Earlier in the year I caved and finally bought a play set of the metal mechs for my all time favourite board game Scythe.
Saturday we got to play Scythe with those mechs.
They look flipping awesome.
Sadly I can’t tell you who played what exactly and the mat combinations. I forgot to take a note of them.
As you can see from the gallery below our end game change was Mission Possible.
I was playing Fenris with the industrial board. Marcin was getting his filthy hands on my beloved Rusviet. Anthony had Polania, and Dave Clan Albion.
We were using the modular board. My preferred map. Stops that “I play x, if I do xyz I win in 12 turns” play by numbers. That sucks the fun out of the game.
The modular board means the map and starting positions are different each game.
There is the risk as Anthony and Dave found that your starting resources may not be favourable to your faction.
The unfavourable starting positions slowed Anthony and Dave down. But Anthony was throwing out those completed objective stars. I think at the end game the rest of us had got four or five stars out. But Marcin had that all important sixth out.
I managed to get an encounter card that I could add to my player board as an extra action I could take. Plus I got a factory card.
I still find it hard I let Marcin hold the factory space.
My last turn from the end game condition allowed me to put out two more objective stars.
In the end Marcin got the victory. A victory with hindsight I could have avoided and grabbed for myself. If only I had attacked him on the factory space on my last turn before the end of the game.
Friday was the first club night of the new year. Yes technically not a proper club night but a get it to the table night. But still it was attended by eight members. A very good turn out.
We played an eight player game of Shadows Over Camelot with its expansion.
I’d never played the game before and we were lucky and honour that Jeff had bought along his copy.
This is one of those classic games that is out of print. So copies especially with the expansion that go for silly money when they come up for sale.
Along with Battlestar Galactica it’s probably the most famous and highly rated hidden traitor game out there.
Although I think The Thing board game should be up there with them.
Being probably the inspiration of the other games mentioned. You can see some familiar mechanics. Such as the shuffling up of cards before revealing them. The ability of the traitor to reveal themselves and then create chaos. Unique character abilities, and other similarities I’ve not listed.
I do like hidden traitor games. They are like a co-op game but with an edge. Everyone is meant to be working together to achieve the collective objective. But did you fail that mission because some-one had crappy cards and had no other option, or was that the work of a traitor?
We had a great time playing the game, plenty of laughs and suspicion being thrown around with comments like “that’s just what a traitor would say”.
Plus the traitors failed, and King Arthur and the knights of the round table succeeded.
A great evening of gaming.
Sunday saw me up early and over to Charlene’s for some gaming. Apparently it was Ben’s idea to start at 10am.
So on the way I stopped and picked up a selection of croissants to have with a hot beverage.
We started off the days gaming playing Fromage.
Fromage was interesting because it’s got this cool down mechanic and rotating board that’s split into four quarters in a “worker placement” style game.
It’s fun. I like how you can only do something in the segment of the board facing you. Each segment is different, and focused on a particular mechanic like area control, or getting pairs.
I manage to trigger the end of the game, and sneak a victory by a single point.
While Charlene was tied up in the kitchen we had a quick three games of Strike.
What can I say it was quick and fun. It’s a great little filler.
With Charlene back, her daughter Annabelle joined us for a game That’s Not A Hat.
This a bluffing game where you need a good memory. Sadly none of us had that. We struggled to remember our own card let alone what others had.
But somehow I won not getting a single point when the others managed to get at least one before Annabelle triggered the game end by getting three points.
For me my day of gaming finished with a game of Distilled.
Distilled is interesting. It has a drafting element, only lasts seven rounds, unique player powers.
The distilling mechanic is interesting because the ingredients cards you have collected to make a recipe are shuffled together and the top and bottom are removed. From the remaining cards you possibly make the recipe, score points, earn money, and get the drinks label to gain a bonus.
You always get two basic ingredients each round during the draft. It’s now you also spend money to buy more powerful cards like better ingredients, or fancier bottles, and even employees.
You can have up to three employees that usually give you some sort of ability to use each round, and an end of game scoring bonus. You are kinda building a mini engine.
I took an early lead completing my signature recipe before the others.
We took a brief pause during play for pizza that Charlene generously provided. However that wasn’t enough of a distraction to stop the others catching me up on the points and overtaking me.
In the end Diego won by a single point beating Ben. I wasn’t even close.
A big thank you to Charlene for hosting, and her generosity of providing the pizza. It was a great day of gaming.
Monday afternoon saw Dave kindly play host to an afternoon of gaming with Jonathan and myself.
