This weekend I played only three games.
They were not short games.
It started off with an all in game of Dune Imperium.
Thanks to a bit of AP from a player this game took a lot longer than it should.
The game went to the full ten rounds with Dave managing to push his final score to a whooping 14 victory points. Very impressive for a first play.
We finally left the WSM Community Centre just before 11pm!

Still I really love Dune Imperium with both expansions. I must get the deluxe expansion. But the thing putting me off is the upgraded dreadnoughts are not available outside the US.
Saturday saw the regular D&D session happening. But the post mortem post will go into that. So I’ll spare you the pain here of me waffling on about it.
Sunday afternoon was a six player all in game of Scythe.
I foolishly forgot to make notes of who played what faction with which player board.
- Republic of Polania (White) – Archie
- Saxony Empire (Black) – Marcin
- Nordic Kingdoms (Dark Blue) – Claire
- Rusviet Union (Red) – Me (I had the agriculture board)
- Vesna (Light Blue) – Rise of Fenris – Dave
- Fenris (Orange) – Rise of Fenris – Charlene
For this game I used the War objective track, along with the modular board. The resolution tile for this game was Mission Possible. The two wind gambit cards thus game were Reap and War Correspondent.

I could have made the game more aggressive with the rivals module but decided that that, and the mech and tech modules were a module too far for the two noobs, and two partial noob players.
I had two great objectives for this aggression biased game. Sadly I completed neither.
The game was a blast.
I love just how much variability this game has meaning no two games are the same.

At six players we were in danger of running out of time before the community centre closed.
But still that was to be expected.
Not many games played over the weekend. But three great big games were.