Category Archives: game night

game night

The magic behind the wizard

Welcome to the second D&D post. The last one took a while to write, but now we are all up to date on the adventures of Dram and the large folks these posts should be quicker to write.

Naturally when I retell the events of the adventuring that week they will be told from the ground level that is the world that Dram occupies.

But who is Dram?

Dram is a halfling wizard. Think miniature Gandalf. Hence the colour scheme I painted the miniature I found for him.

Dram’s mouth gets him into so much trouble on his wanderlust over the Forgotten Realm. That’s despite the sage advice his pop often repeated to him “engage your brain before opening your mouth” as he was growing up.

Dram from an early age found a love for reading, particularly manuscripts and scrolls. Which luckily the village elder had many of. They told stories of fantastical creatures, and wild and dangerous places full of interesting things.

Then one day a wounded wizard stumbled into the village. The village druid patched up the wizard, and a place was found for him to recover. The days following the villagers dressed the wounds, fed and watered the wizard. It was during this time that Dram while helping his father and mother take their turn looking after the wizard stumbled across the wizards belongings. Which had these strange books and scrolls that he hadn’t seen the likes of before.

This interest in the spell books and scrolls hadn’t gone unnoticed by the wizard in his weakened state. While recuperating the wizard started to teach Dram how to read the magical incantations. It wasn’t long before Dram was able to make a stick create light. He was a natural.

Fully healed the wizard was ready to leave and continue on his journey. But before doing so he spoke to Dram and his parents. He wanted Dram to go with him and continue his studies to become a wizard.

Dram was still too young to go on a wanderlust. But technically this wasn’t one he argued to his parents, he was going off to school, not find adventure. Dram’s parents reluctantly agreed.

Years later a letter was delivered to Dram. It was from his friend Targi. It was fortuitous in it’s arrival. Dram was just about to have his studies cut short due to his mouth getting him into trouble once or twice. It might have been more but who was counting? Oh the senior wizards, that’s who.

Dram decided to head off on his travels looking for adventure and his friend Targi. They needed to talk.

Which is how Dram ended up in Neverwinter, and bumping into the motley crew he’s ended up helping and saving on the odd occasion. They’d be helpless without him.

His current spellbook is…

Before I get onto the latest of Dram’s journal entries. Thought I’d include pictures of pilfering Ace. Naturally outside of the game I can refer to Ace as that, but inside the game Dram currently has no idea.

Now on to the latest adventuring…
It was weird. Dram didn’t know how to exactly explain it. One moment he’s chatting away and then the next he felt all different. He couldn’t quiet put his finger on it. Dram felt like if he tried he could remember more, even last longer trading magical blows with another wizard. Was the staff causing this? No. Dram would have noticed that when he examined the it, wouldn’t he? He started mumbling words he’d never used before.

After the conversation had finished with the nun lady Dram headed back to the inn for a late brunch, while the others went off and did their thing. “Weird”, thought Dram, “why wouldn’t they want to eat now and do other stuff afterwards?”

Back at the shrine, everyone had done their “thing”, and Grull wanted to see this banshee. Which kind of sounded interesting. Dram hadn’t seen one of them before. “Besides without me Grull is bound to get into all sorts of trouble, I better go with him” was the thought process that flashed through Dram’s mind before chirping in that he was going.

After getting directions we all set off to see this banshee.

We set up camp in a familiar spot, and Sarmyar and Dram took first watch. As luck would have it a dire wolf and some wolf friends of it’s turned up. The dire wolf was standing right behind Dram, while the wolves were trying to wake up the rest of the party. Dram decided to show the dire wolf a cool party trick called witch bolt. Which it didn’t seem to pleased about. But luckily it took that frustration out on Sarmyar’s pet panther.

“AGAIN! I’ve done all the work!” exclaimed Dram as Sarmyar finished off the dire wolf.

“Good grief that gnome is sleeping through all this excitement, and there are wolves standing right over him!” Grull and Ace rush over to help the paladin, who wasn’t asleep. But out for the count.

While that was going on Dram turns his attention to the last wolf and mumbles some new words and casts a scorching ray. Which drops dead as it tries to run away.

After the excitement, everyone tries to get some rest in before morning.

The next morning Grull and Dram come to a deal, Dram will make breakfast for Grull, if Grull makes a nice dire wolf blanket. So while Dram is cooking, Grull is skinning and tanning away. Ace smelt the food, and tried begging some free breakfast. So Dram threw him some ol’ jerky.

Over breakfast Grull started hallucinating that he could talk to the panther. Not just the panther but to all animals. Dram replayed the previous nights excitement back in his head. He didn’t remember seeing Grull get hit over the head at any point. “Strange Grull is going completely bonkers. I must keep an eye on him”, thought Dram.

