Two days off over the Easter weekend have allowed me to get in some late gaming for the March stats.
Saturday saw me meeting up with Jeff and Charlene at the usual place to play a game or two.
Our first game was Arabella. Which if Jeff hadn’t got his final objective card I’d have won. And my victory would have been oh so sweet. Unintentional, and literally the games equivalent of winning Viticulture (base game) by not making any wine (which I have done).
All game I had the starting engine and a level 2 engine. Eventually Jeff and Charlene bought some carriages so my early investment in their shares started to pay off. But still with no carriages my dividends were worthless to them both.
This games end was triggered by Jeff reaching the end of the 10 money track on his sheet.
Somehow until we picked up Jeff was owed another objective card I was winning! It was insane. I would have easily have bet money that Charlene and Jeff were doing much better than me, and I was going to score hardly anything.
So yes Jeff won.

We followed Arabella up with Dandelions. This was probably the worst I’ve done in a game of this. I didn’t score a single majority. Jeff won this too.
The afternoons gaming was wrapped up with me introducing Ship, Captain, Crew to Jeff and Charlene.
Ship, Captain, Crew is fastly becoming a favourite little filler game. Four or five rounds take hardly any time to play. I won this time breaking Jeff’s run of victories.
I keep saying this but it’s true I had a great afternoon gaming with two great friends.
Sunday saw me meeting up with Charlene and her daughter once again at the usual spot to yep play games.
Despite being a relaxed afternoon of gaming we got five games to the table in about two and a half hours.
Our first two games were new to me.
Spots was a cool, light, dice game. It had Roll for it, Age Of War vibes with the completing dogs, with a nice buried dice mechanic that added a push your luck element to the game.
The other new game was Kohaku a tile drafting themed around making a koi pond. This definitely had Kingdomino vibes to it. A very quick light and fun game.

We followed up with a game of all in Parks. So both the Nightfall and Wildlife expansions were in play.
Dandelions hit the table next so that Annabelle could try the game, with a view to them teaching their Nan the game on an upcoming holiday.
Our final game of the fun afternoon gaming was, you guessed it, Ship, Captain, Crew.
New Arrivals
The first batch (there will be more over the years) of a club poker chip arrived.
When it comes to this sort of stuff I’m prioritising those that attend club nights regularly and are long time members.

The BattleTech Alpha Strike Starter Box arrived. I’m writing more about this in another post. The counter pack has also arrived. But it’s fair to say that I’m dipping my toes into this game.
I also picked up a Dice Masters collection which I need to sort through. And I know this sounds like a cop out but this too will be the subject of another blog post.
Finally whilst waiting for repairs to my car I made the mistake of walking into Waterstones. Where seeing they still had a prerelease kit bought into the latest ccg to hit stores Star Wars Unlimited.

I’d tried so hard to not go down this rabbit hole. My wallet can’t take another ccg. But here I am dipping my toes.

Well the late flurry of weekend gaming gave me probably my best months gaming in over six months. The makes me happy.

Stats for the month.

All the games played in March.