Wizard Matters

So I’m playing a halfling wizard in the D&D campaign/scenario we started last week. I wasn’t sure I’d get a mini to represent my character. But the internet has not disappointed. Even better I was able to get them in the UK. So no importing and excessive postage fees.

In fact there were male and female halfling wizards. So I went with 3 of the minis that were wizards, and a cool looking halfling dressed for winter.

I suppose over the Summer I should attempt to paint them. My north of the border version of me will for sure be nagging, correction encouraging me to paint them. I fancy Gandalf grey for the hat and cloak.

Earlier in the year, might have even been before Christmas I got the source book for the FFG Genesys RPG. It’s a generic system that seems to focus on narrative and story telling. This version of the system is an updated rule set based on the FFG Star Wars system and an earlier Warhammer RPG I believe.

Within the core book there are suggestions for world settings such as Android, Tannhauser, Terrinoth, Twilight Imperium, plus one or two others. The Terrinoth source book is the first to hit the market place (I have a copy on the way) and is their fantasy setting. Which makes sense. It shouldn’t be hard to get hold of Descent figures to use with the game. But then again generic D&D figures should be usable also. Although I can see using Descent board tiles to make the dungeon maps as a good idea.

I’d love to play a cyberpunk style game, and the Android universe would be that ideal setting. I love that world from my time playing Netrunner. I have what effectively is the the world source book in The Worlds of Android book I have. But there is no hurry to play in this universe, so I don’t need to put time in fleshing it out, knowing that the next FFG source book is for Android. I’m not reinventing the wheel.

But listening to a Genesys specific podcast recently I got thinking obviously I’d love to play the odd Star Wars campaign (along side the classic RPG). But there are other worlds I’d love to explore. Such as Elfquest, I’d love to turn the old RPG into this new system. I was, and still am a big fan of the comic books. They were a fresh take on elves. I also loved the relationship between the wolf riders and their wolfs. That’s me and my mutts, and a bit of the influence for calling us the Wolfpack.

I think there was also a Judge Dredd RPG back in the day (did I just type that?), would love to have an updated RPG in Mega City one playing a Judge. Plus with there having been a miniatures game out for Dredd, getting minis shouldn’t be too hard either. I love Judge Dredd, and have done so since I first read the strip back in the 80’s. The Cursed Earth and The Day the Law Died, two epic story lines that I still fondly remember today.

I’ll briefly mention once more the Planes shift material and the art books for MtG as potential worlds to explore in Genesys.

A zombie apocalypse based game might also be cool. I’m sure there must be systems out there already. But it shouldn’t be too hard to create something, especially using the Zombicide figures, and maybe tiles.

I think it’d also be interesting to do a modern day conspiracy theory, big brother , cyberpunk setting. Think the likes of the tv series Condor, the film Enemy of the State, Hackers, Black Hat, War Games, the fourth Die Hard movie, and the book Little Brother by Cory Doctorow. Snowdon, Wikileaks, Stuxnet, cctv, mass surveillance, the establishment, the 1%, vote rigging, Homeland, rendition, water boarding, Anonymous, you get the idea.

I’m stoked for the alt history Tannhauser which I hope they do release a source book for. But there is one other alt history setting I adore, and happens to be the setting for my current all time favourite game Scythe. That alt 1920’s Eastern Europe with the mechs. Just love it, the art by Jakub Rozalski is soooo amazing. If I was going this route I’d need to get the art book for Scythe. Actually it’s shocking, neh borderline criminal that I don’t already own it.

As you can see the Genesys system before you even play it has you bouncing ideas around.

Mum Update

Monday they kept mum in for another day after she starting being sick again. Apparently mum wanted to be on the floor while vomiting. Naturally the nurses wanted mum back in her bed. I’m not sure whose will was the stronger. I just know mum can be a stubborn bugger when she wants to be. Something I’m sure she has inherited.

Which means Nan, the dogs and I have to survive another day by ourselves. I will say that my washing up skills are still second to none.

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