As far as my FLGS is concerned the D&D side of the two Ravnica weekends were a success.
WotC had provided two scenarios for stores to use
- Krenko’ s Way
- A zib for your thoughts
Ok Krenko’s Way was from the at the time just released, or about to be released Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica source book. But had some pre-made characters with it.
A zib for your thoughts was a brand new adventure that picks up after Krenko’s Way. It can be used with the characters from the first adventure or with supplied characters (I didn’t manage to get a copy of these, they are not included in the scenario pdf).
Apparently the weekend equivalent to the two Ravnica Weekends for War of the Spark will not have a D&D crossover scenario. But it will have something new and exciting instead.
I’m interested to see what this new and exciting is. But also disappointed that WotC didn’t use a three adventure story arc. And continue it to it’s conclusion as an option along side whatever else they have planned.
They provide enough ideas for a further scenario to use at the end of the second scenario.
“If you’re continuing a campaign set on Ravnica, this adventure sows numerous seeds to use as a part of your campaign. If you’d like, you can review the list of questions below to help inspire future adventures:
• Who was Vezska’s client? What do they intend to do with the information they sought?
• Who is in possession of the vial at the end of the adventure?
• What is the identity of the Dimir operative that sent retrieval teams to obtain the vial?
• Didthepartywithholdanyadditionalinformation they learned?
• What do the etchings mean on the door that Delrim discovered?
• Are there any NPCs that could become future con- tacts for one or more characters?”
I know my FLGS would have liked another scenario. There are plenty of ideas above to create their own. Or they can use the advice contained in the excellent chapter 6 (if I recall correctly) of Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica for rolling your own adventures. Or find a third party one online. So they have options.
Maybe we will see the D&D stuff return when WotC move to their next plane, and I’m sure print their next source book for it.