Insert my favourite cliche about time flying here. Otherwise let’s get to talking about last nights monthly meet up for Fenland Gamers. That once again was hosted by The Luxe Cinema.
I arrived as usual slightly early to get the gaming area set up. During the banter with the staff I checked on numbers for today’s afternoon Wreck-it Ralph 2 showing. There were zero bookings. I soon remedied that by booking my favourite seat in the cinema. If all goes to plan it will be like having my own private showing of the movie. Sadly a similar plan for Aquaman is unlikely to happen. The showing in Friday I was looking at had 5 people booked. Not only that my favourite seat was gone!
Gavin arrived first with his delivery of the Kickstarter edition of Dice Hospital for Jonathan, and an unexpected gift for me. Gavin had gotten a large, heavy metal D20 die that had been just sitting on his bosses desk, and asked if he could have it. The response was in the positive, and here it was, now in my possession. I instantly imagined Edmund’s table if it was made from sapian wood shedding a tear with the thought of this die. And that’s before my table breaker dice have arrived. They are due any day now.
Our first game of the evening was a game we usually end the evening with, and that was Liars Dice/Perudo. Gavin hadn’t played before and was keen to learn.
We didn’t really have any other 5 player games with us. Unusually I was the only one who had bought games, except for Gavin’s delivery.
Gavin was curious to try Keyforge. So while Gavin was learning that, the others had a 3 player learning game of Dice Hospital (using Gavin’s copy of the game). After Gavin lost 3 keys to 1, he shared his opinion of the game. It would be fair to sum that up as “meh” or it was ok. Gavin wasn’t knocked over by the game. But by his own admission Gavin isn’t a big lcg/ccg player, he doesn’t have that ability to see combos, or as I paraphrase his words “look at cards and think oh that card will go well in such and such deck”. The positive thing that comes out of this, is it has saved Gavin money. He was going to potentially buy a starter set. Now he knows not to.
After the Keyforge experience, Gavin wanted to learn/try Azul. So that’s what we did. I narrowly won the game. But this was a much more positive experience for Gavin, despite getting maximum negative points on one round.
While waiting for the Dice Hospital game to finish we chewed the fat, discussing games and the quality of the components for Dice Hospital.
I have to say overall the component quality is pretty good. The cardboard tiles are a good thickness, the meeples look fragile but cool. The plastic ambulances look impressive on the table, although the detail, finish isn’t fantastic. They have a weight to them, but easily with the finish could easily have been done on a 3D printer. I know they are used for holding the dice, but really they are a bit of table top theatrics with no real game play impact (something I believe will change in an expansion).
The score trackers for the players although cardboard versions of syringes, and fit thematically. They did let the side down. With all the other pimped out stuff added to the game, I’m surprised these weren’t also.
The card stock of the cards had a nice linen like finish, but shockingly thin. Definitely will need sleeving.
But it’s little details like the last 2 things that for me let the side down. You’ve already pimped everything else out. Why not go that little extra? Maybe Alley Cat Games should employ me as consultant.
The next thing I suppose for me is to play the game. Which I’m sure I will get the chance to do with Jonathan real soon.
A big big thank you to our hosts for once again being totally amazing. And another great club meet up.