Tuesday night saw just Dave and myself showing up for the weekly Fenland Gamers tcg/ccg/lcg night. The ripples from the recent life event still impacting Marcin.
So instead of playing a tcg/ccg/lcg Dave and I played a game of LotR Duel for Middle Earth.
I really like how in this basically an update to 7 Wonders Duel racks up the tension so that the third and final round is this knife edge where either player can win.
Once again I was pushing for a win on the quest for the ring track, whilst Dave was busy nearly conquering Middle Earth.
The third round was so so tight. Luckily I was able slow Dave’s expansionist ways just enough to allow me to grab that final ring card to destroy the one ring on mount doom. Ironically it was the Mordor tile (once again) that allowed me steal this victory.
Our second and final game of the evening was Splendor Duel. What is there to say? My losing streak continues. But I still enjoyed myself. I don’t know why. But I like Splendor.
It should be noted that the sports and social club had put up their seasonal decorations that day to.
One of which was this almost life size Santa.
Either I’m very short or this fake Santa is really tall.
Anyway we had a great but brief evening of gaming.
In a previous post I wrote about what army surplus gear means to me.
That post explains this latest purchase from eBay.
For my money I got these British army mess tins, that came with a Firedragon stove and fuel. I think these Firedragon stoves replace the esbit stoves and fuel. Apparently esbit fuel has become illegal to use, sell, own without a license from the Government. It turns out nasty people can use it to make things go bang. Or that’s the thinking behind this “ban”.
They also had a pleasant surprise included that I wasn’t expecting. But more on that in a moment.
I’ve not been able to confirm one hundred percent that these are the mess tins that the Paras were using when Dad was serving in the late sixties.
But the likely hood is very strong.
When mum saw these mess tins after I opened up the parcel they came in, her words were “didn’t we have some like this?”
Which makes me think that at some point in my childhood we did have them. Most likely dads. What happened to them I have no idea.
The surprise I mentioned above was the seller had included a bag of “random” ration kit stuff.
There was a plastic long handled spork! Pot scourer, matches, water purification tablets, wipes, sugar, couple tea bags, hot drink whitener, some mystery sauces. My French (I think that’s the language) is nonexistent.
I do want to play with the Firedragon fuel. That will work in the Crusader mk1 or mk2 stove.
Will I use this mess kit? I think this may be used when I’m car camping with the Naturehike duel stove I have. But this in reality was bought as a piece of nostalgia.
Last night was the “get it to the table night”. A game night whose purpose is to allow us to get those unplayed games sitting in our piles of shame to the table.
So why did we end up playing two games that had been played (several times) before?
With the maths wrong I had mostly four player games with me. However there were five of us. It could have been worse there could have been six. But current life events means Marcin was unable to attend.
Luckily I had three games that played five players.
The first one we played was Strike!
Our games of Strike! were such a blast. We were also later we would find out from a regular at the social club louder than usual. Yes this game brings out the boisterous nature of those playing.
Our games were filled with incredible against the odds rolls, a variety of throwing/rolling styles, and lots of laughter.
Somehow an hour later and fourteen games or so we decided to play another game.
That follow up game was Sushi Go.
It’s been a long while since I’ve played with the maximum number of players for the game. The end of round scoring is much more meaner with seven cards. Getting more than 15 points in a round is virtually impossible. Hitting around 10 points or over is achievable but can be a struggle. Getting the multiple cards for say dumplings, sashimi, or tempura which give big points becomes much harder.
We decided to call it an evening after our third game.
We had a really fun evening. There was so much laughter. Yes no games from the pile of shame got played. But that didn’t seem important.
Part of my gear refresh has seen me purchase one or two items. Such as the BCB crusader mk1 cookset, a British army basha, a British army artic sleeping bag, US Marine bivy bag from the modular sleep system, a Dutch army hooped bivy bag, and a USGI poncho are the items that come to mind as I start writing this post.
The gear isn’t the lightest, most hi tech latest and greatest walking/outdoor kit. Although it is great value. Often cheaper than a similar “civilian” product.
The gear is also usually a lot more robust. Able to keep working after taking a lot more abuse than regular gear could. Yes it’s built to a higher spec. It has to be. A soldier has to be able to rely on the kit in much more harsh environments than your average hiker/bushcrafter will ever experience.
But I think there is another reason why I’m drawn to it.
