Just thought I’d share a couple of no brainer kickstarters a DM should be backing at the moment.
The first is by Kelsey at The Arcane Library who has created her own rpg called Shadowdark RPG: Old-School Gaming, Modernized.

The tag line goes “Classic adventure gaming for 5E and old-school players alike! One book, all you need to play.”
I’ve wanted to try the old school stuff with some of the classic D&D adventures I have. I think this is the system I’m going to go with.
It looks rather cool. Plus you can try before you back as well with the FREE Digital Shadowdark RPG Quickstart Set that is available on DriveThruRPG.
You can back it here on kickstarter.
The other no brainer is the latest in the Lazy DM series of books, Forge of Foes.
This is not a bestiary. This is a 128 pages by Mike Shea and friends that is all about creating your own monsters and running them.
Just like the Lazy DM Companion Kickstarter there is a 30 page (can’t remember the exact page count) sampler that is useful and allows you to create your own monsters right away.
You can back Forge of Foes here.
Both of these kickstarters are at a point where they are virtually ready to send to printers. So I’m expecting to get digital copies of these goodies not long after the campaigns complete.