Recently (in the last month) there have been two great videos put out on YouTube that show creating ideas for adventures using random tables.
I like these type of videos as they basically act as “how to” videos, and also give a sneak peak in to the creative process of those doing the video.
Plus we all know how I feel about using random tables to generate ideas. So I’m bound to be biased and love these videos.
The first video is by Kelsey aka The Arcane Library, and the tables used are from the pretty amazing book Tome of Adventure Design.
Kelsey has talked about this before in her adhoc enewsletter and I followed those steps in a previous post (there was a second post too).
I’m looking forward to when Kelsey does part two.
The second video is by Mike aka Sly Flourish who did this video as part of his current Kickstarter for the Lazy DM’s Companion.
The Companion is the third book in the Lazy DM series, and is chock full of guidelines and adventure generators (read themed tables) to inspire you.
It’s those adventure generators that Mike uses in these videos, in particular the ones from the free sample pdf on the Kickstarter (you don’t even have to be a backer to get it!)
What I like about the generators aka tables in the Companion is that they are themed. Otherwise they most definitely scratch my random generation itch that I get. Maybe I should follow in Mike’s foot steps and do a post using the generators (although I’ll use the pdf of them from the Patreon instead of the freebie sample). I mean I have done posts following Kelsey’s steps previously. Only right I should do the way of the Lazy DM too.
UPDATE 22/10/22: Last night Mike aka Sly Flourish did another twitch stream as part of his Kickstarter that is part two to his Let’s Make an Adventure video. It’s now on YouTube (embedded below). In this one Mike goes into how to fill out a dungeon. Well worth a watch.
UPDATE 18/11/21: A couple of days ago (it might be 3 or 4, dats are blurring into each other these days) Kelsey live-streamed the second part to her video I embedded above. Just like that one I’ve embedded it below so everything is in one nice handy place.
I’m also embedding a recent video from Sly Flourish about building lazy magic items. It fits in with the whole theme of this post and using tables to inspire and create content.
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