Epic Game Night!

Friday I had an awesome, nay EPIC afternoon and evening gaming.

Ben was hosting at his home in Kings Lynn. Which meant I had an excuse to pop in to see my friends and ex-colleagues at the Tesco Express I used to work at.

I miss working with them so much.

Charlene was at Ben’s when I got there.

We played a two player edition of Blokus whilst Ben set up Nidavellir.

I hadn’t played Blokus before and it had been on my list of games to try.

As a quick two player game I liked it a lot. We rattled out two games whilst Ben was setting up. Both of which I won.

Plus we played a family game called Blockness with Charlene’s daughter, and Ben’s daughter. I’d never heard of it, and it wasn’t listed on bgg!

Think a child friendly version of Tokyo Highway but without the dexterity element themed around the Loch Ness monster!

Ben’s daughter won whilst also smack talking her aunty.

Then it was on to a 3 player game of Nidavellir.

This was an interesting game I’d never played before. The main mechanics being set collection and bidding.

The game sees you bidding on each of three lots of cards to see who chooses first from that lot. You are also trying to upgrade the coins you are using for the bids to higher values as they obviously give you a better chance of picking first. But also are worth more points at the end as you add up the total of your coins to add to your score.

I quite enjoyed the game. Would definitely play again. Not sure about the long setup time.

We finished off the afternoons gaming with a 4 player game of Cat in the Box.

Another fun new to me trick taking game, which I sadly lost on the tiebreaker.

The main event of Fridays gaming was a four player (Ben, Marcin, Diego, and myself) all in epic variant of Dune Imperium.

Which basically means Dune Imperium with both expansions (Rise of Ix and Immortality) plus the epic variant rules (playing to 12 victory points, starting with an intrigue card, no conflict 1 card, 5 troops in the garrison). The epic variant rules setup can be found in the Rise of Ix expansion rule book.

Who played which leader

Yeah I played “Princess” Yuna Moritani once again. I guess I like her ability a lot. I should branch out and try a new leader next time.

For much of the game Ben was in the lead on the victory track.

He did like buying the Spice Must Flow cards to get a victory point for doing so. He got three that way. An interesting strategy.

To be fair Ben was doing amazing considering he had one less agent than the rest of us.

I even bought 3 tech tiles. I think this was the most I’ve bought in a game. Plus I bought both dreadnoughts. Another first.

Only one of us didn’t use their family atomics to reset the trade row. I did it to try and get a card that would help with the one I had that allowed me to graft a card from the trade row to it, then trash it afterwards. I was looking for solutions, which I luckily found.

This game went the full 10 rounds. Which had Ben leading for most of it, hitting the game end trigger of 12 points, and then getting a thirteenth.

However I managed to get a point off him, that was short lived for me as Marcin took a point off me. A point that helped Marcin grab the victory.

As you can see from the final scores below this was a pretty close game. It’s one of the things I love about the game.

This was also a very cut throat, competitive game. I’d expect no less from four hardened gamers.

I still don’t get why Marcin hates, that’s probably too strong a word, dislikes the intrigue cards that give a couple of victory points during the end game scoring. I agree that’s a massive amount of points in a game like Dune Imperium where the scores are so close. But I see that as a form of end game tension and a way to grab victory from defeat.

A great Fridays game with great friends.

“Hey, not too rough” #8

You can find all my previous posts in this project here if you are interested or need to catch up for some reason.

I really do find it shocking that I’ve written so much about this game. Or I haven’t really the game has acted as catalyst to talk about other stuff related to the game.

I’m hoping those that read these posts are enjoying them.

Chop, chop, chop, a perfect killing machineAlice Cooper, Chop, chop,chop

E2M7 Spawning Vats

There is a kind of xylophone flurry (I’m not a musician so don’t know the correct way to describe this) with the music as I start this level that catches me by surprise. At first I thought it was coming from the tv and the program I’m watching. It’s almost light, and whimsical. An interesting contrast to the slaughter taking place. I really like this change in tone. A quick google tells me this bit of music is called Waltz of the Demons.

I’ve not really talked about the music. Let’s face it you aren’t playing the game for its soundtrack. However only a fool would dismiss the importance of it.

The music can help set the tone, adds atmosphere, and can build tension.

A lot of the music in Doom is influenced by metal. It reflects the music tastes of the two Johns and the fast paced, peddle to the metal (pun intended) action of Doom itself. It’s as if the two were made for each other.

