Toe to toe in Star Realms

Yesterday as part of his great series of YouTube videos on his favourite game mechanics, my favourite game designer Jamey Stegmaier did a video on Star Realms. Which I’ve embedded below for your viewing delight.

There is so much I enjoy about Star Realms. It’s definitely a game that gives you moments to remember, “that time I came back from 1 authority when Freddy had over 60, and won” or “that perfect game against Scott” (recent video evidence was put up to support this) or “that time I did over 50 damage”. You get the idea.

Mechanics wise not mentioned by Jamey I love the gambit, hero and event cards. With the right combo of cards between gambits and events as the first player it’s possible to have an insane first turn buying an 8 cost card in the trade row. The gambits give you that feeling of uniqueness almost, a special ability/bonus you can use during your turn at any point in the game. But events, they appear in the trade row, and when they do have to be resolved right away. I love the randomness they give. They can swing a turn from average to amazing, change the game, the impact they have is awesome. Hero cards are like gambit cards really, except you have to buy them from the trade row. That’s over simplified them. But Heroes and Gambits add a dimension of decision making that is very nice, when to play the card.

Here is a video I’ve just put up of a game that finished last night between Scott (of Scott Plays) and myself that I think shows how enjoyable the game is. It really was a fun game. We were trading blows like giants standing toe to toe taking it in turns to hit each other.

One word of warning Jamey 30 plus authority is not safe in this game. It’s very easy to hit an opponent for 30 or more damage in a turn. I’ve definitely hit with damage in the forties. Possibly, my memory is failing me here I’ve hit in the low fifties too. I’ve been on the receiving end of these massive hits too.

I’d be interested in seeing what Jamey thinks of Epic, and Hero Realms.

5 thoughts on “Toe to toe in Star Realms

  1. Wow, you guys play quickly! I’m impressed. :) And I appreciate the tip about 30 authority.

    I’ve played Epic once or twice, and I like the idea that every card feels like the rare, super-powerful cards in Magic (and they cost almost nothing to play). I haven’t played Hero Realms. I have, though, played Fantasy Realms–different style of game, but some of the same feelings–and it’s rapidly becoming my favorite filler.

    1. Sadly we don’t our games take a couple of days. Then like this video I replay the whole game back to put on YouTube.
      Hero Realms is Star Realms with a fantasy theme. But play using the character packs and each players starting deck is different, plus there is a co-op campaign style expansion for it.

  2. What I found most interesting in our game was how different our deck strategies were.

    Darren’s deck was a big bloated affair with a tonne of bases and a fair amount of card draw.

    Whereas I culled mine down to perhaps a dozen, specifically chosen, high impact, and life gain, cards.

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