You may find this hard to believe but I’ve actually started writing a post that won’t see the light of day until the later half of October.
But in those words I wrote this morning I briefly talked about my Saturday Morning Cartoon project that I have started. I also mentioned that by the time you get to read those words I might have written something about the project.
Well here we are with me just about to tell you about this crazy and cool (who am I kidding its anything but this, more sad and weird) project that I’ve started.
Back in the seventies and early eighties as a kid here in the UK our Saturday mornings were either Swap Shop on BBC1 or Tiswas on ITV.
Like the great home computer playground wars of the early eighties between owners of the C64 and the ZX Spectrum, you were either a Swap Shop fan or a Tiswas fan (to be fair dads would have preferred if there kids were Tiswas fans thanks to Sally James).
I enjoyed both, so sat on the fence. As I did in the great home computer wars (after all I owned both).
Both Saturday morning shows had a similar format. Live presenters, an audience of some kind (either in studio or on location), plus some cartoons to break things up.
It was great getting up on a Saturday, switch on the tv and watch these shows with a bowl of cereal, that weeks comics (Warlord, Battle, 2000A.D., Starlord, Eagle, Beano to name a handful of ones that I used to get).
But here I am some forty odd years later trying to recreate that Saturday morning chill, when I had no worries, life was carefree, and times were much simpler.

The plan I started with is to watch some cartoons from that period of my life (or there abouts) to help escape from the worries of the world. To have a relaxing start to the weekend.
I started last Saturday with the following three cartoon series; Batman the animated series, Dungeons and Dragons the cartoon, and Thundercats.
So with a mug of coffee in hand and a couple of pan au chocolate, the attack chihuahuas and I laid in bed and watched the first three episodes of from the first season of the three shows.
Obviously the animation is of it’s time. But I still found the episodes I watched enjoyable. Yes they weren’t the shows that were shown back then. But they are from my youth (except Batman which was more my young man years).
The plan is to add to the shows to watch Hong Kong Phooey, The New Adventures Of Batman, He-Man, potentially Transformers, and my holy grail Battle of the Planets.
I seem to remember that the Flashing Blade was also shown on a Saturday morning as well during Swap Shop. But my memory may be letting me down on that one. However I do own it on dvd and will rotate it in at some point.
At some point I want to start an equivalent Friday evening tv project as well with such shows as The Water Margins and Monkey. Which are the only two I can remember from a Friday evening on BBC2.
So there you have it my plan for spending a Saturday mornings.