Next week sees Twilight of the Republic, the third set for Star Wars Unlimited (SWU) released to the world.
Obviously I’m keen to try the new starter decks, and start building Twin Suns decks with the new cards, or even upgrading my existing decks.
With Twin Suns being our preferred format for SWU. Allowing Dave, Marcin, and myself to play a multiplayer game. It is the SWU Commander.
However one thing I’ve noticed from our games is how they rarely go pass round seven.
Which means that it’s hardly worth even including any cards that cost seven or more. You won’t get to play them.
I’ve nearly arrived at the opinion that even six cost cards, possibly even five cost are dead cards in the deck. That the space in the deck taken up by anything that costly should be filled by lower cost options (if there are any).
I’m finding that these more expensive cards are more often when drawn placed face down as resources.
On rounds five and above being able to play two or three cards on the current phase is massive. You have options. Hopefully you have the cards in hand to respond to what your opponents are doing.
Do the Twin Suns rules need a tweak? Maybe double the health of the base, or add ten to the base health so the games (maybe) last a round or two longer.
If you have played SWU Twin Suns what are your experiences? Do your games last longer?