As luck would have it a cart came along that was going our way. It was nice to not have to walk and be able to just relax and take in the scenery as we went along.

The party was dropped off at some ruins that apparently was our stop. It was evening but everyone else thought it would be a good idea to go see this banshee. Even more remarkable we found her woodland lair and she was in. Ace did all the talking with Grull chipping in. Dram thought Ace likes to think he’s a ladies man, and his charm would even work on a banshee. Dram thought it was pretty cool seeing this dead elf hovering there, he could see right through her.

Ace gave her the comb that he’d been given to use with the banshee. But Dram had drifted off now and was bored. “If the banshee wasn’t going to do anything cool like attack Ace, why were we hanging around?”, he thought.

After the banshee disappeared we headed back to the ruined town and made camp. That was uneventful too. This trip was starting to get boring.

The next morning fully rested, the gang headed South.

Late afternoon, early evening the party arrived at a tower. Upon closer inspection from afar 12 zombies came out and started to gather round a human and the tent he was stepping out of.

“Obviously this guy is up-to no good”, and instantly before the others could react, Dram had cast his Scorching Ray and hit the human.

“How is he still standing?” Thought a puzzled Dram. “He should be frazzled.” But he wasn’t, it turns out he was a “fellow” wizard but of that awful necromancy school. Dram don’t trust him. 12 zombies isn’t innocent and self defence.

Ace once again started to try and sweet talk the wizard. Ace is standing next to the wizard trying to bargain for something. When suddenly the wizard disappears and Ace is surrounded by zombies. Dram knew it. You can never trust those necromancers.

And that is where our adventure finished until the next instalment.

Monthly Meetup – November 2018

These meetups come around real quick. Once again our fantastic hosts for the evening were the totally awesome The Luxe Cinema, and it’s amazing staff.

Somehow we managed to squeeze 8 people round the table to play some games. Naturally we split up into 2 groups of 4 for reasons.

Our group of 4 had started off playing 7 Wonders, whilst the other group played Tiny Epic Galaxies.

Not to sound like a broken record but I’ve not played 7 Wonders in 2 years! A new member to the group had said they’d wanted to try the game along with the next game we played. Did I need any better excuse than this to get the game back to the table? Nope.

We were a little cramped on table space. But it didn’t stop us building our empires and wonders.

Myself and the new member dominated the military side of things. Jeff had developed a science community that gave him a massive point injection at the end. But not enough to deny our new member from grabbing the well earned victory.

Next up on the want to try list was a current favourite Azul.

Azul when I’m playing it will always be a 5 round game. I did warn everyone that is my tactic at the start. I like that ticking clock, the pressure it puts on everyone, the focus. It also means I’m not having to worry about when the game will end, or whose ending it.

I thought I’d won. But the end game bonuses when added in gave Jeff the victory.

While we played Azul the other group of players played Deep Sea Adventure. I like this light push your luck game. And so did a couple of that group, who after playing were online ordering their own copies!

Our group finished the evening off with the now out of print Love Letter: Batman (you won’t believe the silly prices the licensed themed copies of the game go for now). While the others played some Rick and Morty card game (can you tell I’m not a fan of the show or the games?).

Jeff once again claimed victory for the game, with myself coming in last. But we had a blast playing the game.

As we packed away, evidence was taken to show that I had been trusted with Diego’s Kickstarter copy of Robin Hood and His Merry Men. Must remember to take it with me next time I see Diego.

But a great evening game, fantastic hosts. A big thank you to The Luxe Cinema and the staff there.

Return to the Iron Throne

Yesterday evening I got the chance to play A Game of Thrones: The Board game (Second Edition) again. The last time the game had been to the table was just over a year ago. And if my fading memory isn’t letting me down, my three opponents yesterday were also my opponents that time too.

This time I was the Starks, Liz was the Greyjoys, Dave was the Lannister’s while Justin was the Baratheons.

What was unusual for this play for me was I think this was the first time in a long time that I’ve played just the core game. With 4 players I usually play with the A Feast of Crows expansion. So it felt a bit weird starting off with so few resources and no objectives.

The draw back of playing this way with just the core game was if Liz and I spent all our time fighting over land in the North, then Dave and Justin would be free to run rampant in the South racing each other to get the 7 strongholds/castles. So early on Liz and I made a truce not to fight over the lands to the North, and came to a compromise splitting up of the lands. Thus we were able to turn our attentions towards the South.

I’m not going to apologise for this photo being the wrong way up. It was taken so that I could ask Liz her intentions without letting those of the South aware of potential troop movements.

Liz managed to attract the vengeful wrath of Justin when she invaded and captured one of his castles down on the southern tip of the kingdom. The next turn he committed to recapturing his lost castle. After that, when we failed to repel the wildlings, Liz was the one selected as the loser to get the worst of the punishments for failing by Justin (who held the Iron Throne).

