What a great way to start off a D&D session. Naturally and this won’t surprise you is how the living legend Matt Colville starts off his D&D games. It signals to the players we are starting, stop that chitter chatter.
Mr Colville then gets one of the players to recap what happened in the previous session. He uses it a diagnostic tool, what did the players think happened etc.
The video he talks about this is the DM Screen one. I’m not going to embed that here again. Just look at yesterday’s post where I embedded it for another reason.
Guess what? Yep I’m going to borrow this for my own games. Which we are still negotiating dates for our session one! One DM and five players. So that’s six calendars to sync. Ok two of us have no life and can make any date (well 99% of any suggested date) whilst the others have outside commitments/relationships that need to be looked after. What is it with these people and having a life?
As of this morning we may (touch wood, cross fingers, and any other unfounded superstition that may help) not only have found a date for session one but also session two also!
Honestly though I think negotiating Brexit is easier than finding a date we can all agree on.
But I do like that opening line. I think I will nick it for the title of the write ups of our sessions on here. The write ups will be my post mortem of the session. I suppose similar in format to the videos Colville does for his D&D Live plays The Chain. So I’ll have a brief plot summary of what happened in the session, followed by my thoughts on how the session went. What worked, what didn’t, that sort of stuff.
Would there be any interest in me sharing my notes for the campaign/session? It’d be in pdf format, and change a lot. I could use Google drive to keep it and share it with the world. If you are interested in this let me know in the comments below.
Let’s finish with a selfie of Loki and me.