For this latest random dungeon instead of using the quick and easy dungeon map cards. Which do create pretty looking dungeons. I’ve decided to go “old school” and use the tables in Appendix A: Random Dungeons of the DMG along with the tables from Chapter 5: Adventure Environments pages 99 – 101 of the same publication.
So for this random dungeon I used graph paper, pencil, and dice along side the above mentioned sections of the DMG.

Starting Area (1d10): 7
Dungeon Location: 59
Exotic Location: 4
Dungeon Creator: 17
Dungeon Purpose: 20
Dungeon History: 12
The entrance to our dungeon is in a mountain pass buried under an avalanche. The dungeon had been created by a liche to hold its hoard of treasure and magical items. The liche was destroyed by internal conflict. That conflict could be underlings rising up hoping to take the treasure for themselves.
Taking into account the entrance is under the debris of an avalanche any party wishing to enter must either enter through the secondary entrance if they can find it. Or successfully complete a group challenge or skill challenge to clear away the rubble to get to the entrance.
Starting Area (Room 1: 20) – Trap or trick designed to kill or capture creatures that enter the dungeon.
This room has a well in the centre.
Current state: 10 – pool of water, chamber’s original contents are water damaged.
Room 2: 1 – Antechamber for visiting dignitaries.
Current state: 5 – Holes, floor partially collapsed.
Room 3: 6 – Guardroom to defend against intruders.
Current state: 9 – used as a campsite.
Room 4: 4 – Barracks for guards.
Current state: 16 – Furniture wrecked but still present.
Room 5: 14 – Strong room or vault, for guarding the treasure hidden in the dungeon, accessible only by locked or secret door.
Current state: 19 – stripped bare.
Room 6: 10 – Kennel for trained beasts used to guard the treasure vault.
Current state: 15 – Furniture wrecked but still present.
Room 7: 2 – Armoury containing mundane and magic gear used by the treasure vault’s guards.
Current state: 12 – Furniture wrecked but still present.
Room 8: 11 – Kitchen for feeding guards.
Current state: 16 – Furniture wrecked but still present.
Room 9: 15 – Strong room or vault, for guarding the treasure hidden in the dungeon, accessible only by locked or secret door.
Current state: 12 – Furniture wrecked but still present.
Obviously there are a load more tables to use in Appendix A to determine obstacles, traps, monsters, treasure and magic items, plus how the rooms are decorated.
Yes my map isn’t the prettiest to look at. But it’s functional and does the job. And boy is that cross hatching boring to do.
Hope you liked the change,