There was only one game on the agenda to play. That was the 2015 released Thunderbirds the board game. A game I have owned since it came out but never played!
Thunderbirds the board game is designed by Matt Leacock (yes he of Pandemic fame). The game itself is based on Pandemic but with some changes to make it more thematic.
If you own a copy of this game open up the rule book and their listed amongst the kickstarter backers is my name. Yes your assumption is correct I did indeed back this game on kickstarter.
At the time of the campaign it ticked a lot of boxes for me. I liked playing Pandemic, I was a fan of Thunderbirds. Why wouldn’t I back a game that combined the two?
As a kid I used to watch Thunderbirds whenever it was on tv. I was jealous of my friends that had one or two of the metal models of the shows iconic craft.
Although I did have the Thunderbirds/Captain Scarlet lp. I listened to that a few times over the years as I grew up. Thinking about it, that and the Snow White read along record may have been the start of my love of what would later be radio plays.
I have a vague memory of playing briefly the Thunderbirds computer game that came out in the mid eighties. But it doesn’t stand out as one of those gaming moments like say playing Revenge of the Mutant Camels, Ghostbusters, Jetpac, or Harrier Attack.
During the late eighties, early nineties I even went and saw the amazing Thunderbirds stage play. I think I saw it two or three times.
Even now I have all the original tv series and movies on dvd. I’m tempted to get the Big Finish audio plays. They have done a good job with Doctor Who. So I trust them.
But for me the live action movie (which was dire) and modern cartoons are just not worth the time and effort. I’m sticking with the superior original.
Back to the board game.
It’s brutal.
More so than Pandemic.
Due to the perfect storm that was drawn on the disaster track we barely had two turns each before it was obvious we were doomed and unable to beat the game.
So we reset and tried again.
Our second attempt we did better, even upgrading our characters (not me). But still eventually we got into an impossible situation that saw us being defeated.
Dave called in the big guns to help, Clack.
Our third game we lasted a lot longer. All of us at least getting our second upgrade if not to our third. The disaster track was under control. But still it was a war of attrition and the inevitable once again happened with the game beating us.
I loved the game. It captured the theme of Thunderbirds really well. The changes made to the core Pandemic mechanics really worked for me. The having to avert disasters by manipulating the board by getting certain characters, craft, equipment to specific locations to meet the disasters criteria. Much more fun and puzzle like than spawning cubes.
I think the production is better with the character pegs, model Thunderbirds craft, etc They really are needed to help with the theme.
With the events track when triggered making the game harder by switching off some ability or mechanic. The game gets even more brutal.
You don’t hear people talking much about Thunderbirds, especially those that enjoy Pandemic. It possibly is the most forgotten member of that family of games. Which is a shame because I think along with the Star Wars Clone Wars Pandemic it is one of my favourite Pandemic games.
Which is a big call considering this was the first time I have played the game, and was not even close to beating it.
But I like it. I am finding that I do prefer the spin offs to Pandemic more than I enjoy the original game (including expansions). I like the extras or twists that the spin offs bring to the table.
This is a brutal, but fun game. I can’t wait to play it again. And I haven’t said that about a Pandemic game for a long time.
I think that possibly this weekend saw my last gaming of 2024.
This time of year just so happens to be the busiest time of the year for those working in retail.
Which is why after Tuesday I am working 7 days straight without a break. Not only that but for 5 of those days I’m starting an hour earlier (5am) but also finishing an hour earlier (midday).
But on the plus side once I step outside of work Christmas Eve I’m off until the 8th January. Yeah a nice break.
With that earlier start I won’t be making the lcg/ccg/tcg evening Tuesday. Not the “get it to the table” night next Friday. I need to be getting to sleep a bit earlier than I usually do. Which makes evening gaming not an option. Or I could but I’d be shattered the next day.
This past Friday was the regular club game night. Although the discord event only showed 4 interested we ended up with 9 attending. So one of the better attended club nights of recent weeks.
We split into 3 tables of 3.
On my table we started off with a game of Ra.
I do like this auction, push your luck, set collection game. That’s why I backed the last kickstarter to get the Ra Traders expansion. Which I’m looking forward to adding to the game once it comes out.
Luckily I won this game of Ra.
Next we followed up with a couple of games of Cubed: Next Level Dominoes.
This was Colin’s game.
Yes it’s dominoes like but with colours and height involved when placing your tile. But in reality when playing I did not think dominoes.
It was fun, and the player with the lowest score at the end wins. How do you score? Each tile you are left with at the end is worth points depending on number of colours on it.
