Friday I had an awesome, nay EPIC afternoon and evening gaming.
Ben was hosting at his home in Kings Lynn. Which meant I had an excuse to pop in to see my friends and ex-colleagues at the Tesco Express I used to work at.
I miss working with them so much.
Charlene was at Ben’s when I got there.
We played a two player edition of Blokus whilst Ben set up Nidavellir.
I hadn’t played Blokus before and it had been on my list of games to try.
As a quick two player game I liked it a lot. We rattled out two games whilst Ben was setting up. Both of which I won.
Plus we played a family game called Blockness with Charlene’s daughter, and Ben’s daughter. I’d never heard of it, and it wasn’t listed on bgg!
Think a child friendly version of Tokyo Highway but without the dexterity element themed around the Loch Ness monster!
Ben’s daughter won whilst also smack talking her aunty.
Then it was on to a 3 player game of Nidavellir.
This was an interesting game I’d never played before. The main mechanics being set collection and bidding.
The game sees you bidding on each of three lots of cards to see who chooses first from that lot. You are also trying to upgrade the coins you are using for the bids to higher values as they obviously give you a better chance of picking first. But also are worth more points at the end as you add up the total of your coins to add to your score.
I quite enjoyed the game. Would definitely play again. Not sure about the long setup time.
We finished off the afternoons gaming with a 4 player game of Cat in the Box.
Another fun new to me trick taking game, which I sadly lost on the tiebreaker.
The main event of Fridays gaming was a four player (Ben, Marcin, Diego, and myself) all in epic variant of Dune Imperium.
Which basically means Dune Imperium with both expansions (Rise of Ix and Immortality) plus the epic variant rules (playing to 12 victory points, starting with an intrigue card, no conflict 1 card, 5 troops in the garrison). The epic variant rules setup can be found in the Rise of Ix expansion rule book.
Yeah I played “Princess” Yuna Moritani once again. I guess I like her ability a lot. I should branch out and try a new leader next time.
For much of the game Ben was in the lead on the victory track.
He did like buying the Spice Must Flow cards to get a victory point for doing so. He got three that way. An interesting strategy.
To be fair Ben was doing amazing considering he had one less agent than the rest of us.
I even bought 3 tech tiles. I think this was the most I’ve bought in a game. Plus I bought both dreadnoughts. Another first.
Only one of us didn’t use their family atomics to reset the trade row. I did it to try and get a card that would help with the one I had that allowed me to graft a card from the trade row to it, then trash it afterwards. I was looking for solutions, which I luckily found.
This game went the full 10 rounds. Which had Ben leading for most of it, hitting the game end trigger of 12 points, and then getting a thirteenth.
However I managed to get a point off him, that was short lived for me as Marcin took a point off me. A point that helped Marcin grab the victory.
As you can see from the final scores below this was a pretty close game. It’s one of the things I love about the game.
This was also a very cut throat, competitive game. I’d expect no less from four hardened gamers.
I still don’t get why Marcin hates, that’s probably too strong a word, dislikes the intrigue cards that give a couple of victory points during the end game scoring. I agree that’s a massive amount of points in a game like Dune Imperium where the scores are so close. But I see that as a form of end game tension and a way to grab victory from defeat.
A great Fridays game with great friends.