Which makes these more atmospheric pieces more impactful within the game for me.

I have to admit I’d love to have soundtrack on CD. But my Google skills are letting me down on this one.

E2M8 Tower of Babel

When a level starts by giving you a room full of boxes of rockets. You know nothing good is about to happen. And whatever it is you just might need lots of rockets to take it down.

I’m also not slow in picking up an earlier hint of something bad was on this level. Mutilated barons of hell hanging on doors is a pretty big clue something bigger and badder is ahead.

It’s time to meet the Cyberdemon. A monstrosity of hell that fires rockets. Whose metallic thuds as he stomps around the level are your clue of his whereabouts when you can’t see him.

Fire, run, hide. Repeat. Are the tactics of the hour.

I’m not counting the number of rockets I’ve fired in the general direction of the Cyberdemon. But it’s a lot. I’m having to resupply.

Eventually my final salvo of rockets brings the Cyberdemon to its knees.

Onwards to Hell itself…


The third and final scenario of the series. I’m coming to the end of my original journey.

Although there are similarities to the last time I completed Doom up in County Durham. There is very little in common with the very first time I played the game.

A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then. A tired cliche for sure. But apt. A lot of life has happened over the thirty years since.

I’ve grown a lot. Something my ex-wife would probably disagree with. I am almost a different person.

Looking back I hardly recognise the person I was back in the early nineties.

I’m still trying to handle Dad’s death five years earlier. I don’t know it, or more likely not really acknowledging the signs that I’m depressed.

My only friends are work colleagues who I never socialised with, except on the odd pub crawl that the engineers had once in a while.

Being brutally honest I was a bit (understatement) of a dick back then too. Yeah a much bigger one than I am now. How much was fallout from Dad dying? It had to be some of it. But to be fair I was a dick before that (I owe a lot of people in my past apologies).

A lot of the stuff we did at work is now unacceptable and would have got all of us fired. It can’t just be dismissed as things were different then.

Thankfully the world was changing for the better around us.

Yes I’m ashamed of the person I was back then. I’m glad they no longer exist.

E3M1 Hell Keep

I went down, down, down and the flames went higherJohnny Cash, Ring of Fire

Thrown into the deep end against a couple of imps, and a cacodemon! All I have is my fists and a pistol. The fight hardly seems fair.

E3M2 Slough of Despair

I remember this level. Not the details. But the labyrinth of columns with marines, imps, cacodemons, and lost souls round every corner. Or it feels that way. Running around desperate for ammo of any kind.

The level makes very little sense until you look at the level map. It’s a hand!

Somehow I get through the level with the minimum of ammo. It’s a modern day miracle.

E3M3 Pandemonium

Wow some of the imagery on this level falls into dark shit.

There is no doubt where we are.

E3M4 House of Pain

I have a BFG!

Maybe I’d of gotten this weapon earlier if my secret room finding skills were better. I’ll never know unless I get better at finding those hidden rooms.

It one shots the baron of hell I release when I open the door to a room next to where I found the bfg.

Now I just need to make sure I keep it fuelled up ready for moments like this.

Onto the next level…

Am I back?

People Keep Asking If I’m Back, And I Haven’t Really Had An Answer. But Now, Yeah! I’m Thinking I’m Back!John Wick

I think that quote kinda sums up where I am about MtG at the moment.

Well not exactly.

I’m only playing casual or kitchen table MtG.

No prerelease, no FNM, no store tournament, just games with friends and family.

The games with friends and family will be using precon decks, such as the challenger decks, game night kits, and starter kits.

All decks I can just throw in a bag and take to a game night, or planned MtG session. Where we grab a deck that grabs us and play.

That’s basically been the three times I’ve played MtG in the last couple of weeks.

It all started off teaching Dave and Clack MtG, then some games with Nath when I visited him, followed by an evening this week playing with Dave.

I had a blast playing again. I was reminded of what I love about playing the game besides the deckbuilding.

I love those moments the game gives where it all looks lost but somehow you hold in there, and manage to grab victory from the jaws of defeat. Dave had one of those in our last game on Wednesday.

Sometimes the cards hate you and you get mana screwed (or the opposite mana flooded). It happens. You shrug it off. Shuffle and start the next game.