I would have captured the Bartheons home stronghold a turn earlier than I did if Dave hadn’t played a card in our combat that meant he could remove a command token of mine. Which siding with Justin, removed the amassed forces I was going to invade with from that turn. But the next turn I did manage to invade and capture the Bartheons home stronghold. Thus inflicting on Justin the indignity of being the only player to lose their home stronghold. Even after this I still managed to avoid the wrath of his forces, which were still intent on extracting revenge on Liz.

This was a pretty close game really, towards the end I think anyone of us could have won the game. On what was going to be the penultimate turn if I had been able to grab one more stronghold/castle I would have been victorious. I was capturing two castles/strongholds that turn, but there was no way I could work it that I got that elusive third. That was my shot at seizing victory gone. I knew the next round I’d lose 2 castles/strongholds to the Lannisters and Baratheons. Luckily I knew I would be able as a final act of defiance steal from under the nose of Justin one of his unguarded castles as he took one from me.

The final turn of the game saw Justin lose 2 castles and gain 1. While Liz gained 2 castles, and could have gotten 3 if she had not rushed issuing her orders and getting a couple the wrong way round. However she did lose 1 castle to Dave in a surprise attack by him. I lost 2 castles and gained 1. Dave lost a castle to Liz, but gained 2.

In the end Dave marched his Lannister forces to victory and the Iron Throne. Trampling over Liz’s forces to do so meant that his victory might be short lived after they got home.

It was a fun evening with great company, and a great way to end the weekend.

Tides of bees!

The fortnightly gaming meetup started off differently for Jonathan and myself this time. We had been swapping messages discussing games and numbers for the evening. Which turned to whether we would be going for a kebab afterwards. I hadn’t had a kebab in a long time, and fancied having one again.

But Jonathan had been craving a pint and food at Spoons for most of the day. I pointed out that by the time we’d finished gaming he’d be competing for table space with people that would be jacked up alcohol, or just about starting on their night of alcoholic debauchery. Not the greatest atmosphere for enjoying a quiet pint and food.

So I suggested I was up for the Spoons thing, how about eating before we started gaming? 15 minutes later we were sitting at a table, food ordered, drinks in front of us and chatting away about life, the universe and gaming.

I did think my food was a little on the cold side, maybe not as hot as it could have been. Possibly a timing issue bringing my plate of food together. I think a couple of items had been waiting for the wings to be ready. Ok I admit it, I do like the wings that Spoons do. I could easily eat just a plate of them.

At The Luxe we got setup ready for our evenings gaming. We just needed to wait for the official start time, and those to turn up that said they were coming. While we waited Jonathan showed me the latest prototype of his Sherlock Holmes reskin (trolling him there) of The Streets of Commonville. I forget what he calls it. But it has those muted colours that suggest Victorian Britain and the setting of the Holmes stories. It’s nice theming. We discussed mechanics, particularly the dice rolling. I suggested he looks at games like Age of War, Bang the Dice Game and Elder Sign for their approach, and even Run,Fight or Die!. But I can see why he’s gone for a more Pandemic the Cure approach. It is his favourite Pandemic I believe.

After the brainstorming I taught John the quick drafting card game Tides of Time.

I really thought I’d played this game before with Jonathan, but I hadn’t. Drafting isn’t one of Jonathan’s favourite mechanics. But this is a quick game, with a slight twist to the drafting. The game is literally over before Jonathan realises he doesn’t like drafting!

For me this was a welcome return of the game to the table. Last time I had played this was before I’d started tracking my game plays. It is a very nice 2 player game. Like many games deserves more table time. But like so many games it’s competing for that limited time. Adding to the difficulty of getting to the table is the fact it’s a 2 player game, and those gaming opportunities are even rarer.

Although as I write this and think of my 2 player games that don’t get nearly as much love as they deserve, I’m rather happy with the fact I think I have a pretty strong 2 player game collection.

By the time we’d finished playing, no one else had turned up. We’d seen a message from one person letting us know they were ill. But there was no sign of the father and son we were expecting. I know life throws things in the way, plans change. But it is annoying when this happens. Part of our earlier discussion was about what games to bring along that were for the appropriate player counts, and audience. This information really does influence what we take with us for people to play. If we’d known it was just going to be Jonathan and myself we would have bought different games.

Our next game was a 2 player game of Waggle Dance. A game new to both of us, and only recently added to Jonathan’s collection. This is basically a gateway worker/dice placement game.

The dice are cute with a bee representing the number 1. On the whole the components are reasonable quality. Although both Jonathan and I think a playmat would be nice for the game.