I didn’t win either of the two games we played.
Our final game of the evening was Splendor Pokémon.
Once again the losing streak continues. I was one more turn away from grasping victory when Colin triggered the end of the game with 18 points. My next turn if I’d had a chance to take it would have netted me 7 points and a total of 20 points. But alas I never got to pull off my power play.
Master Chief broken?
Saturday saw Dave and me playing Halo Flashpoint.
Our first game was a capture the flag game. I had the newly arrived Master Chief on my squad.
This game had a maximum of 8 rounds. With the highest score winning if neither player got to 3 points first. Which I won by a single point. And that was because I actually captured the flag and got it back to a scoring zone in the last round.
Our second game was using the oddball scenario. This is a 6 round game with the winner at the end with the highest score winning, or the first to 11 points.
Dave had Master Chief on his squad for this game.
Once Dave claimed the oddball with Master Chief it was nigh on impossible to get the oddball back.
Master Chief is sooo hard to take down.
I think he’s too powerful. That or I was rolling badly against him.
Definitely for organised play (coming early next year) he needs banning. Without the figure being easily obtainable he is just too much of an advantage to those that got him as the pre-order reward or in the limited supply paint kit.
With the points racking up fast with the oddball in Master Chiefs hands it was an easy victory for Dave.
So that was possibly my last bit of gaming for 2024.
There are certain games that if you get them to the table once a year you are lucky.
Those games are usually epic in nature, both in table space and in scope.
Often the games take a large part of a day to play. Several hours for sure.
Another trait of the ones that have stood the test of time, even deemed a classic. Is that despite taking such a long time to play, that when you are playing the game you don’t actually notice the passage of time. You poke your head up out of being immersed in the game and realise that four hours of just passed by. Playing them doesn’t feel that long.
I like to think of them as experiences. Even events.
Twilight Imperium 4 with the Prophecy of Kings expansion is one such game.
Despite life trying to throw obstacles in the way (I had to say no I couldn’t do a couple of things when asked) yesterday was the day for 2024 for Twilight Imperium 4 and the Prophecy of Kings expansion to hit the table.
This day had been planned for over a month.
As usual for this type of game finding a day that six people were free to get together and compete for galactic domination is a nightmare.
So once we had the date set there was going to be nothing on this earth stopping this going ahead.
I’d been looking forward to playing TI4 all week.
I’ve not gamed on a Saturday for a few weeks. The day has been a chill day, do my washing etc.
I arrived at Charlene’s (who was hosting for the day) an hour before we were due to start playing at midday to setup.
Yes it does take a while to set the game up. You need to be sure of the player count if using one of the pre-made maps in the rulebooks. Luckily there were no last minute cancellations for our six player game.
We had to call our game to an end at 7pm because I had work the next day.
At that time we had just finished the fourth round! There were another five rounds to go! If we had had the time!
We’d had our first agenda stage in the previous round after Anthony had raced to middle of the Galaxy and claimed Mecatol Rex as his. That was quite funny because that had left Marcin feeling a little butt hurt after the first agenda vote because he had listened to Diego. Who had mistakenly misidentified the planet type that would be exhausted for the next round for those voting against the motion if the against won. So instead of only screwing me out of three action tokens because I wanted the for motion to win. He shot himself in the foot and lost about half of his planets.
In that final round there was a reckoning between Mr War Sun aka Marcin and me. I’d like to say the space battle was epic but my large fleet of a cruiser, three dreadnoughts, two destroyers, and my flagship, plus action card shenanigans were too much for his measly war sun, two fighters, and cruiser.
My space bombardment destroyed his troop unit, leaving our mech units to duke it out. With my mech ultimately being victorious.
That left Marcin with just two systems that be controlled. Early in the round Anthony had foiled any plan Marcin had of reoccupying his home system (he’d had to abandon it the previous round to claim a victory point).
If we had played longer I think we could have destroyed all of Marcin’s forces. That would have been funny.
A big big thank you to Charlene for hosting. A big thank you to Marcin, Anthony, Diego, and Ben. I had an amazing afternoon.
For me it was a light evening of gaming with my friend Jonathan.
That’s right Jonathan had made it to club night, and it was great to be able to game with him. It’s just a shame that Diego was on the other table. Then it would have been like the old club days.
We started off on our table with a game of Castle Combo.
Apparently this game had been getting a bit of buzz which had completely passed me by.
I quite liked this card driven tableau building game.
