Yesterday saw the start of a nine day break from work.
I should say a much needed break as well.
However I started my holiday off in style with a seven player game of The Thing boardgame.
There was some gamers remorse as I walked from the car to the community centre when I thought “wait I should have suggested playing Scythe”.
However that soon faded away as I was setting up for a six player game. Now I hear you all saying “but Darren didn’t you say you had a seven player game?” Indeed I did say that.
But when I got to setting up I set the game up for six players. That is how many I thought were coming. It wasn’t until I decided I’d start the bgstat play record before the others arrived that I realised there were seven playing. So I had to quickly adjust the setup for the correct player count.
This was the second time that The Thing has hit the table. And I have to say with the higher player count it was really great fun.
I thought the game played really well at the higher player count. I think it was just short of three hours play time. Which is pretty good for this type of game.

In the end the aliens managed to win by getting on the rescue helicopter first. It turns out only Diego and myself were the remaining humans in the base.
One word of advice. Don’t demonstrate that players need to shuffle their role cards and not check you put the correct one back. It does create a comedic moment for sure when you go to reveal at the end of the game you were a human all the time, you flip the card and it says you are an alien. Much laughter followed!
Everyone had a blast playing the game. And a great way to kick off my nine days of R&R.