Before I bore you with the December 2022 stats post it’s time to bore you with yet another post looking back to 2016.
As per usual for this post we start off with the top 9 games played that month.

Love Letter Batman, sadly no longer available for folks to buy. But it is my favourite version of Love Letter still. I love the theme, and the extra point for guessing what another player has in their hand when playing a Batman card, a nice rule change. Probably my favourite introduced by any version.
Ah yes Pandemic Iberia. The game ZMan was a limited printing. Yet somehow gets reprinted! It’s not a bad version of Pandemic. Don’t think I’ve played it since. However it is the version I’ve kept in the collection.
Braggart was a fun card game. But not one that held up to repeated plays over a short period of time. I gave this away in the end iirc.
We all know how I feel about Scythe. Nuff said.
Viticulture and Alien Frontiers both great worker placement games. Which I’m looking forward to getting back to the table as part of one of this year’s challenges.
I do need to get The Others (a great one vs many game, which soured how I feel about CMoN and will never back a project of theirs again), and Cry Havoc back to the table. I do really like both these games and they deserve more love.
Robinson Crusoe possibly the most brutal co-op game on the market. Also probably the most fiddly to setup also. Still a fun game with the right people.
Ok let’s wrap this post up with the raw stats for December 2016.

Naturally the next post in these look backs will move into 2017. See you then.