My dad was in 2 Para D Company in the late sixties to early seventies. He left the army not long after my brother was born.
Although I was born in Wisbech. The first two years of my life were spent in Aldershot. Which at the time was the home of the Parachute Regiment.
Growing up my brother and I were very typical little boys. Always playing soldier. Especially on days out to Sandringham, or camping trips to Thetford. We had dad’s old beret as part of our play gear. We even had homemade shields from old playboards.
I have vague memories of going to army shows as a kid, along with family days held by the TA. Which saw kids being able to fire guns on the firing range. Supervised obviously. Of the shows I have memories of helicopters, armoured personnel carriers, and tanks being there for kids etc to explore and climb over. I remember cargo netting for climbing, even death slides.
Some of our birthday parties were at the old TA hall in Wisbech (now long gone and replaced by an Aldi).
There used to be an army surplus store at Eye. Which dad took us to once or twice. I enjoyed my visits. Always leaving with something. I was in the scouts at this time. It was on an over night camp at the old scout hut (now built over) that I wore a surplus wool shirt purchased from Eye. Boy was it itchy.
I think part of me sees getting and using this army surplus kit as Jamling Tenzing Norgay describes so well with the title of his book, (and I borrowed for the title of this post) Touching My Father’s Soul.
There was never a chance I’d join the army. Despite that being my life ambition when I was under the age of ten. There would only be one regiment I would ever be able to join. As a teenager I knew that I wasn’t up to doing that. My skills lay in other areas. The home computer boom of the early eighties had shown me I had a talent for programming.
I know that in his note to me dad said I was a good son. But I can’t help thinking that if I’d followed him into the Paras he would have been really proud.
I did have a spell in the air cadets (mainly because my mates were in it) and got my marksmanship badge. I’m not sure how dad felt about that.
I think this is my way of saying my early years were as an army kid.
Dad took his own life in 1988 at the age of 42. I was 20 at the time. Going over the events of that morning is maybe for another day. I’ve now lived more than 14 years longer than him. That day has been with me ever since.
This surplus gear for me on a personal level feels like I’m connecting with dad. Yes it’s not gear he actually used. But similar. However just having it, using it (eventually), somehow creates a link between us.
Using the protractor to work out a compass bearing on a map. It’s something dad would have done. Somehow in that moment I’m following in his footsteps.
One day before I get too long in the tooth I too will under take my version of the journey Jamling Tenzing Norgay took by jumping out of a perfectly good airplane.
Until then I will continue to think of dad every time I use a bit of military kit.
Did you even know there was a mystery that needed solving?
I have recently been tempted to purchase a BCB Crusader Mk1 cookset.
This is a cookset that was apparently issued to British forces (replaced by a Mk2) It consists of a cooker, pot, water bottle, and cup. These all stack into a neat tower that fits into a storage pouch.
I went for the Mk1 over the Mk2 because of the shorter form factor. The stove and pot are shorter. I particularly liked the look of the smaller pot over the taller mk2 pot.
So I went onto eBay and bought the BCB Crusader Mk1 cookset, along with the BCB mini fireball flint and striker, the BCB cup lid, the BCB pouch. I also bought the Mk2 Multi-Fuel stove as well (just out of curiosity, it should work with the Mk1 stuff nicely).
But whilst I was waiting for my new purchases to arrive I kept seeing how to modify your BCB Crusader Mk1 to work with a trangia strove videos on YouTube.
I was asking myself why aren’t they using the stove cross stand you can get for the trangia? Is the stand too big and won’t fit?
Granted with a trangia sitting in the stove the pot has to sit on the trangia itself. Which means you can’t use the trangia. The video below shows the issue and their solution.
But does it warrant cutting out the base of the stove as I saw in one video? Or as above the use of a grill? Even not using a trangia but using a coil of wick?
When the kit arrived late last week I quickly opened it, and dug out the trangia and the stove cross stand.
I inserted the trangia in the stove base, assembled the cross stand. Lo and behold it fitted.
Why were all these bushcraft YouTubers making life so much more complicated?
Yes the crusader pot isn’t sitting nicely partially enclosed in the cooker base. It is slightly higher.
But you aren’t cutting the cooker, carrying a grill, etc.
I haven’t used this in bad weather, so I have no idea how the stove works without a windshield in its intended way. I’d imagine a windshield of some description would be needed. I have a lightweight windshield in my bag anyway. So this cross stand seems the perfect addition to me to allow the trangia to be used without any flaffing about.