Waggle Dance plays nice at 2 players, it uses 12 dice from one of the unused colours to occupy 3 random spots on each of the actions that can be selected.

The flow of the game is nice, as is resolving the various actions in the same order each turn during the night phase. It means you have to think about that order so that you have the resources in place to be able to take a later action in the same turn.

The Queen bee cards are the only way to mitigate dice rolls. The only way to get the cards is by putting a die on one of the spots for the action that gets a card. The cards do more than mitigate die rolls. They allow you to get honeycomb tiles, eggs, resolve a honeycomb tile with differing dice, etc.

The cards are pretty important. Jonathan took an early lead on having 2 more dice in his pool, and therefore able to do more on a turn. But I got cards from turn 1. I think it started off with a single die allocated. But after getting a free tile with it, I was allocating 2 dice each turn. The abilities I was drawing negated the advantage of the extra dice, or gave me the advantage. Jonathan started getting cards pretty late in the game, and too late.

The game uses that action selection based on the values of the dice you roll mechanic. Similar to Marco Polo (but not quite) and Covert. I quite like this mechanic, and because it’s not used a lot (well in the majority of games I own and play) it’s refreshing.

I won our game. But it could have gone in Jonathan’s favour. The cards gave me the edge, along with a couple of times Jonathan messed up his turn.

During our game Justin popped in to say hi, so there was a short intermission while we chatted and I hooked his son on Ice Blast drinks. It was great catching up with Justin.

Despite the low turn out this time. We still had a great evening gaming. And once more a big thank you to The Luxe for being our amazing hosts.

Forests and Deserts

Last night was a rare chance to play the 2 player game Targi and a learning game of Spirits of the Forest with Jonathan.

We started off with Targi.

I’d love to see a playmat for Targi, it’s crying out for one.

Still like it a lot. Jonathan didn’t like the fact gold coins were very scarce. But still enjoyed the game. The coins thing didn’t bother me.

Naturally I did better this time. The game ended due to the thief doing a complete circuit of the board. But I did get 11 tribe cards in my tableau. Which was enough for me to get the win.

At last I got my Kickstarter deluxe edition of Spirits of the Forest to the table.

The production value of the deluxe version is stellar. Instead of gem stones in the retail version you get these lovely large patterned plastic stones. The tokens and tiles are lovely thick wood. It’s just a really lovely produced game.

This is one of those abstract games you can teach in minutes, but takes a while to master. And once we feel we’ve reached that point, there are expansions in the box!

You are basically trying to get a majority in each of the 9 spirits, plus the 3 power source symbols. Fail to collect a tile of one of the spirits and you lose 3 points.

I like being able to reserve tiles with your stones. But it doesn’t guarantee you get it. An opposing player can remove one of their stones from the game and return your stone to you and claim the tile you wanted. That’s a nice touch,

Jonathan won both the games we played. But it was great fun playing. Yeah we’ll be playing this again. Be interesting to see how it plays with more players.

Once again as ever our thanks and appreciation to The Luxe Cinema for allowing us to game there.

P.S. Jonathan took some photos of me in gaming action, so naturally I’m sharing them with you.

Targi, Perudo and Small Detectives

Have 2 weeks passed already? A Friday evening gaming and a monthly meetup in the same week, that’s always a good week. Jonathan had repaired the table. Which I’m very grateful for. He saved the day.

According to the Facebook event we were expecting to be a total of 3 turning up. But ended up as 7 in total. It’s a bit annoying when this happens because we generally use the information from the event page to help guide what games to take along.

We split into 2 groups. James and I played a learning game of Targi. Whilst the other 5 played Forbidden Sky. I bought Targi as a purchase of opportunity at Tabletop Gaming Live the other weekend. It had been on my radar since Zee looked at it on the Dice Tower YouTube channel earlier in the year.

Targi is a 2 player worker placement game, with some set collection thrown in. Because of the number of players playing the other game James and myself were playing on a table that was just big enough for the main board. We had to use chairs for the player tableaus.

I liked the robber mechanic used in the game. It acts as a timer for the game for starters. Once the robber has completed a circuit of the board the game ends, unless the other game end trigger happens first. The robber is also used to block actions. As the robber moves on to a space, that space is not available for selection that round by players. And finally there are 4 spaces (the corners) on the board that when the robber lands on them trigger the players having to give up resources,gold or victory points.

The whole taking turns to select actions on the outside of the board, and not being able to select a row column occupied by the other player is nice. Because you are also getting to take the tribe or goods card in the middle where your Targi intersect, you are having to try and balance between choosing actions you really want and getting the goods/tribe card in the middle you really want. Sometimes these are mutually exclusive. I love the fact you only take the actions selected at the end of the round when you remove the counter. You get to select the order things resolve. That way you get to make sure you have the resources needed to buy that tribe card.