I love the complexity. The incomplete information you play with. Not knowing what cards your opponent has, you have an idea the sort of cards they might have, but you don’t know for sure. Why have they left mana untapped? What do they have in their hand? Is it a counter spell or removal? Dare I play the card? The bluffing can be delicious.

Oh and that feeling of satisfaction when you pull off something cool.

As for the precons I’m enjoying playing the ones I have. The Game Night Kit is designed for this sort of play. It’s been great fun both times I used it with Nath and Dave. The one I got was the 2022 version. There is a 2019 edition to. It’s also designed as a multiplayer game, but I’ve not used it that way yet.

The challenger decks have been fun too. I have 3 pioneer decks (using archetypes I enjoy), plus a couple of the standard ones.

Plus the starter kits have been useful in this casual play. I have a couple of these. These decks I use like the old duel decks. They have been fun to play also.

I still have a couple of the CardKingdom battle decks. Which are great value. But may not be after shipping has been added on (just ordered a couple of decks, the shipping was ok). These are great fun to play also.

This casual approach to MtG is a lot lighter on the pocket, and just as much fun.

So yeah I’m back casually.

D&D Grp 2 Session 15 Planning #1

SPOILER ALERT TO MY ADVENTURERS! The following post contains spoilers for the up and coming campaign/session. You may want to avoid this post and join me in a future one. REMEMBER you have been warned.

It’s that time again to start thinking, planning, and plotting for the next session.

I finally got my hands on a wooden box to home a certain infamous deck. I think this will make an intriguing prop for the players.

I want a bag for the deck of illusions. However I’ve not found one I like yet.

Another arrival as a quality of life thing as a DM is a card quiver. This is now the home of my npc, dungeon map, quest, taroka, condition, and encounter decks.

As the photo shows I’ve added one or two stickers to the case.

A Three-Dragon Ante deck also turned up. I think this will be an interesting prop for one or two sessions. I want to make taverns more interesting.

I need to finish my harvesting sheet (it’s two pages) for use at the next session. I’m sure they will want to harvest the basilisk, and the “Hamund’s Harvesting Handbook: A Complete Guide to Harvesting and Crafting in D&D 5e” has some great rules for doing this.

After that I need to look at crafting.

This next session the party will finally meet Rullus and his minions. I’ve not decided how it will play out. I still need to stat him out. Although his minions will be thugs.

Right time to end this post and play a little Doom for that mega series of hot air.

Grp2: When last we left our heroes… #14

SPOILER ALERT TO MY ADVENTURERS! The following part of the post contains spoilers for the up and coming campaign. You may want to avoid this part of the post and join me in a future one. Don’t give in to temptation go read something else. Just say no to metagaming!

Over the course of this campaign we’ve had one founding player leave (personal reasons). Plus two new players join. With one of those briefly with us before our schedule got back on track and clashed with other stuff.

So we had space at the table for a new player.

Graham is a friend of Shane’s who he plays in another group with.

He’s playing a cleric sent to look after Jeb.

I think the session went well with Graham and looking forward to adventuring with him.

The session itself was once again wandering around the endless warrens looking for Rullus Hobb and his hostages.

The party awoke from their long rest to lizard folk holding the hostage Luke’s character Drenol and Grahams. This was the best I could come up with of introducing a new character to the game mid dungeon.

I think this could have been better. Especially if I’d made the game of Life or Death best of three for the freedom of the hostages.

I’ve tried not having this dungeon crawl be one where the players are fighting for every foot they explore. However I think the players are not enjoying the exploring side based on comments like “not more tunnels and doors”.

Despite that major drawback. I think using the Caves of Chaos map, alongside the dungeon encounters deck has worked well from a DM make it up as you go way.

The dungeon encounter cards have been interesting especially in seeing how the players react or interpret the cards encounter. Sometimes they read too much into the encounter and I’ve just rolled with it.

The big combat encounter at the end was a “swarm” of skeletons. However with the rogue character using psychic blades from a distance I decided to introduce a second threat (a basilisk) coming in behind the rogue.

The reason I went basilisk was because one of the encounter cards had one on, I had the 2D standee handy too.

I think it went ok. The basilisk did some damage. The rogue learnt hiding and throwing psychic blades is not always going to be safe.

Right I’ve got some prep to do for the next session.

“Hey, not too rough” #7

You can find all my previous posts in this project here if you are interested or need to catch up for some reason. I’ve written a lot of words now about the game so would totally understand you wanting to skip them.