We split into a group of four (playing Power Grid), and a group of three (Dave, Colin, and myself).
We started off playing Splendor Pokémon on our table.
Whilst we set up a man came over asking what we were playing, and made a derogatory comment about being too old for Pokémon. And when we were asked if we played Monopoly I didn’t reply but Dave and Colin pointed out what a poor game it was. Shooting this man down. His partner came over and said their son collected Pokémon cards. The implication clear. It was obvious they thought grown men shouldn’t be playing “kids games”. I didn’t really interact with them. I thought it best not to. If they wanted to be ignorant and try and make us feel bad about playing games. They didn’t deserve my time.
A little known fact about the Splendor family of games (classic, Marvel, and now Pokémon) I’ve never won a game! If I include the two player Splendor Duel I have won a single game.
Despite having such a bad run with the game I really enjoy playing it.
Yes I no longer own the classic version. I didn’t see much point keeping it after getting the Marvel edition. I preferred what the Marvel edition added.
Splendor Pokémon is an import from Korea with no official english version of the rules. I had to rely on translated rules from the bgg website.
If you know how to play Splendor then you know a good 90% of the games rules.
You can only purchase the rare and legendary cards (which also can’t be reserved) if you have a master ball. So at some point you have to reserve a card on your turn to get the master ball to enable you to buy one of the face up or legendary cards.
You can also on your turn evolve your captured Pokémon (if the evolution is available). I like this a lot. The old card is replaced with the new evolved Pokémon. With the old card going face down under your trainer.
I like this version of Splendor and the little tweaks it added.
Dave won.
We followed up with a game of Tonga Bonga.
I do like this game. It’s very clever and deeper than you initially think.
But this time we never got to complete the game. We were in the closing round or two, when Colin had an emergency call that required him to leave immediately.
Dave and I called it an evening at this point leaving the other table playing Power Grid. The decision had been made easier with the fact I had no two player games with me.
Another fun club night despite the interaction with the “public”.
Nearly a year ago I wrote a post about my relationship with Batman.
Earlier in the year I saw that Corgi were for the first time ever in over 40 years reissuing the 1966 Batmobile from the tv series.
If you read that previous post you will know that this particular toy was an object of desire for my younger self.
So I didn’t even think about it when I saw that it was being reissued and I could preorder the Batmobile of clicking the preorder button.
I was excited that at some point in the future (November was the target date, but I know how this sort of thing can slip) I would finally own a 1966 Batmobile.
Like kickstarters I back this would be a present for future me.
Today that dream of finally owning one came true.
I now have an inner struggle going on between the young me wanting to break it open and play with it, and the older geek collector me. Who wants to keep it in pristine condition in its box.
It’s almost like the struggle Sheldon had in series 5, episode 20 “The Transporter Malfunction” of The Big Bang Theory. Except there is no identical one sitting on my best friends desk, or Penny, or best friend. But you get the idea. In all other ways it depicts that inner struggle I’m experiencing very well.
I’m really not sure how this inner conflict will resolve. There can only be one winner.
The final morning with Nath always seems to always fly by.
It never seems long enough.
After breakfast of warmed croissants and coffee, as I finished writing the previous post about what the outdoors means to me Nath played a bit of Overlord on his XBoxOne.
We played a final couple of games of Star Wars Unlimited using our updated decks. Mine is definitely working better than Nath’s. Although I did notice he is playing with a sixty card deck. So next visit we will have to look at what cards can be removed.
Afterwards it was time for me to pack my things before heading off back.
The good bye is always tinged with a bit of melancholy. But before I pull out of the car park I call mum to let her know I’m on my way.
The journey home was a little longer than it should have been because a major road I usually take was closed. So I needed to turn to Apple Maps to get me a route from the M1 to the A1.
The new year can’t come soon enough for me before I return. But first I have to survive December and the insanity at work.
I’m currently reading Rewild Your Mind, Use Nature As Your Guide To A Happier, Healthier Life by Nick Goldsmith.
I’ve been watching some of Nick Goldsmith’s YouTube videos (his channel is no longer active) for a few months now. But in his good bye, so long and thanks for the fish video. Nick mentioned he was writing/written a book about the outdoors. So I thought I’d see if he’d finished putting pen to paper. Indeed he had so I ordered a copy of the book.
