Welcome back to Darren talks more total bollux about MtG. Especially about cards from the Commander 2019 spoiler season that’s just finished.
So let’s get down to business.
These first 2 cards are definitely candidates for big green stompy. Momentous Fall looks an interesting card to play to get card draw and a little life gain. Especially when you know that your creature is going to die.
Giant Adephage ticks the box of being big and green. But that damage ability. If left unchecked this is going to get out of control exponentially. Dragonmaster Outcast is so going in my dragon tribal deck.

Board wipes are always good. Despite it’s cost Phyrexian Rebirth is nice because after the board is wiped clear you are left with potentially a really big body on the battlefield.
Desolation Twins is a reprint that will go nicely into a colourless deck along side some of the other colourless big hitters like Emrakul and Ulamog. I’m not sure how that deck will work, but with this card and others a target instantly goes on your back at the table.
Geth, Lord Of The Vault is just a nice zombie to try in the Scarab God Deck. I really like the activated ability. Steal an artifact/creature from their graveyard and mill the player. Nice.

Magus of the Balance I like because it’s activated ability is a nice leveller. All of a sudden everyone is on even grounds with the weakest player on the table.
Song of the Worldsoul I like for my mono white angel deck. Not sure it would really work in the token spam. It might. I may give it a try.
Tectonic Hellion, I like this in my mono red aggro deck and the gloves off land hate version of it.

Voice of Many might find a home in the elf deck. The way that deck plays, every player at the table will have less creatures than me.
Roc Egg all I’m going to say is look at my words below about the defender/wall idea. This would be a great include.
Another great include for mono red Magmaquake. Board wipe leaving flyers alone. Could work in my favour as long as the other players don’t have flyers. But an ideal include for the dragon deck.

Arla Palani, Nest Tender, I do like the idea of building around this card. Being able to cheat out creature cards for free that’s nice. It even leaves you in a good place after a board wipe. Have some large say colourless creatures like the twins above in the deck. Hmm a deck idea is starting to formulate.
Rolling Temblor another potential board wipe for red. But more a card for keeping those pesky token decks under control.
The thing I like about Purify the Grave is cheap graveyard hate for white.

Cliffside Rescuer is an interesting card. I’m just having second thoughts about it as I look at it writing this post. I like the protection bit, but for the current turn only makes me think meh!
What does a goblin deck need? Ramp. Dockside Extortionist gives that with it’s etb.
Back in Core Set 2019 we got new versions of the Elder Dragons. You know the ED in EDH (the original and still name for Commander). One of those Elder Dragons, Arcades, the Strategist loves cards that have the keyword defender, which a lot of walls have. Wall of Stolen Identity although missing the defender keyword is definitely a card I’d like to include in an Arcades defender/wall commander deck.

Sadly that Arcades deck idea could not have Pramikon, Sky Rampart in it thanks to that splash of Redon it’s casting cost. But I think this is a fun Commander card either as a Commander or one of the 99. I do like cards that changes the game, or causes interactions that enhance the political side of the game.
Green needs more ramp cards! Tempt with Discovery allows that with a little quandary thrown in for your opponents. They may need that land, but at the cost of giving you another? A hard choice for them.
Apex Altisaur a candidate for the dinosaur tribal deck and also the big green stompy deck. It’s big and green, it’s etb is removal, that can be a board wipe with that enrage trigger!

Ok that’s the wrap for the spoilers I like from the Commander 2019 spoilers. What ones caught your eye?