It’s cool the middle area of the board is constantly changing as you use the goods or buy the tribe card there. Especially when the used card gets replaced by its opposite. So a tribe card gets replaced by a goods card, and vice versa.

There is no resource hogging in this game, you are not allowed more than 10 goods and 3 gold to carry over between rounds. Any excess gets returned to the general supply.

The set collection element of the tribe cards for your tableau is nice. The fact they only score on complete rows of 4 is a great touch. Either player getting 12 tribe cards in their tableau also triggers the end of the game.

You can probably tell there is a lot to this game. I haven’t covered everything, about 80% or 90% of it. It actually took longer to play than I thought it would for a 2 player game. Maybe that’s because it was our learning game. But still it was a very enjoyable game, and definitely one I’m glad to add to my collection of 2 player games. The only issue with this whole game category is they don’t get played often enough.

Oh the history books will record that James beat me by a narrower margin than I thought it would be. I think there were 4 points between us, and that’s despite him having a complete 12 card tableau to mine incomplete one of half the cards.

As luck would have it both games finished at roughly the same time.

Our second game of the evening was a members favourite, the dice bluffing game Perudo. This time I was able to bluff my way to victory.

We finished the evening off with Small Detectives. A great little find by Jonathan, and still enjoyable. I think this was the first time I’d played it at the full player count of 5. Not sure if the optimal player count is 3 and 4 for this game. 5 players meant I was being blocked a lot of the time, I saw only one tile before Jonathan correctly guessed the solution. So it worked out in his favour, he got to see enough to make a correct guess. I did suspect and was proved correct afterwards that one player (the tablebreaker) had been cheating and making a note of the suspects and weapons they’d seen on their phone. It’s a memory game, you have 6 things in total to remember. I’m not impressed by this person as you may be able to tell. Still no apology for breaking the table. Although Jonathan did make a brave attempt at defusing any tension, and the elephant in the room by making light of the table incident. Jonathan compliments me quite well, he’s a better human being than me. I still had as little to do with the tablebreaker as possible.

It was a great evening of gaming. The staff at The Luxe were super amazing as usual. Fantastic hosts.

Monthly Meetup October 2018

Last night was the October monthly meet up for the Fenland Gamers at our amazingly generous hosts The Luxe Cinema.

The evening started off well. Jonathan had finally joined the Ice Blast Crew! It’s the drink of choice for the group. Jonathan and Nathan had a rare opportunity to direct the banter at me. I give as good as I get, and it’s nice for them to get this rare occasion where they have the upper hand. My turn will come again.

We split into 2 gaming groups, a group of 4 and group of 3.

Jonathan, Gavin and myself started off playing Kingdomino. I hadn’t played Kingdomino before. I know it had a bit of buzz when it came out, and it’s got an expansion and a follow up, was even nominated for an award or two. But it had not made my radar for something to play. Gavin was keen to try it, and I was happy to give it a go.

Wow. How much fun is the game? Lots. It is quick to teach, simple mechanics to grasp, and quick to play. I love the tile selection mechanic used to determine the order of choosing in the following round. It presents some nice tough decisions to make with such a simple mechanic. Do you go for that tile you really need and chose last next time? Do you hate draft to block someone else? Which could also potentially mean you get to chose last. Or do you try and get that first selection for the next round because there is a tile you really must have?

Then you have the placement mechanic working along the lines of the pub classic dominos, and being limited to a 5 x 5 grid, and getting an end game scoring bonus if your start tile is in the dead centre of a completed 5 x 5 grid.

That is literally all there is to the game, a handful of simple mechanics that seem to work so well together to create a fast, fun game.

Somehow in our 3 player game I managed to run away with the victory. But we then added a fourth player, taught the game in seconds, and we were back playing. This time I was getting less of the selections I really wanted. A few rounds I was finding hard not to be the one choosing last, because that was the only option I was left with. There was very little denial drafting going on. I thought Jonathan was running away with the game, he had large scoring areas that we had failed to prevent. Sadly those scoring areas were also ones I was going for early on also. But when it came down to the final scoring, I lost to Jonathan by 4 points. That was a lot closer than I thought it would be. So yes I was first loser.

Our second game of the evening was another new game to me, No Thanks!. Wow another simple game to learn, but so much fun. You either take the current card or pass and place a token on it. If you have no tokens in front of you, you can’t pass. So you are forced to take cards until you get some tokens. The idea is to have at the end of the game the lowest score. That’s an over simplification of the card bit, which involves collecting runs of cards, say 33,32,31,30 but you only score the lowest value of the run. So that example run would be worth 30 points. I also didn’t mention that there are 9 cards removed at the start of the game from the deck. So there may or may not be a run, and you get stuck with a high value card. Sometimes you need to take that high value card because there are just too many tokens on it, that the points it will give you out weighs the fact you need those tokens. I lost the first game we played on the tie breaker. Gavin won our second game, and I won the third and final game. And yes it was that much fun.

