Category Archives: #randomcharacter

Random Dungeon #10 AND Random Character #3

It’s been a little while since I’ve done one of these random dungeon posts, and also a day or two since I’ve posted anything on here. For the later it’s only natural that there will be gaps between posts due to world events.

The worm tunnels and the disturbed burrows got me thinking this random dungeon is crying out for a purple worm as the big bad.

I see this mini dungeon something an adventuring party stumbles across as they ‘explore’ the sewers of some city. They enter through the ratstink sewer, where they discover a cult that worship the purple worm.

I think the dice generated an interesting party if you wanted to use them as the inspiration for characters to play.

But they also work as a supporting cast to help take on the purple worm. This could be a party of adventurers that entered via the cave entrance and hired to hunt down purple worms by a local dwarven community that had their mining activities ruined by purple worms, the death toll to them had been numerous.

Random Dungeon #9 AND Random Character #2

A twofer in today’s post.

Yep a random dungeon and a random character.

The elf wizard Torgil Silverleaf has asked your party to venture into a nearby dungeon to stop a group of cultists summoning a demon. Torgil has promised you some of his treasured magic items if you are successful.

I see this as the first level of a two or three level dungeon. Naturally the cultists will be found on the bottom level. I think this dungeon would be found in the ruins of a monastery. The cultists are in fact what remains of the monastic order that once occupied the monastery.

That’s the latest random stuff. I really do like how quick and simple this stuff is.

Below is an example of some of my none gaming activities, sourdough loaves and shortbread biscuits.

Random Character #1

Finally my set of RPG Character Dice Set II arrived this morning. They had been ordered what now seems an age ago, back at the start of February.

I first heard about them whilst watching a YouTube video by Arcane Library about being a minimalist DM.

Basically these dice allow you to create an NPC on the fly during a game. And for the undecided whilst creating a character it could be used to help defeat that indecision.

Here is a quick character created by rolling them.

Meet Nura Westbrook a halfling druid, who is Lawful Neutral. I chose the name randomly using the joker card name table from the Deck of Many Dungeons.

Nura is a ghostwise halfling from Chondalwood and is a guardian of the nesting grounds of the giant owls that her clan use as warrior mounts.

An egg was stolen and Nura has ventured out to recover the egg and bring justice to those that stole it.