Ok with that bit of housekeeping out the way it’s time to continue this meandering journey through playing Doom on the Nintendo Switch, it’s boardgame appearances, and some brief reflection.

E2M4 Deimos Lab

These later levels are certainly harder. I’m dying more often. Having to utilise the ol’ save game regularly tactic.

Day and night, baby, night and day
All hell’s breakin’ loose
All hell’s breakin’ loose, KISS

Cacodemons are more frequent, as are Lost Souls. It’s not just the odd one, but groups of three or more. Last seen at the end of Knee Deep, Barons of Hell are now making a more regular appearance on a level.

Demons are being thrown at me in even bigger quantities. Portals are more frequent as a means to move around the map.

E2M5 Command Centre

The decor of the base is starting to get more corrupt and horrific. Evidence as if we needed it that hell was escaping into our world.

I love how a large carving of the Baron of Hell’s head in the walls foreshadows (or should that be warn?) of the immediate appearance of said being.

E2M6 Halls of the Damned

Getting my hands on a 2016 edition of Doom the board game was more eventful than it should have been.

The online retailer Boardgameguru had a copy which I ordered over a weekend. I knew they would not be sending the game straight away. They were at the end of a warehouse move.

Communication from the company said they would be business as normal that Monday.

I thought allow them a day or two to catch up with any orders. I should with a fair wind have the game by the following weekend.

However it did not arrive.

Another week passes and nothing.

So the following week I sent an email asking for an update. I was greeted by a wall of silence. Well no reply. A couple of days later I sent a follow up email. Still nothing. Not even tumble weed.

But that Friday afternoon I got a marketing email from them.

That infuriated me. It got my hackles up.

I replied to the marketing email with a blunt angry response.

Third time a charm. There was a reply this time.

Allegedly they are were unable to find any trace of my emails.

Apparently in the warehouse move they missed my order, and lost the only copy of the game!

I was given the option to wait for another copy to arrive (not likely for a seven year old game that is basically out of print) or have a refund.

I went the refund route.

But even that took a while to acknowledge. However eventually they did and a refund was issued.

While I was waiting for the refund to be done I posted on a boardgaming Facebook group looking for a second hand copy.

I got lucky. Within minutes some-one I had bought from before had a copy they were happy to sell to me.

That copy arrived whilst I was visiting Nathan.

Now I just need to get this edition to the table.

Another rarity I finished this level with 100% across the board.

This was a hard level. At times I just wanted to get to the exit.

But in doing so somehow I ended up finding and killing everything.

“Hey, not too rough” #6

You can find all my previous posts in this project here if you are interested or need to catch up for some reason.

I won’t take no prisoners, won’t spare no lives

I got my bell, I’m gonna take you to hell
Hells Bells, AC/DC

I have no bell but I do have a gatling gun, shotgun, and rocket launcher. They will have to do.

The Shores of Hell

Finally I start the middle setting of the three that make up the original Doom.

After the way Knee-Deep in the Dead finished I’m frankly shocked to be standing.

E2M1 Deimos Anomaly

There’s no exposition as to how I got out of that sticky wicket. All I know is I’m back taking on the forces of hell with just my fists and a pistol.

It feels right from the go that the stakes are higher.

I’m teleporting around the level. Cacodemons are being thrown at me. There’s something satisfying when they melt to the ground after taking that final shotgun blast.

This level is a rarity for me. It’s 100% across the board when I complete it. Yep kills, items, and secret rooms!

And I’m goin’ down
All the way
I’m on the highway to hell
Highway to Hell, AC/DC

E2M2 Containment Area

I love this level. It’s mainly because I’m running round at one point what is obviously a warehouse, slash storage area of some kind picking off imps hidden amongst the crates.

For me there is something satisfying clearing the area of threats, getting on top of crates, finding hidden areas.

The level design is superb. I picked out the above couple of examples. But all of the levels so far are text book examples in good level design.

One last surprise on this level is the appearance of the Lost Souls. These flaming skulls like the Cacodemon are classic. I just love the look of these two enemies.

E2M3 Refinery

Caged Cacodemons in front of me, imps, demons, and marines to the left and pouring in from the front. Fire, dodge, fire, dodge, is the order of the day until it goes all silent.

There have been two board games based on Doom. Both from FFG. The first came out in 2004 and had an expansion released for it in 2005. An updated second edition came out in 2016.