For me No Thanks joins the ranks of Red 7, The Mind and Love Letter: Batman that are fun little filler games that should always be in the bag. So yes this will be joining the collection real soon.

Our final game of the evening was The Resistance. 8 resistance fighters, but they had been infiltrated by 3 traitors. A fun way to have everyone playing together at the end of the evening. Luckily I was using my copy of the game that I use with students. With the mess that the Ice Blast drinks create from the ice on the outside melting, and one or two players being less than careful with game components, this worn copy of the game was the ideal one to use. And these two points are starting to become a bit of an issue on club nights. Our hobby is an expensive one, some of the games we own and play are beautifully made and expensive. So you would hope/expect those playing to show a little respect to using someone else’s game. Sadly it’s not happening. Which does make you reluctant to bring games along to play.

However back to our hunt to find those traitors to the cause, who were sabotaging our missions. Our first mission was a roaring success, despite us having to refresh our memories to the rules. Mission 2 was foiled, there was definitely a traitor in our ranks. But who? Mission 2 had 2 people from the initial mission and 2 newbies. It had to be one of the newbies. Mission 3 was a roaring success. I’d been on all 3, and I think by now the majority had been on a mission. So despite having been on 2 successful missions I was under suspicion. Mission 4 I wasn’t on, but somehow a traitor had managed to sneak on to the team and once again sabotage it. It was all down to the final mission. We thought we knew who weren’t spies. The final missions team was selected, and it was a failure. The traitors had won. when the smoke cleared, we had identified correctly 2 of the traitors. But Jonathan had done the con job of the century and managed to avoid suspicion the whole game.

After the game as we were clearing up, I was once more the brunt of banter from my good friends. This time teasing me about being a fanboy who wouldn’t sell out. So yes that time had come again real quick. Twice in the same evening. I must be getting old. I enjoy the banter, it’s good fun, nothing nasty. Although I forgot to pay Gavin back for his awful joke on Twitter the other day. It was truly awful and deserved retaliation. Ok the joke was “which spice girl can carry the most petrol?”, “Jerri Can”. See it was bad.

Then the evening went tits up once more. The frickin’ idiot who I talked about previously, broke my folding table I use for gaming. The folding table the club uses for our game nights now at The Luxe. Snapped two rivets connecting the legs to the supports that keep them in place when set up. The support collapses, is held rigged by a sliding metal ring. But no if it won’t collapse, just repeatedly force and break it. Not a word of apology, offer to fix it, or replace it. To say that I was not happy was yet again an understatement. I really don’t know what to do about the guy.

Jonathan kindly offered to take the table home and fix it. The earliest I could even start to look at repairing the table was Sunday. Which would totally screw up our planned Friday evening gaming session at The Luxe. Hopefully it is just a matter of replacing the broken rivets with screws or bolts, and that no other damage was done.

Otherwise it had been a great evening of gaming.

A new gaming experience for me

Last night was the fortnightly Friday evening gaming session at our now current home for gaming The Luxe Cinema.

Our first game of the evening was a learning game of Lost Cities:Rivals. I’m a big big fan of the original game Lost Cities. It has a great app (that makes me lazy on the scoring). But it’s a 2 player game only. So to hear that there was this game based on it, with an auction mechanic, that plays 2-4 players, yeah I was going to get it.

There is a surprising depth to the game once things click. But it’s a learning game so it takes a round or two for things to click, it’s expected.

On your go you either add a card to the market from the pile, or start an auction for the current cards in the market. And that’s the first big decision you have to make based on the market. Just how many or badly do you need any of the cards in the market? Do you risk adding to it, or try and get the cards with an auction? The amount of money you have, and of the others could also influence that decision, you may not even be able to afford to bid. Running out of money means until you get through the current pile of cards you just have to watch as your opponents take cards that you may need. When a pile of cards runs out, money that was spent in the auctions gets redistributed evenly amongst players. Which is a nice touch. I also,like the hate bidding to try and force up the price, and take out opponents so you have free reign of the cards. I also like that the winning bidder can also remove a single card from the market from the game. A great opportunity to deny another player a card they may need.

Amazingly Jonathan and I tied for top spot. I enjoyed the game, definitely want to play it again.

Our second game and final one of the evening was the evergreen gateway worker placement game Stone Age. I’d only played this game once before, which was nearly 3 years ago (before I started logging game plays).

I went back and read my thoughts on Stone Age from that first play. I still agree with them. Although it’s great as an entry level worker placement game, I did kinda think it was an average one on the whole. There are worker placement games I enjoy a lot more. But after our game last night I think calling it average is doing it a disservice, above average is more accurate. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still an enjoyable experience.

