game was that much fun that we were happy just playing that.
There are some nice touches to this deckbuilder that make it standout. Some I’m only coming across for the first time, others I am familiar with.
I think the first most obvious difference is the galaxy row or trade row. Only being able to buy your own faction cards or neutral ones is huge, and can be annoying if the cards hate you and it is full of the other sides cards! But the fact that you can attack the other sides cards in the galaxy row to remove them, and get a benefit for doing so is a nice touch.
Then there is the force and the tug of war that can be. The benefit of having the force with you is that some cards require you to have the force to trigger a more powerful benefit. For instance Darth Vader does even more damage if the empire has the force.
I like the bases and the benefits they give you either as you reveal them or as an on going ability.
There were some turns were I was getting some nice synergies/combos and drawing extra cards, getting cards for free and into play straight away.
It’s not a big thing but having the two coloured cubes to track attack and resources during your turn is really handy. It does stop you losing track and miscounting, well greatly reduces it.
Then you get fanboy moments as characters like Luke and co appear in the galaxy row and you hope that your opponent doesn’t track them before you get a chance to buy them.
The game itself has characters from the original trilogy and Rogue One. Although there are some notable characters missing. In one game I was just missing Luke to complete having the whole gang.
I really like the game. I think when I introduce Nathan to it so will he and I’ll be buying a copy for him.
Two copies does allow you play a 2v2 game for which you have to download the rules from the FFG website.
Look the bottom line is if you like deckbuilders, especially the aggressive ones like Star Realms then you will like Star Wars the Deckbuilding Game.
Last week FFG dropped a teaser trailer (embedded below) on YouTube for a new Star Wars collectible card game (ccg) called Star Wars Unlimited that is coming out in 2024.
And you know what the world needs is more opinion based on the very scarce information that is out there from the over represented demographic that I am part of.
I know nothing about the game play, price model, etc. So what follows is pure speculation and blue sky thinking.
FFG are not strangers to the ccg model (Star Wars Destiny, Keyforge) despite being more known for creating the lcg model and using that.
But there are a few hurdles FFG need to over come to make Star Wars Unlimited a success that isn’t just a flash in the pan.
These are the same hurdles that the Disney Lorcana ccg will also have to overcome when it comes out later this year.
The first hurdle being supply of the initial release. FFG have not had a good record on this front. Grossly underestimating demand, and long delays before getting more produced and into shops will damage the sales and take up of the game. It happened to Star Wars Destiny and also to some extent Keyforge. New players need to be able to easily get their hands on the game after trying it. FFG haven’t had a great record on this front so far.
Next up is the release schedule of the sets/expansions. Another area FFG did not have much success with in the past. But then neither have Plaid Hat Games with Ashes, or Wizkids with Dice Masters. Wizkids and FFG had delays that clashed with the following set. So you ended up with small delays between sets, no time to explore the new stuff. It ended up messy and expensive. With Ashes it was long long delays between sets that helped kill it off.
FFG also need to get the number of sets released in a year right. Which I believe is going to be three. WotC in their attempt to gauge more money from players have been releasing a ridiculous amount to product in a year. For me and my wallet I think FFG have hit the right amount to release.
Organised play (OP) is one area I think FFG have always been weak. But going from the YouTube video (below) it looks like they have learnt a lot from WotC.
I’d like to see more about the prize support. But with pre-releases being a thing now, draft, limited formats. We are in for more of an MtG experience I hope.
I’ve yet to see what the Lorcana plans are for OP. But OP is the life blood of the game that along with the availability will determine if the game has legs (if we assume the game play is good).
Rotation. There has to be rotation. Which sets are legal for the Unlimited version of standard and for how long. Obviously there has to be their eternal format as well where all cards can be played. Plus how will they handle bannings? But I’m sure they will release those details in the following months.
I think if they can solve these issues then we should have a hit on our hands that won’t be more than a flash in the pan.
I have some thoughts on the first look video contents but they are for another day.
It’s felt like an age since I last did any board gaming.
With the car woes not yet resolved I was glad I was able to arrange for a lift home from the community centre. It meant I could hop off the college bus on the way home, walk to the community centre, and play some games.
The gaming drought was about to be over.
Jonathan had bought along Letters from Whitechapel. A Game I last played with Jonathan back in 2016. Back then it was a three player game with me taking on the role of the infamous serial killer Jack the Ripper. In that game Jack managed to avoid capture, carry out his crimes, and disappear into the night, never to be caught. In other words I won, Jonathan and Debbie lost.
Last night Dave was to be Jack the Ripper whilst Diego, Jonathan, Charlene, and myself would be the boys in blue trying to stop Jack.
The first game was over during the first night with Jack running out of time to get back to his hideout.
It was a learning game, and refresher. So can we really count it as Dave was learning how to play, and be Jack at the same time?
Our second game went to the third night with Jack being arrested by me. But he had already claimed four victims by this point.
