Star Wars Unlimited Spotlight Decks

I know this is a day or two after I played Star Wars Unlimited with Marcin. However I have been on a two day health and safety course the very next morning. This is the first chance I’ve had to say anything about it.

So Tuesday evening saw Marcin and I playing a few two player games of Star Wars Unlimited using the new spotlight decks from the latest set Jump to Lightspeed.

Jump to Lightspeed is the fourth set since Star Wars Unlimited was released to the world.

In the previous three sets there were 2 player starter decks released along side the booster boxes.

But now FFG have jettisoned (for the time being, never say never etc) these 2 player starter decks, and replaced them with spotlight decks.

Spotlight Decks are pre-built decks that contain a mixture of cards from multiple sets, with cards from the new set making up the majority of the deck. Each Spotlight Deck contains five Special-rarity cards that are unique to that product, one of which is the leader card.”

I bought both the Boba Fett and Han Solo spotlight decks for this new set. These two decks basically demonstrate new mechanics introduced in this set.

One surprise in these decks was the inclusion of a booster pack. A nice addition.

Boba Fett is all about delivering indirect damage. Whilst Han is showcasing the pilot mechanic, and does something based on revealing cards from your deck.

For our first three games Marcin played Boba, leaving me with Han.

During our first game I got the Falcon out with Han on it. It was a threat but not as big a threat as it could be I was going to discover.

I won that first game commenting it was a shame I didn’t get Chewie on the Falcon. Not knowing what Chewie’s ability was.

Game two I got the Falcon and Chewie in my hand. Wait Chewie does what? With Chewie as a pilot the Falcon can’t be bounced back to hand or defeated by a card! Add Han as a pilot and the Falcon hits for 11 points and can take 11 damage. That’s huge and disgusting. Draw the cards and you have this monster out and attacking on round 5!

Marcin didn’t like being on the end of this combo. Which I got out in games two and three. Obviously I won.

Marcin challenged me to play the Boba deck. See if I had more luck with it.

And I did.

The two games we played were much closer. But I won them.

I was able to make more use of Boba’s indirect damage.

Both decks were great fun to play. I definitely enjoyed the two new mechanics. I really liked pilots and the duel use they have.

A great evening of beating Marcin at Star Wars Unlimited.

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