Update on planning session 7 #2

SPOILER ALERT TO MY ADVENTURERS! The following post contains spoilers for the up and coming campaign. You may want to avoid this post and join me in a future one.

With just over a week to go before session 7 is a thing I need to be more focussed in my prep and not get distracted by the other stuff I’ve been writing about.

To be honest I have been feeling that a couple of the group haven’t had the spotlight shone on their characters yet during our sessions.

So last night I started to rectify that by messaging them and asking them about their characters and how we can spotlight them.

From our conversations I got extra background information on both characters that did indeed spark ideas and how to spotlight them within the campaign.

One of those ideas I can use straight away in this next session.

Previously I had seeded stuff to the player that has just left the group. That character the party will be finding out this session has been kidnapped and taken to the Whale Bone Islands by the Red Robes of Thay. Originally this was going to be a kidnapping tied in with the kidnapped characters backstory. However none of the rest of the group know about the stuff I had seeded. So it’s pretty seamless to appropriate this new plot line for my needs to spotlight this other character. It also presents a quandary for the group. The character I’m spotlighting now mustn’t be caught by these Red Robes because they have something the Red Robes want, however they need to rescue their friend. What do they do?

I nearly didn’t have any idea for the other player until their last sentence of the conversation. Their character wants information, wealth, power and to survive. Then it hit me diabolical deals! There are rules for these in the Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus campaign book. This is going to take a bit more planning, but that character is going to be making a deal with the devil in the near future. Or at least have temptation put in their way.

This session is feeling like it will be seeding lots of stuff and advancing ongoing plots. For instance the group will also be hearing that Angrath has been in Mintarn looking for them. It’s going to be interesting to see how the party handle that bit of news. After all Angrath is probably the last person they want to run into.

Now to think more about the dragon liar.

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