Charlene’s crime board had worked, but sadly it had not been effective enough to save more lives.
But our collective deduction skills had been more mighty than Dave’s tricksy skills.
These were two really fun games.
A big thank you to Jonathan for the lift home. Without it I wouldn’t have been able to go.
A brief car woes update. I have wheels again.
Green Flag got the car started again, and found the fault to be the battery. So once at the garage I passed on the info. It was lucky it was the that. I was prepared for something more expensive like an alternator (whatever one of them is).
A big thank you to Jonathan for picking me up and dropping me off at the garage. Without him getting the car woes sorted would have been a lot more eventful, and longer. Mainly because of a flaw in my plan that didn’t foresee not getting a loan car while the work was being done.
But at least it let me get my work clothes washed!
Late yesterday morning the washing machine decided enough is enough and threw in the mechanical towel.
The only fortunate thing was the car isn’t due to be fixed until next weekend. So this weeks pay packet has been redirected to buy a new washing machine. Which should arrive sometime Wednesday.
I’m glad I had the new Zelda hotness to play this weekend. It’s been a bit depressing not playing any boardgames. Which looks like being repeated next weekend.
My gaming stats for May are going to be so low.
I have started putting the Tapestry Folded Space insert together. I’m a long way off from completing it and putting it in the box. Basically I’m doing a couple bits a day, letting them dry over night, before doing the next small batch.
Friday for many a Switch owner was the much anticipated highlight of the year, with the long awaited release of the latest entry into the Zelda series and sequel to Breathe of the Wild, Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.
I had been hoping that my pre-order with Amazon would arrive the day before. But sadly it did not.
Instead Friday morning I woke to an email saying my pre-order had been dispatched. There was no indication of when in the day it would arrive.
Lunchtime the only clue Amazon were prepared to give me was I’d have my copy of the game by 11pm. It wasn’t even showing as out for delivery.
If I was lucky maybe it’d arrive before I got home.
Next time I checked I had a delivery estimate of between 3pm and 5pm. It would most definitely be waiting for me. I could breathe a sigh of relief.
Mum said the game had arrived in the morning. So much for Amazon’s tracking of your package.
But I had the game that’s the important thing.
After tea it was time to return to Hyrule.
Tears of the Kingdom is beautiful.
I love the art style. It looks amazing on the Switch Lite lcd screen. The soundtrack is pretty awesome too. There is some speech in the game that is reserved for cutscenes. Otherwise it’s little speech bubbles you have to read.
After the initial cutscene and limited interaction that launches the plot for this instalment you are starting up in the clouds on some of the floating land masses.
I was pleasantly surprised by this. I had been expecting to start on the ground and having to wait and open up visiting the floating islands. But instead I’m right up there experiencing the new mechanics in this sequels version of the plateau.
As you gradually get introduced to the new mechanics that power up the artificial arm Link has (yes technically Link is a cyborg now!) you get to start crafting stuff that you need to access bits of the map, reverse time, or pass through solid objects.
I love the crafting. I can’t wait to start trying stuff out. Although I’m not that creative.
Definitely as I’m moving between floating land masses I was getting Bioshock Infinite vibes as I rode along rails.
As I get near to the edge of the floating land masses I start to feel nervous. It’s hard to describe the feeling for sure. But with the long drop mere pixels away my fear of heights is kicking in.
I don’t know why this happens when I play video games. But it does. I first noticed it as a thing back when I was playing Half Life 2 on my Xbox360 up in County Durham.
Maybe it’s an immersion thing that I’m so immersed in the game that it becomes real to my senses.
So you can imagine how I felt having to jump off the floating land mass and sky dive down to ground level on Hyrule.
I did not enjoy that initial having to look down and jump off the edge. But once I was falling the feeling went away.
Although visually Tears of the Kingdom looks just like Breathe of the Wild, it does feel different as you play it.
I’ve only just started to the scratch the surface of what Tears of the Kingdom has to offer. This is such a rich rewarding game I can’t wait to see what treats the game has in store.
The car woes are going to drag on for another week because the garage can’t fit me in on a Saturday until the 20th.
Which means I will have to go board game cold turkey until the car is fixed.
It really is a pain not having that flexibility that a motor vehicle gives you.
I’m even having to use online shopping for the food shop.
In the meantime the cards for that Mindcrank and Duskmantle Guildmage combo deck are slowly arriving in dribs and drabs. Although the main stars of the deck haven’t arrived yet!
The A Game of Thrones Mother of Dragons playmat turned up. But as you can guess the planned gaming session to give it an outing for this Saturday has had to be cancelled until the woes have come to an end.
That’s it for now. Hopefully better news in the next post.
Friday it had looked like I wouldn’t be able to make the planned days gaming round Diego’s on Monday.
I had shared my car woes on the Messenger group set up to plan the days gaming, and that I was not able to make it.
From that posting Charlene and Jeff both very kindly offered to give me a lift.