You are building this 3×3 grid, so in total you are getting nine turns before the game ends. So in that time you are trying to purchase cards that generate you money (to buy further cards), get keys, and meeting end game scoring conditions.
The symbol reference card is handy and very much needed through out the game as you learn the iconography.
It’s fun, accessible, fairly quick. And probably why I ordered a copy this morning. At £17 plus postage not that expensive either.
Our follow up game was Big Shot. My copy had arrived that morning. It was an odd experience with Martin our third player not taking out any loans, not winning a single bid, and finishing with the original money token he started with.
We finished off our evening with a game of Sushi Go. What more can I say about this fun drafting game? It’s a great filler game.
Sadly it was a clean sweep of victories for Jonathan. But great to share the evening gaming with him.
Sadly our Saturday afternoon plan of playing Cosmic Encounter was a three player game.
I used the Cosmic combo cards to select the alien races we would use for this session. After scanning through the 34 cards I settled on the quick-start set up.
I do like these Cosmic combo cards. They are a great way for 3-5 players to choose alien races around a theme such as trade or really aggressive. Shame FFG didn’t make these available as a separate print on demand deck for existing owners of the game.
We also used the tech cards (and associated rules), flare cards (played wrong btw) plus the reward deck.
Three players was fun, but a very different experience to our first game.
I liked the tech cards, and will probably include these in future plays. They give an additional choice to make if you win an encounter as the aggressor. Do you initiate a second encounter or draw new tech cards to gain new tech?
Charlene managed to beat Anthony and myself.
Our afternoon of gaming was finished with a game of Big Shot. Yes it’s fastly becoming a favourite filler game. Quick to teach and play. I managed to win this one.
A great afternoon of gaming with plans starting to get TI4 to the table.
Despite me starting this epic seven days of work without a break (currently on day 4 as I write this post) I’ve managed to get some gaming in.
It was club night Friday evening with only five people able to make it along. Is this the new normal? Why has attendance slipped?
The only five player game we had was Tribes of the Wind. So I was glad to be able to get this latest addition to the collection to the table.
This is a nice game. It even played well at five players, despite one of those players being well known to suffer from analysis paralysis (ap). Even with an ap inflicted player we played the game in about an hour and three quarters.
Although on the table space we had five players was rather cramped.
Production is great, and I really like the art by Vincent Dutrait. He has also done the art for After Us, the Amun-Re 20th Anniversary Edition, Broom Service, plus many more. The three mentioned I also own, and love the art.
I love how you need to take into account the cards your neighbours are holding. It means that whilst you can plan your next turn while waiting for others to take theirs. That plan might go out the window because the cards held by a neighbour have change meaning you can’t play that card you wanted to.
It’s cool that when you build a village you get to choose a village card that is duel use. You can either use it for an immediate benefit, or for its end game scoring bonus.
Each player board is unique. Well in which conditions you need to complete to be able to select one of the four unique guide cards each player has. You get up to two of these cards. They act like ongoing special abilities throughout the rest of the game.
They are also unique in the distribution of pollution on your player board.
The uniqueness is continued with the starting tiles that give differing starting resources.
The iconography is easy to pick up, as is the learning curve. As I pointed out in just under two hours we learnt and played the game.
Yeah I liked this game a lot. Sadly I didn’t win, the ap inflicted player did.
Afterwards I had to pack away and get home rather quickly. My curfew was way earlier than Cinderella’s. With work and the start of the seven days the next morning I needed to be in bed and sleeping by 9:30pm.
Sunday saw me round Ben’s as soon as work had finished. Diego and Charlene would be joining us.
I had suspected Charlene might be. So I had put Stamp Swap in the car.
After punching the cardboard Ben and I set up Stamp Swap. By which time Charlene had arrived. Not long after followed by Diego.
After going through the rules we started stamp collecting.
This is a fast game. The three rounds flew by.
I loved the drafting of the stamps in the first phase. Especially with some of the stamps being facedown unknown to anyone. The I split, you choose of the second phase. Great fun and just as tactical as the drafting. Followed by the puzzle bit of fitting the stamps in your play area. I really enjoyed how these three mechanics had been melded together.
That last phase is heavily influenced by the four goals and the final scoring goal. At the end of each round you select one of the four available goals and score it. Once selected you can’t select it in further rounds. Plus you only get to choose three out of the four.
Each player may has a unique end of round scoring card, also directing your focus of stamps to draft.
Yeah for me this is another Stonemaier hit. Who knew stamp collecting could be so much fun.
