This month, even taking into account it’s two or three days shorter, it’s been a poor month for gaming for me.
I think it’s fair enough to say life has thrown more than one spanner in the works this month to what feels like a gaming famine for me.
So I was pretty over the moon being able to get to last nights club night.
Before going I knew I wasn’t going to be late. After all I had work the next morning.
Yeah because of the family stuff the previous week I’ve ended up doing a seven day tour of duty at work without a day off. My next day off being this coming Tuesday.
So club night.
It ended up being five of us which meant we played Far Away.
For some reason I hadn’t noticed the copy I bought off Amazon wasn’t English! Luckily the game itself is language independent and I just needed to download and print off the English rule book off bgg.
Far Away is an interesting game. You play cards left to right in front of you over eight rounds. Then at the end of the eighth round you score your cards right to left.
Add in a drafting mechanic where the order of players drafting is based on the value of the card played. The player with the lowest value choosing first, and the highest valued card going last.
Plus if the card you play is higher than the previous card you get a sanctuary card that can help with scoring.
It is a fun game that sees you trying to draft and play cards that not only get you a sanctuary card but also give you symbols to trigger scoring.
Not many games get you to try and think like this.
Marcin won this.
Our next game was Flip 7.
This game ended the only fitting way it could with a big push your luck to get the flip 7 to win the game.
In what was the last round Colin had stuck with a score to take him over 200 points. I needed to get more than 40 points to hit 200. With a couple of plus points cards and even a second chance I had to go for the seven cards to get the bonus 15 points.
Each card flipped ramped up the pressure as I went for it. I couldn’t stick.
Luck was with me and I got the seven cards and enough points to snatch victory.
My final game of the evening was Rebel Princess.
I had a great game not taking a single point over the five rounds.
I love the changing rule each round. I do think my favourite rule card is musical chairs. “After each trick, every player passes a card face down from their hand to the player on their right, simultaneously.”
I just love the element of chaos it brings.
But being able to navigate the game to win with zero points was pretty cool.
It was great to get out and play some games. Let’s hope life decides to slow down the challenges it throws at me so I can play some games.