To be fair and I’m laying the blame for this series of posts squarely at the feet of Marcin. These posts and the replay of Doom would not have happened if Marcin had not been selling his 2004 edition of the Doom board game.

A couple of months back now I saw some-one local was selling a copy of Doom on the Facebook marketplace. So I messaged them that I was interested. It turned out to be Marcin selling it.

After Marcin checked that I knew it was the 2004 edition he was selling and not the 2016 one. Which was perfect as that was the edition that I wanted. We exchanged money for cardboard and plastic the next time we saw each other.

I wasn’t worried about the 2016 edition as that seemed easily available.

Harder to find was the 2005 expansion.

There is a copy of the base game and expansion, both in shrink, on eBay where the seller is looking for £1000! Yes you read that right.

So I offered them what I thought was a reasonable offer of £60 for the expansion only. Not surprisingly that offer was turned down.

In the meantime my search turned up a second hand copy of the game with the expansion on bgg for a much more reasonable price of 99 of the Kings coin.

So I went back to the eBay seller and made my case for an improved offer of 80 quid. More than fair I thought.

However the reply was very aggressive threatening to report me to eBay if I contacted them again. Honestly I was taken aback by the reply that seemed a tad of an overreaction.

The following couple of weeks since, I got more than one email from eBay encouraging me to make another offer!

I am now the proud owner of a second copy of the 2004 Doom with the expansion, because yes I did buy the bgg one.

Which means I have two copies of the core game. I’m keeping both. No wait hear me out. It means I can play just the core game or with the expansion without having to unsort or add the expansion. I just have to grab the right box.

Doom (2004) Knee-deep in the Dead scenario being played

So I got Doom (2004) the board game to the table for a full four player game.

I enjoy one vs many style games, add in that I like dungeon crawls and Doom was ticking a lot of boxes for me.

Usually I’m the one playing on the side of the forces of evil. So it was refreshing that this time Dave kindly took on that role.

We were playing the first scenario of the five that the game has called Knee Deep In The Dead. Each of the scenarios is named after one of the ones in the video game.

We had a blast despite the eventual demise of our marines.

Diego and Gavin left me with the chainsaw as my weapon as they grabbed the shotgun and machine gun. I felt cheated.

But as they ran out of the scarce ammo I was cutting away all before me. I even lobbed the odd grenade that I picked up to great effect once or twice.

After a very deceiving start to the level things started to get tougher. More, bigger, tougher opponents started entering the battlefield.

However it went totally wrong when the blue key we found was broken. Unable to open the door we had to double back through a horde of monsters.

That was the start of the end. Ammo was almost out, we were clearing a slow path through the bodies but at a great cost.

In the end it was too much. We were overwhelmed by the hordes of hell.

The big question did it feel like we were playing a physical game of Doom?

Yes it did to some extent. Especially the scarce amount of ammo. The running out of ammo, having to resort to using fists. Then there is the respawning after dying. Although it’s not quiet like the video game as you keep all your stuff!

As for the wave after wave of monsters to kill as we worked our way through the level map. Not knowing what was waiting round the corner or on the other side of the door. Yeah that was captured very well.

I can’t wait to play more scenarios from the game, and to throw in the expansion as well.

I’ve waded through pools, no rivers of acid. Fought off the horrors hidden in the maze by the strobing lights. Somehow I’ve made it to the exit.

I push the button and the screen melts away.

Venturing into the Shadowdark #2

With Saturdays D&D session now behind me, my thoughts are now turned towards Wednesday and the Shadowdark one-shot.

As hinted in the initial post that prep involves watching some videos by Kelsey (the games designer). Which I’ve embedded below for easy reference and rewatching for me.

These videos are great as a resource for some-one looking to try Shadowdark, and particularly the Quick Start kit with it’s included adventure.

I know that one player has already created a human priest character for the session.

I’m not sure which direction the other players want to go, whether that’s using precons or roll their own. I’ll find out on the night I suppose.

In meantime I need to try and create a version of the Shadowdark GM cheat sheet that I did for D&D.

Looking forward to playing this.

D&D Grp 2 Session 14 Planning #2

SPOILER ALERT TO MY ADVENTURERS! The following post contains spoilers for the up and coming campaign/session. You may want to avoid this post and join me in a future one. REMEMBER you have been warned.

