Why so silent?

Well for two or three days I have been. And didn’t think you wanted more posts on my current fixation.

The plan was for September to get off to an epic start of gaming after the disappointing amount that took place in August.

However best laid plans etc meant that this start to the month has been a damp squib.

For instance today was meant to be Twilight Imperium 4 again. And it would have been if British Gas had come to upgrade mums meters at the time they told her (8am).

In my defence my mum organised this without checking with me first.

However as the morning went on and no sign of a British Gas engineer I had to make a call about if the game went ahead.

The guy didn’t turn up until after midday. Apparently they didn’t know they had to come to mums until they thought they had finished their last job for the day and got told they had mum to do.

This is what a disappointing month of gaming looks like

So with no Internet, and having dog sitting duties whilst the engineer was next door I tried getting mums dog Ebony to settle. But she just wouldn’t. She’s an old dog who doesn’t handle changes to routine that well. Which meant it was nigh impossible to watch any dvd. But I tried a couple episodes of Blake’s 7.

So no gaming but at least mum has a new smart meter for her gas and electric.

I’m hoping Tuesday still happens and I can draft Dice Masters with Dave, and finally get the gaming off to a start for the month.

On the arm front the arm is starting to get sore again. But not nearly as bad as before. So I’m still popping the pills to control things to allow me the use of the arm and to try and rest it as much as possible.

Some gaming stuff did happen in the last week such as…

I had been putting off getting the recent Rolling Realms promo packs when they were released due to cash flow issues at the time.

But now I have them and they are added to the Rolling Realms box. Which now is so full you couldn’t fit another card in it. Well not with out a bit of knife work on the insert.

I did finally manage to get the custom Dice Masters playmat image that I purchased shared with Patriot Games for printing. It was too large to upload via their website. So hopefully that arrives soon. Just hope Gav is able to find the playmat I originally had now. I know the dice bag I ordered off etzy has been posted. So with a fair wind it will be here by Tuesday.

Other arrivals in the week were two Dark Phoenix draft packs. Can’t wait to draft these. The temptation to crack them open has been huge. I want to know if I have the current meta defining Master Mold Endless Sentinels in one of them. So far I’ve been good and resisted.

Wow did I just sneak in Dice Masters to this post? Oops. Bait and switch.

Thanks for reading this far and catch you in the next post.

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