Unexpected win

With all the Strider worry I have at the moment I needed a couple of hours distraction. So I put a shout out to some friends to join me at The White Lion to get Eminent Domain back to the table. I had only played it once previously nearly 3 years ago with Nath. Back then we both had enjoyed this sci-fi themed deck builder, so it was way way over due a return to the table. The observant amongst you will have noticed the theme and mechanic are Jonathan’s top hated themes and mechanics. Which is why I didn’t ask him to join me in playing the game. Jonathan is a good friend, and probably if I’d said why would have come along and played. But I’m not into using guilt trips with friends to get them to play stuff they wouldn’t enjoy. It wasn’t until Jeff arrived with his son that he knew what was going on with Strider.

Eminent Domain is a nice deck builder. I’d say that the theme is a bit weak, and could easily be say a trading in the Mediterranean, or some other suitable one. With the promo cards from the Microcasm version of the game, we used the scenario cards to give each of us a unique starting deck, and a suggested game plan based on that starting deck.

I liked the use of these scenario cards. Anything that makes you feel a bit unique is always a nice touch. I had no research in my deck, Jeff did. Jeff’s son had no Politics cards, but was being pushed towards trade and production. And he managed to get an impressive amount of influence tokens that way. Jeff went the war/research route, while I initially went war/colonise, I ended up just colonising. On reflection at the end I probably could have thinned out the warfare cards in my deck.

However I did near the end follow Jeff on a research role that grabbed me 2 points that would during the end scoring tie me with him. During most of the game I felt I was behind on points, Jeff was matching me on flipping planets, plus he had who knew how many points from his many research cards. His son had a pile of influence tokens. But I’d been grabbing and colonising highish point planets. Had I grabbed enough?

For some reason I grabbed 4 ships with warfare, I had no plans for them. They were there just in case I could flip a planet with them. I knew I had to trigger the end of the game. Yeah I could have done with a few more turns to score more. But Jeff had 2 planets he was about to conquer if given a couple more turns. With a final turn I was gambling he would only be able to get one of them. A gamble that payed off. More than I expected.

After totting up our final scores, Jeff and I were level for first place. The tie breaker was the most resources and ships. Neither of us had any resources but I had more ships! I had won on the tie breaker.

I had a great evening playing a game that really needs more table time (don’t they all?) with a good friend and his pretty amazing son. It was just what I needed.

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