#RPGaDAY2020 Day 19 – Tower

Let’s jump straight in and see what we have to inspire us today, the 19th day of #RPGaDAY2020…

Today I thought I would create a name for a tower using the locations table 1-1A from the Tome of Adventure Design.

The Black (rolled a 9) Tower of the Deceitful (rolled a 27) Horde (rolled a 55).

I need a map for The Black Tower of the Deceitful Horde. Now I could create one from scratch that is entirely my own. However I don’t really have the time to do that, write this post, and play with my new Pi 400!

So a good source for ready to use maps is the Dyson Logos blog. When you see his maps you’ll recognise them immediately. He has a distinctive art style that is very popular. That has earnt him some commissions with WotC that have gone in official products.

On the maps page you will see thumbnails of over 800 maps that he’s created. Scroll down until you see one that speaks to you, or meets your needs.

I went with the Sunken Tower map. It seemed the sort of tower a Deceitful Horde would have. A tower where a lot of it was hidden. Bigger than expected when first seen.

So I have a location and map!

But if I continue with the steps that Kelsey of Arcane Library wrote about in an email newsletter I need an adventure hook. So like Kelsey I will roll against table 1-6: Location-Based Missions.

I rolled a 52. Which is an infiltrate and spy mission.

So why does the party need to infiltrate and spy on the Deceitful Horde?

Like Kelsey maybe rolling against table 3-6: Big-Picture Backstories I might get an idea. I rolled a 33 and got “Inhabitants changed beliefs” I also saw the following on the table “After a religious or philosophical dispute”. I like the idea of combining the two. The horde was not always deceitful. Until recently the horde were a garrison of paladins. But a dark evil secret sect within the paladins seized control. Corrupting all to their evil plans. Since the coup the tower has gone silent.

The party have been sent to investigate what is going on at the tower. Previous attempts to find out have either never been seen again, or their corpses found horribly mutilated. The suspicion is something has happened at the tower but the local towns need to know what has happened.

So there we have a simple adventure idea based around a tower. That’s better than talking about Rapunzel, Jorinda and Joringel or The Two Towers. See ya tomorrow.

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