Having been robbed of a joint victory by a bs tie breaker we followed up with a game of Mini Rails.
I hadn’t played Mini Rails before. But I liked this share based game.
Each round you get to do two actions once. Build a track, take a share. Which share or track you buy/build determines your turn order for your actions next round.
It’s not a heavy game or a massive high scoring game. But it gets very tactical because the share/track you want might not get you where you want in the turn order next round. Plus the trying to manipulate the share price.
How much did I like it? Well a copy is now on its way to me. Zatu have it for under £20. A big discount. Might be due to a new version due to hit kickstarter soon (fancy meeples, and new cuter art, same game). But I’ll take the cheap option.
Our final game of the afternoon was Nokosu Dice. Love this trick taking game that utilises cards and dice. Which apparently is hard to get hold off, and if you can it’s for silly money.
Charlene just smashed this one breaking Diego’s run of wins for the afternoon.
It was a great afternoon of gaming, with great friends.
Saturday afternoon saw Charlene, Ben, Dan, Anthony, Marcin, and myself gather to play Cosmic Encounter.
I think it’s fair to say Cosmic Encounter is considered a classic board game.
We were playing the core game rules with the rewards decks added in.
Earlier in the day I had sorted all the alien cards by difficulty so that we would only be playing with the green (less complicated) ones. My thinking was for the majority of us this was our first game. We didn’t need to complicate that experience with potentially confusing, and complicated aliens.
Using the bgstat app to select the first player and not the draw of cards from the destiny deck, Ben was chosen as the first player.
I did enjoy my alien power as soon as other players started using artefact cards. It meant I got them, and could then use them myself. In other words the cards potentially came back to haunt them.
I’m not going to bore you with a long winded account of how Ben, Charlene, Dan, and myself all ended up on four points (aka colonies on other planets), and Marcin and Anthony trailed way behind.
But that was the situation after much negotiation, banter, and alliances as we ended up on what was to be the final encounter.
The final encounter of the game was for Dan. He had to choose who to attack. After much deliberation he chose Marcin.
Charlene, Ben, and myself were invited to join him on the attack. We threw in the maximum number of ships possible. This attack needed to succeed. I helped it along by playing an artefact that switched off Marcin’s alien ability of swapping played event cards. Oh and for some unexplainable reason Anthony threw in with Marcin.
But still Marcin was quietly confident of victory with a kicker card he was playing. However under normal circumstances he would have every right to feel that way. Indeed his play would have worked. But it didn’t take into account I had another artefact in hand that allowed my to cancel his kicker.
So smugly Marcin revealed his trump card that would remove everyone’s ships and deny us victory. Then my big reveal in response his reveal. His hopes and dreams shot down in burning flames.
He got smashed and his planet was colonised.
Sadly for Ben he was at the bar getting refreshments as the drama unfolded missing it all.
We had a four way win between Dan, Ben, Charlene, and myself.
What a blast the afternoon was. We all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Loved playing Cosmic Encounter.
After what has seemed a famine when it comes to board gaming over the past few months.
It now seems like the complete opposite. I’m gorging myself on gaming.
Friday evening saw Marcin and I play a two player game of Ra. I’d recently picked up a Pharaoh edition of the game. Which is basically the thematic way to describe the deluxe edition of Ra.
The main difference as far as I’m aware between this fancy edition and the retail edition is metal coins and wooden/plastic tiles.
The production is out of this world. The Ra token is huge. The sun boat marker, epoch marker, sun dials are all wooden. The auction board and player boards are a good thickness. It’s obvious a lot of love has gone into the production of this game.
Friday evening gaming
As a two player game it worked, and was an enjoyable experience. However I need to play this at the higher player counts. I think the play experience will be completely different.
Sadly Marcin won.
For our second game of the evening we were joined by Anthony. The game was Ohanami.
I’ve been often a copy of this game ever since I hear about it in a Broken Meeple video. At the time I was unable to track down a copy. That was until about two weeks ago when I was just browsing through saved items in my Amazon basket and saw it was in stock. I clicked on the item to check my eyes weren’t deceiving me. The price was amazing. Just under £11 for this card game. I instinctively pressed buy it now.
If a purchase has not been a dice game, then it’s most likely been a trick taking or drafting game. I do seem to be into those two mechanics at the moment.
This was a great purchase.
Once more Marcin won. He was on track for a clean sweep.
Next Fuji Flush hit the table. I think I was the only one who hadn’t played it before. But I was glad I did. This purchase has been sitting in my game bag since purchasing.