Our game last night was a little one sided with the real battle for first place between Jonathan and myself. Despite sitting behind the pack on the score track for most of the game, Jonathan was in striking distance of a big points rush during final scoring. Which I knew would be coming because he was going for the set collection end game bonus.

The reason for it being between Jonathan and myself was the other 2 players hadn’t played the game before, and I didn’t think my previous play really gave me an advantage, being so long ago. But being a more experienced player, and fan of the worker placement mechanic did help. Jonathan naturally was the more experienced player of the game, and he did point out key strategies of the game during explaining the rules, and during play. Also advice from both of us was given through out the game.

But that didn’t stop one player making a couple of really dumb ass moves during the game. The first was mid game on his first player turn not taking the farm, and allowing Jonathan to nab it and gain an advantage on the food front. Until the late game, that farm track is important. You need to hunt less to feed your tribe. Allowing you to gather more resources, grab more buildings etc. It also allows you to add more tribe members and yes get to do more on a turn. That was a massive move for Jonathan, and allowed him to get that extra worker.

The second dumb ass thing had me nearly rage flipping my table! I don’t think I’ve ever called another player a “twat” at the table before. But I did last night. Basically in the fading memory I have. We had a building pile down to one tile, the ass hat was first player. If Jonathan put a worker on it he’d block it to allow an extra turn or two, something he needed to allow him to get cards to complete that massive scoring set he was going for. I knew he was close. Ending the game this turn, was in my interest and give me a chance. The other two were not in the running. They hadn’t been grabbing end game bonus cards, and only had a couple. Their final points wouldn’t be too far off where they were on the score track. If they were to stand a remote chance of finishing above Jonathan they too needed it to end this turn. There was no benefit for the person to drag the game on for a couple more turns. No way they were going to get back in the running. Their first move was a worker on the final hut. During the rest of the placement stage they put another worker on a hut, and we played out our placements. Then when it came to resolving the workers, they didn’t claim the last hut! WTF! Did they just do that? This was handing the game to Jonathan. And then to justify it with “I don’t care, this is payback for D&D (dire wolf cleaning his privates jokes)” was just twattish. It really felt like they had just given Jonathan the game. We were now looking at another 2 rounds. Exactly what Jonathan needed.

Luckily Jonathan was first player and didn’t block that hut with his first worker placement. Naturally I did with my first worker. But it was a great last round for me, and also for Jonathan. I got a great end game bonus card.

As expected during end game scoring Jonathan had a 7 card set for a massive points jump, and some bonuses. I had a 4 card set, something I’d gone for as a way to try and mitigate that big points gain I knew Jonathan was getting. What I hadn’t been tracking was my bonuses. With 7 huts, and two 2 value tools and one 3 value tool my multiple bonuses really added up and shot me to the win. I ended up with 197 points. My tools bonuses gave me that win. Jonathan ended up second with 152. Without the tool bonuses I would have been a close second.

But I’ve decided I’m not going to be playing with that player again. Even before the dire wolf jokes in D&D I had the feeling that they were targeting me in games. I don’t need that agro. I never thought I’d be writing something like this, let alone thinking it. I’d like to reflect why I feel this way, and the root cause. But that’s not me, I’m a force of nature like my attack chihuahuas Nico and Loki.

Despite that little blip, it was a great evening. The Luxe and amazing staff, were fantastic hosts.

Coolest meeple on the zombie apocalypse block

As yesterdays say nothing post pointed out, last night was the monthly gaming meet up for Fenland Gamers at our amazing host The Luxe Cinema.

I started my evening of gaming by being way too early. I should have checked the start time. For some reason I thought it was a 6:30 start instead of it’s actual 7pm start. Which is ironic really because I’m the one that created the repeating event on the clubs Facebook page! Instead I enjoyed the company of the staff with some banter, an iceblast, and some warm flavoured nuts.

It was a good turn out for a monthly meetup, with club regulars and some new faces.

With my copy still in the dhl transit system in the US (I’ve been stalking my package via its tracking number), we got to play Gavin’s copy of Tiny Epic Zombies that had arrived a few days earlier.

Had either of us actually read the rules before hand, or watch any how to play videos? don’t be silly, this is Fenland Gamers we are talking about. This was the first time the contents had been out of their seals and plastic bags. I did have some sleeves with me, so I presumptuously sleeved the cards for him, whilst he read the rule book about setting up the game.

Katie was given the honour of choosing how we would be playing the game. So Katie chose the competitive mode, with AI zombies. But there is a variety of modes you can play the game, so if the competitive side isn’t your bag, then there is a co-op mode. don’t like AI, then you can play one against many. With the one taking on the role of the zombies.

