#dungeon23 prologue part 3!

As the embedded Instagram post below shows I’ve started to make some markings in the notebook I’m going to be using for this year long challenge.

The stuff so far is prep work, like abbreviations I’m going to use to show where the monster stat blocks can be found. Or a kind of index/contents for the levels. The third and final bit of useful stuff I’ve added for now is a checklist for the random generation method and which level it was used on.

I want a dragon in this megadungeon after all it’s called dungeons and dragons. So one of the later levels will be a dragon liar. But how did it get there? I’m thinking a massive deep hole/cave going from the service straight to the level the dragon is on. It will be too steep and deep for a party to descend.

I want multiple entrances to the levels, especially level 1. So I’ve come up with a way to help me make sure that I can align them between levels.

I forget who shared the following link on Twitter but I’m glad they did. It’s a great tutorial on drawing dungeon maps. Couple this with the Dyson Logos tutorials and any aspiring #dungeon23 participant with a modicum of artistic ability has all they need to draw attractive dungeon maps. Just a pity I don’t have any artistic ability.

I have this memory of reading a Mickey Mouse comic strip in the seventies in which there were giant ants.

It was this memory that came to mind when I saw the acid ant in the Kobold Press Creature Codex.

Now I’m wanting to do one of the levels where giant ants are involved. Maybe an ants nest that connects two differing dungeons into one megadungeon.

I’m also warming to the idea that I need caverns of fungi as well.

All these ideas are popping up.

I’m so glad I’m writing these posts to keep track of my completely random thoughts!

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