The game was fun at its lowest player count. But like Ra I think Fuji Flush will be a different experience at the higher player counts. Maybe even better.
We managed to get two plays in. Marcin’s win streak was ended. With the honours being shared between Anthony and myself.
We finished off the evening (for me anyway, I left Anthony and Marcin playing some other game) with the game Haggis. I’m so glad this great trick taker is making it back to the table. Which is easier to do because it’s either a two or three player game. It’s the three player support that is enabling it to get some love.
Luckily I was able to end my evening on a win.
After that I headed home. I couldn’t be late home because I had work the next morning.
Sunday I went straight from work to game with Marcin, Anthony, and Jeff.
Our game for the afternoon was Steamwatchers.
I have to say I was pretty tired during the rules explanation and nearly fell asleep a couple of times. That was by no means an indictment of Marcin and his explaining of the rules.
But I did wake up. Or feel more awake after I purchased my usual beverage order and started playing.
Sunday afternoon gaming
The theme of Steamwatchers is a post apocalyptic one. This is Marcin’s favourite game theme.
There is very much a big influence from the game A Game of Thrones on Steamwatchers with the Dune combat system thrown in.
Early on both Jeff and I formed an alliance. We offered an alliance to Anthony as well. The aim was to focus on crushing Marcin. However Anthony made the error of joining forces with Marcin.
That meant Anthony had hostile forces either side of him. So Jeff and I jointly attacked Anthony from both sides, whilst Marcin just turtled. Yep Marcin threw Anthony under the bus in an attempt to build get enough points to win.
We had to cut the game short by one round due to the social club closing early. But it was a critical round.
I had planned to attack Anthony to try and grab a point off him. Like Dune Imperium a one point swing is huge. However he moved all of his forces out of my target space to attack me first. This was better than I had hoped. The base would be undefended. I didn’t bother winning the battle, my forces were sacrificed for the greater good. I couldn’t have him retreating back to the base.
My turns saw my train with troops swoop in and claim the undefended base and grab the point.
I also broke my alliance with Jeff to grab a last point by taking an undefended base with my last action.
Points were tallied and I had won.
Wow the banter, especially at the end. It was hilarious. Marcin was butt hurt, trying to deflect from his betrayal of Anthony. Remember those buses he let hit Anthony without doing anything?
It was a fun afternoon, a fun game, and great company.
July has finally got off to a start on the gaming side.
Due to the aborted return to the hills I was able to join Marcin, Diego, and later Antony on Friday evening to play some games.
We started off with Otys. A post apocalyptic themed game. Marcin really likes that theme. It’s just a shame that the theme does not come through on this euro. The theme could be anything.
You are trying to build a little “engine” so that when you take an action that action becomes more powerful whether it’s by upgrading the action itself or increasing the bonus at the actions position.
Other wise you are collecting resources to try and complete contracts that give you points, or pay for some actions.
It was an enjoyable experience. You got to manipulate things in various ways.
Obviously there was plenty of banter during the game (and the rest of the evening).
It was even more satisfying that I denied Marcin a win by snatching the victory for myself.
Our next game was Diego’s copy of Kohaku. Anthony had joined us by then to join in. I do like this tile drafting game. Despite not getting a single turtle tile (worth 5 points), they always came out for the others, I won beating Diego by a single point.
Our final game of the evening was Courtisans.
Yeah I like Courtisans a lot. It gets very tactical trying to complete your secret goals whilst trying to screw over everyone else.
Luckily I came out on top and claimed victory.
It was a clean sweep for me. A good night at the gaming table.
Saturday saw Charlene and myself meeting up to play The White Castle.
I remember when The White Castle came out that it had a lot of buzz. It’s why I picked it up at this years UKGE months after that initial buzz had died down.
It is a very pretty game, with a nice table presence. The round tracker is enormous. Probably leaning on the overkill, too large side of things.
I have to admit I was left a little underwhelmed after playing the game. It felt too short.
Charlene thought that the sweet spot for her for this game was three players. Although she said Ben liked it at four players.
I’m not sure it’s a two player game. I need to try it at the higher player counts.
Oh Charlene won.
Next we played Targi. I hadn’t played this two player worker placement game since October 2018. Then that was against Jonathan at The Luxe.
It is an enjoyable game. Sadly it’s downside is that it is two player. And although every gamer has a few two player games in their collection they rarely get to the table. Which is a shame because there are some great two player games. Targi being one of them.
Charlene won this game too.
Our final game of Saturday afternoon was Dandelions.