In the opening chapter, first paragraph even! Nick wrote:
“Time out in a hammock somewhere wild or sitting at the base of a tree has become an essential part of my daily routine. In Japan, this is almost an art form, known as shinrin-yoku, which roughly translates as “forest bathing”. However, no water is involved, and you can keep your clothes on! Forest bathing involves completely immersing yourself in nature and in the moment.” p27, Rewild Your Mind, Use Nature As Your Guide To A Happier, Healthier Life by Nick Goldsmith
That struck a cord with me. The whole chilling in nature.
I’d stumbled into that years ago through the wolfpack and getting in to hiking and backpacking.
Very longtime readers who were with me here when this was an outdoors blog and for some reason remained. Will remember often at weekends with the wolfpack I’d find a quiet spot whilst out with them and brew up (often filming whatever stove I was using).
Whilst I was brewing up the dogs would chill as well. They’d be taking in the new smells, finding sticks, never going very far, always in sight of me.
Probably the one thing I miss from living in Farnborough is being within such easy access to places like Fleet Pond, Frimley Park, or the army land such as Caesar’s Camp near Aldershot. I particularly miss Frensham Little pond. I still recognise the trees! when the place is used as a location in movies.
I have nothing even remotely close to what I had in the Fens. Sandringham or Thetford but they are a lot further away. More a day event than a quick get away.
Plus most of the access in the area is busy bridle ways. Whether it’s foot traffic of dog walkers, or equine. It’s very hard to find that quiet spot to just experience nature.
But Nick is right about the benefits of this timeout from the rat race, and all the stress and pressures of everyday life.
I think I can best illustrate this with when I was made redundant in 2008.
I was working for a financial software house in Surbiton at the time. A couple of years earlier the company had opened an “offshore” office as they called it in Bangkok. At the time we all knew what the future held for us. The employees there had less rights than us. The office was open 24/7, the employees worked shifts, got paid less, had less holidays. You get the picture. It was inevitable that one day management would scale back things in the UK.
One day late July, early August (I can’t remember precisely) a company meeting was called and it was announced they were cutting back and there would be some redundancies.
Well you could imagine the atmosphere, the shock and worry that people felt. I wasn’t really surprised or particularly worried. This would have been my third redundancy over the years. I knew it wasn’t the end of the world. But for some it was their first time. Naturally the uncertainty of what the future would bring, meeting financial commitments etc was a major factor on everyone’s minds.
The rest of the day was spent by management calling staff into meetings to inform them they were at risk of being made redundant. I was one of those “unlucky” ones. It was just before lunchtime when I was called in and sat down to be told I was at risk of being made redundant.
I don’t particularly remember feeling anything at the news. Almost indifferent. But when the manager said they understood this was shocking news, and offered me the opportunity to go home early to process things. I jumped at the chance to leave.
I barely spoke to anyone as I returned to my desk, just muttering I was off home. Looking back I remember the odd guilty look. Survivors remorse maybe. I grabbed my things from my desk, and was waiting for the next train home fifteen minutes later. Little did I know at the time apart from one more occasion that was the last time I’d set foot in the office.
Within an hour and a half I was home, changed, brew kit packed, and in the car with the wolfpack on our way to Fleet Pond.
We parked in our usual spot and about half way round our regular walk wondered off into the trees to find a spot to chill.
After making a brew, I sat there sipping coffee and processing the days events, as the dogs did their thing. I let the healing power of being away from it all wash over me. Here for a brief moment in time I had a respite from all that was happening. It doesn’t solve the problem, the problem doesn’t magically disappear. Once you get back into that car reality returns, as does the stress and problems of modern life and whatever else is going on in your life.
But you feel recharged, refreshed, a little bit stronger to face whatever the world is throwing at you.
Over coming months I had no idea how important these dog walks would become for my mental heath as life was about to throw another major curve ball at me. But the continuation of this story is for another day.
However that sums up what being outdoors means to me, what health benefits I get from it. Yes life over recent years has meant I’ve not been doing that. But as you know from other posts my return to the hills is in “progress” and so is trying to get out more locally in the fens. The hunt for that special spot is on.
In the meantime I’ll end with another quote from the same chapter of Nick’s book.
“Everyone has their own individual problems and concerns, but the joy of forest bathing is universal; there isn’t a more gorgeous way to destress and process.” p28, Rewild Your Mind, Use Nature As Your Guide To A Happier, Healthier Life by Nick Goldsmith