It’s the morning of game day. So it’s time to go through the Lazy GM (rebranded during the OGL Fiasco of 2023) steps to get ready.

But before I do that I was processing some last minute ideas for this session and future ones.

Yesterday I went to the online printer in the UK that I found (Doxzoo) and had the WotC plane shift booklets for Ixalan and Innistrad ordered along with a copy of a book I got off the DMs Guild on harvesting monsters (there is no print option).

I’ve been on the edge of pulling the trigger on purchasing the latest D&D adventure compendium Keys from the Golden Vault to get the gambling games rules.

However a quick Google got me those rules. So I can punt that decision into the future. So I have the ability to run Three-Dragon Ante and Life and Death during a session.

I like the idea of having this as an option to make visits to a tavern more interesting. I’m also toying with the idea of possibly using Life and Death today!

It’s possible that the lizardfolk the party will bump into will challenge the party to a game with some reward other than money as the prize for winning, such as a map.

I’ve also this morning ordered a copy of Three-Dragon Ante off Amazon along with a wooden box to keep the deck of many things in.

Obviously with Three-Dragon Ante arriving tomorrow playing that will be an option in future sessions. Whilst I could use the deck of many things today if I so wished. I think the mystery box will add to the theatrics when it is final found. Although I do like the idea of using it for the deck of illusions as well.

I’m also working on my own cheat sheet, slash riff on the generator tables by Sly Flourish for harvesting based on the pdf book I bought on harvesting. As I want to use harvesting of monsters more productively with the party seeing as they have been harvesting corpses! The hope of this sheet is that it will help me improvise harvesting during a session. Or during planning for a monster I stat out using the Folio of Fiends.

I also whilst skimming through the stuff about the latest WotC adventure thingy got reminded of the arcane lock spell. A spell that will be used either in this session or the next I think.

Right got to go and do those lazy steps…

Father Son Gaming Easter Holidays Edition #2

Our morning started off with us learning War of the Ring the card game.

We played the two player Fellowship of the Ring scenario. It’s slightly less complicated rules wise. Only uses paths and battlegrounds that cover the first book, and the battlegrounds are not chosen at random but played in order. The decks are also constructed differently, taking out certain cards from the factions, or missing a faction altogether.

After a slow start as we learnt the rules as we played we soon got into the swing of things.

Oh Nath played the part of the Fellowship, while I played the Nazgûl.

It was interesting that early on I had card advantage, was drawing more cards. But that flipped in the later stages to Nath having the card advantage.

It’s certainly a very nice game, with interesting choices to be made every turn. Which starts with which card to discard and which to play. As you can’t play a card without discarding one.

Then you have to decide to whether play the card to a path, battleground or into reserve.

As the forces of darkness I was cycling through my deck a lot, and I didn’t take advantage of certain card abilities to thin out my opponents cards.

I’m pretty sure we had rules errors whilst playing. But who cares? we had fun.

Somehow my Nazgûl won by a single point.

After visiting the game shop in Basingstoke (I left with War machine, Iron Heart, and Green Goblin scenario pack, and got Nath a MtG Challenger deck) we saw the new Super Mario Bros movie.

Wow I’ve not laughed like that during a movie in a long time. It’s a great movie. Although I may be biased as a Mario fan.

Obviously my age means I got to play Mario back in the day when he was just Jump Man and not the main attraction, just a supporting act.

My first real Mario game though was Super Mario Land on the GameBoy. Yeah I missed the main Mario games on the NES/SNES because I didn’t own either. I loved the original Mario Golf on the GameBoy too.

At the time as you know from my Doom posts I was on a pc mainly playing stuff there. The GameBoy was my “console” at the time. For some reason I love portable gaming systems.

I’m currently reading a book about Super Mario Bros 2. I find these sort of books about our gaming history interesting and add to my enjoyment of the game in question. And yes I will be going back and playing the game once the Doom project is finished.

Back to the movie. There is so much fan service here and it’s a delight as you spot the Easter eggs such as the NES console, or Punchout being mentioned.

I loved the humour, and was laughing a lot during the movie.

This was the perfect Mario movie! It did exactly what the games do, bring a smile to the face.

Certain scenes made me want to play a Mario game. A weaker soul going into Game afterwards would have caved and bought another Mario game. However I did play Mario Kart 8 later in the evening to get the “craving” out of my system.

Later in the evening Nath and I played a couple of games of MtG with him using his new deck. We shared the honours.