So the other night I went and bought all the current leaders and bases for Star Wars Unlimited. Which is approximately 35 leaders, and 20 bases. It was actually 31 leaders I bought because Magic Madhouse didn’t have the starter set leaders in stock as singles.
I didn’t really need them anyway. Which saved me money. Plus those four cards it appears are the more expensive costing pounds each instead of pence each.
That was the surprising bit that these cards were so cheap.
Using the Star Wars Unlimited DB deck building feature I browsed leaders to come up with some pairings for some initial Twin Suns decks.
What follows are some initial pairings of leaders and bases that I think synergise or compliment each other.
My first pairing is Chewbacca and Fennec Shand. I’d like to use the Energy Conversion Lab base with them. But I’m not sure the deck building rules allow that (need to look into it more).

The current thinking for this deck is all about getting out units and using them straight away to attack, or protect the base.
Grand Moff Tarkington and Darth Vader, paired up with the Tarkintown base make up an “aggro” deck!

Hopefully Luke Skywalker, Hera Syndulla, Spectre Two, and the base Security Complex will give me the counter to the aggro deck by spamming out shield tokens.

Finally the deck I’m excited about because this is kinda aggro as well but will be all about doing damage to bases as the result of doing an action. Sabine Wren paired up with Jyn Erso and the base Jedha City should allow that. I see Jyn and the base removing the amount of damage taken, and keeping Sabine alive.

Now I have to choose which cards the decks need. Then try and buy them. That’s where the real cost will come in.