Both very generous offers that considering neither lived near me and would have to go out of their way to pick me up, I felt I had to turn down.
If a friend needed my help I’d go out of my way to help them. But ask for help? I can’t. It’s very hard for me to ask for help or to even accept it. Call it a personality flaw. But that’s me.
In the end Jeff direct messaged me saying he’d pick me up at 10am, and I could show him where Diego lived.
I was less of a detour for Jeff than Charlene. So there was a little less guilt accepting the generous offer.
The morning of the bank holiday celebrating our newly crowned sovereign King Charles III Jeff was a little early. Luckily I was ready.
Our days gaming started with a game of Terra Mystica.
I’d never played this before, and like one of my students hadn’t done the homework assigned to us by Diego of watching a how to play video.
I enjoyed the game and would like to play it again to explore the options more.
It struck me as very much a game where you have to play to the strength of your faction.
With the dragon lords I was playing I think I could have been a bit more aggressive in my expansionism. I was very aware of my limited power tokens (if that is what they are called). But my issues were during the early stages of being too expanding and running out of power tokens, and also generating enough workers. In the last couple of rounds I had the problem of having lots of power tokens and not nearly enough workers to use the tokens with.
I did spend most of the game trailing far behind on the scoring track, but a late surge of points during the final scoring from the priest tracks got me enough to draw last place with Diego.
Jeff and Ben shared the victory. Apparently there is no tie breaker in this game!
Our next game was Cat in the Box. Which Diego just romped away with the victory. Apart from the last round he was scoring over five points a round. It should be noted that Ben scored zero points the whole game.
Our third and final game of the day was Red Rising.
Ben won this game also. However as a five player game it played a lot quicker than I thought it would.
I had four cards I was holding onto from my initial hand as they allowed me to use them as either any named character or colour during the end scoring. I thought these will be really useful. Did I get any other cards that they could be used with? No. didn’t see any come out either.
I also spent a few rounds trying to get a third red card, which never showed up. And I couldn’t get to the one in one of the columns. That stopped me getting a cool combo that would have netted me over five helium in two turns.
Ben took the victory in this game while I was denied the first loser position by a couple of points. Diego took that honour.
I had a great day gaming with amazingly kind and generous friends.
There was only one way to finish off such a great day. Buying Mum a Chinese take away to celebrate her birthday (which just so happened to be the same day as this one off bank holiday). Yes I left Mum at home looking after the mutts on her birthday.
The second long weekend of May, aka The Kings Coronation started off so well yesterday with my car not starting. “It’s dead Jim” to paraphrase a famous fictional starship doctor.
Luckily a very kind neighbour was able to give me a lift to work. So I wasn’t late and losing pay (being paid by the hourly that could have hit me hard). Then thanks to a colleague at work upon hearing my car woes I investigated whether there was a college bus I could catch.
It turns out there was and it was free.
My walk home from the centre of town from the Horsefair allowed me to stop in at The Luxe and get a ticket for Guardians of the Galaxy 3 (GOG3) on the Saturday.
Sadly the car troubles meant I was not able to attend the Fenland Gamers club night.
Today after getting a couple of magazines to read and a birthday card for Mum I sat down with a vanilla latte and a bag of Galaxy Minstrels to watch the third and final part of the Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy.
I was a bit apprehensive about the movie as I knew it was a bit darker than the other two entries in the trilogy. Especially with the subject matter it touched upon.
GOG3 can be viewed in a couple of ways. The first as a separate stand alone movie, and the second as part of the three movie story arc. Although in reality it’s three movies, a Christmas special, the Infinity Gauntlet and End Game, plus the dire Thor 4 Love and Thunder.
As a stand alone movie it works, but just. You really do need to have seen the previous entries to the story to get the most from GOG3.
As the final entry I think this is a really great end to the story.
Yes tonally GOG3 is darker than the previous parts. It does have moments of humour, but these are used more sparingly and to greater effect. In a way I’m reminded of when the first Guardians came out. It felt fresh especially with its humour. And now Gunn has done it again. Pulling back on the humour, touching on more adult themes. A stark contrast to the way Marvel movies have been going in recent years.
As always the soundtrack is awesome, great use of source music, and there are one or two scenes that are similar to the previous movies.
I really enjoyed the movie. A couple of moments near the end my eyes nearly leaked. Which I say bravo to Gunn for manipulating me emotionally to that point.
I’d like to say Marvel are back on track. But at the moment GOG3 seems the outlier from the past few years.
Whilst I was enjoying GOG3 the latest three promo packs for Rolling Realms arrived.
If you get all the promo packs currently available for Rolling Realms you have doubled the number of realms that came with the game.
I like to think that Jamey Stegmaier has invented a new roll and write sub genre called the living roll and write. It’s the roll and write version of an lcg. How else do you describe the promo packs for the game? They work just like the packs that lcgs get adding more content.
Right time to read those magazines I bought. Laters.