I think we got the basic turn structure right, and the core mechanics. But I’m also sure that we made some rules mistakes as well through out our game.

Gavin wasn’t too impressed with the rule book. But in the past I’ve not had an issue with other Gamelyn Tiny Epic rule books. I’ll have to reserve judgement not this until my copy has arrived and I have had a time to read through it.

Gavin and I did find that the text on the objective cards was a tad on the small side making it hard to read. But then again this wasn’t helped by the lighting. And I’ve found that an issue with one or two other games, in perfect lighting the smaller text is readable (just for the these aging eyes), but in less than optimal lighting it’s a hard task to make head or tales of things.

Component wise it’s up to the usual high standards you’d expect for a Tiny Epic game. The ITEMeeples look super cool with the weapons attached. Mine looked really epic with a chainsaw and machine gun. I didn’t care if I won or not, I had a cool looking ITEMeeple. The motorbike also has that “wow, cool” factor. And looks awesome on the game board. These have that wow factor now, but will that wear off over multiple plays?

Katie and I both managed to complete one of the three objectives needed to win. But the game clock for the AI kicked in meaning that everyone lost. The AI clock for us was the search deck (not clear on how the call it, and no rule book to confirm) running out. I did like this as a mechanic for stopping the game from just going on and on. Although I’m not sure with the objectives we had how they could have been completed in the time given.

It certainly was a fun experience. Definitely going to get more plays, and trying out some of the other ways of playing the game.

Our second game of the evening was another new game for me, Smash Up. I know I’m very late to the party for this one. But I really enjoyed playing this.

I was playing ninjas and an Irish lepicorn mash up. So I was able to like put curses on bases to punish other players, or punish them for destroying a minion with the lepicorn cards. But with the ninja side I was able to play cards when bases were being scored. Gavin had zombies as one of his decks and that had graveyard (or discard pile) shenanigans. Very thematic.

The whole majority control fighting over bases works really well. And it was fun discovering how the mash up of decks worked. I thought mine worked together really well. Despite that I don’t think I was playing it optimally, and my last place only emphasised that.

I definitely can see myself playing this again. I think it might even be good enough to add to my collection.

It was a really fun evening, great to see knew and old faces. Our hosts The Luxe Cinema were awesome as usual. And we are really grateful to them for allowing us to game there.

Hold them for 7 days, is that too much to ask?

It just so happened that the fortnightly gaming session for Fenland Gamers fell on the very last day of the month. That’s about the only interesting thing I can say about the day really.

Earlier in the day I’d bought some PVA glue, and a cheap 20p brush to apply it with. Just before I was due to go out the door to the club night I decided I’d try doing the base of one of the painted walkers. I was quiet impressed with the results. So much so I had to do the remaining 5 before leaving.

It’s amazing how a little thing like this transforms the mini. I know there are errors in the painting of these figures, which are glaring when viewed up close. But when not looking at them really close, I’m beginning to really like how these now look.

I arrived a little early at our hosts for the evening The Luxe Cinema to get set up ready for everyone else. But the fantastic staff had already got my folding table out and put up. Not only that they had cleaned the surface too! The staff really are amazing at The Luxe.

While Justin and Edmund co-led a game of Vast: The Crystal Caverns, Jeff, Jonathan and I sat down to play Jeff’s birthday present 7 Days of Westerplatte.

7 Days of Westerplatte is a co-op game where the 3 of us played the polish trying to hold off the German invaders in basically what was I believe the start of WWII.

Jeff gave us the choice of wimpy easy mode or tough as nails hard mode. Naturally we decided to show how insanely stupid we were by choosing the tough as nails mode. Hey if we are going to fail, let’s do it spectacularly against overwhelming odds.

I can see where Jeff gets his tower defence like comparison from. Jonathan and I both really enjoyed the game.

Naturally the first 3 days seemed relatively easy, we were handling the invaders, and it would seem that the game is designed to lure you into that false sense of security before hitting you hard and fast.

This was so quick to teach, and get playing. There are some fantastic decisions to make as a team. Sometimes real tough ones.

We only just made it to the seventh day before we were worn down by the Germans and our positions over run. This may have jumped into first spot as my favourite co-op game.

Our second game was the latest addition to the Ticket to Ride family, Ticket to Ride New York. Jonathan had said it’s quick to play, and it is. It was ok, it gave you that quick fix of Ticket to Ride if that is what you are looking for. I suppose it might fill that filler game spot. But the game didn’t wow me. Jeff won the game.

We finished off our evening of gaming with a couple of games of the best version of Love Letter, Love Letter: Batman. The honours were split between John and myself.

Once again a great evening gaming, at a great location. The Luxe really are fantastic hosts.