Advice to a friend planning to become a DM

At the start of the week I shared the photo I used in yesterday’s post on Instagram. An ex-student of mine and now a friend (we play MtG from time to time) left a comment over there, which I have shared below.

Ideally instead of this post we’d be meeting up and sharing ideas and information over coffee and maybe a game or two of MtG.

However current events mean that at the moment this isn’t really an option. Although it very well be nearer the time.

I’ll issue a disclaimer before going on. We all know I’m not a very experienced DM. I’m still learning and finding out who I am as a DM. So this is in no way me telling my friend this is how you do it. This is me saying this currently works for me, and you might want to consider some of this stuff for your own tool box as a DM. I’m also trying to keep any expense down to a minimum. So no 3D terrain or miniatures.

First off I’m proud of my friend for making this leap. Becoming a DM is a scary thing to do. The doubt and uncertainty. Remember it’s about having fun.

Ok with all that out of the way I’m going to firstly suggest some things my friend may want to think about on the practical front. I’m also going to assume my friend already has the three cornerstones of the D&D world, the Dungeon Masters Guide, Players Guide and Monster Manual.

The most obvious suggestion, and I’m pretty sure my friend will be doing this, is buying Mythic Odysseys Of Theros when it hits the shores at the start of June. After all that is going to be the campaign bible.

I’d also pick up a copy of Guildmasters’ Guide to Ravnica plus the six or so Planes Shift PDF’s that WotC did. I can’t remember which but one of them has some suggestions for how to handle planeswalking. Something that my friend may want to explore.

Having a supply of MtG cards especially the cheap commons and uncommons that can be used to illustrate to players various items or creatures in the campaign is going to be useful. Naturally I’d be using ones from the current Theros block. For the more expensive (usually) rares and mythic cards I’d download the art and print it out. The nice thing about these is that they can also be used to make tokens for the campaign as well (Sly Flourish has a great video and post on making these).

If my friend does decide to also visit one of the planes covered by the Planes Shift PDF’s they may want to consider getting the appropriate Art of Magic the Gathering book. These act as great source books. I believe the Planes Shift PDF’s are meant to be used with them. I’d also be tempted to pick up the Ravnica one if I was using the Guildmasters’ Guide to Ravnica.

More generic stuff I’d consider that will come as no surprise to regular readers.

Firstly I’d be watching the Matt Colville series on becoming a DM. They helped give me the confidence to run my first game. I still go back and watch various episodes, along with any new episodes that are uploaded.

I’ve found the Lazy DM stuff by Sly Flourish very helpful. The Return of the Lazy DM book is great for not only helping to prepare a session but for preparing a campaign also. It’s also backed up by a series of videos by Sly Flourish looking at each of the chapters. Which are a great way to get a feel for the book and if it’s something that would appeal to you.

Complimenting the above book is also the Lazy DM Workbook. Which can be used without the other book. What I like about this book is the useful tables it has that can be used during prep and during a session. But also the ten lair maps that can be used at a moments notice in any campaign.

I feel that last bit is where us new DM’s fall short. We haven’t yet built up that library of maps that we can use within our own campaigns. Jim Murphy touched on this in his video when he went through his minimalist DM kit and building up a collection of maps. Whether they were ones he’d created, or ones he’d gotten from other DMs.

As part of that building up a library of maps I’d add a copy of The Essentials Kit. Apart from the handy initiative cards (a side benefit), the town map of Phandalin, you get the Dragon of Icespire Peak campaign. The adventures in this campaign also can be dropped into any campaign with very little tweaking, if any.

I’ve found having a DM folder very useful. I’ll go over it’s contents in another post.

Unless doing theatre of the mind combat (something I haven’t done yet) then a dry erase battle mat of some kind is a good idea. Ideally with one inch squares on it. With a dry erase pen you can quickly draw out the current encounter or have it drawn up in advance. I’ve found the Pathfinder series affordable in the UK. Well at a price I’m prepared to pay.

Related to this and already mentioned above I’d create some tokens to represent players and creatures on the battle mat. It’s a cheap way to do this.

Now onto actually planning the campaign.

With the Theros source book having done the majority of the heavy lifting for me on creating the world the players will be playing in it means I can instead concentrate on the campaign instead of world creation.

To help generate ideas I’d be reading the lore/stories that WotC have on the MtG site relating to Theros. With the Greek myth theme I’d also be reading up on Classical Greek mythology. Along with watching some classic movies like Jason and the Argonauts, Troy, Clash of the Titans (original and the remake with it’s sequel Wrath of the Titans), the two Percy Jackson movies, and the fantastic Jim Henderson’s The Storyteller Greek Myths series.

However I’d use the ‘spiral campaign’ method, which I think most of the big names recommend. I’m basically doing this for my campaign. It’s covered in the Lazy DM as well. But the gist is that you start out small and local to where the players are starting the campaign, and as the players explore the world you focus on those bits.

Matt Colville and Sly Flourish both produce a handout for players that is used in the zero session. This handout sets the scene for the campaign, summarises races and classes the players might use, and any house rules. I used one for my campaign I think my players found it helpful. The important thing is it should be one page.

After the session zero I’d be moving onto the Lazy DM session prep. I personally find that this is providing enough for me to run a session and handle anything that turns up. But everyone is different and the stuff above may not work for you.

I hope my friend finds these suggestions helpful.

Update on planning session 8 #3

SPOILER ALERT TO MY ADVENTURERS! The following post contains spoilers for the up and coming campaign. You may want to avoid this post and join me in a future one.

In all likely hood session 8 may have to be rescheduled to a later date considering the current pandemic and stuff. It’s a discussion we have yet to have as a group. But one that will be held nearer the time.

One mechanic I haven’t used so far as a DM with the players during a session is inspiration.

Inspiration is dealt with in the Players Guide on Page 125 (and the DMG p240/241).

‘”Inspiration is a rule the Dungeon Master can use to reward you for playing your character in a way that’s true to his or her personality traits, ideal, bond, and flaw.

So ok, that’s all good and dandy. I reward the players for doing something cool basically.

For the player it means “lf you have inspiration, you can expend it when you make an attack rolI, saving throw, or ability check. Spending your inspiration gives you advantage on that rol!.”

It doesn’t stack. So once the player gets inspiration they don’t get more inspired, and have multiple amounts of inspiration to use.

To help me and the players track when I give them inspiration and that they have it, I got these cool inspiration tokens off Amazon.

The hole in the middle of the token is for a d20. Which if they place one there doubly reminds them that they have inspiration to “spend”.

For me the tokens behind the screen will remind me that I can hand out inspiration during a session.

I’m looking forward to trying this.

Scary Interesting Times

There is an old Chinese proverb that I am partial to quote from time to time, “may you live in interesting times”.

We are certainly living in interesting times. But they are also for many very worrying and scary times.

After a phone call last night with founding member of Fenland Gamers Jonathan we decided to cancel this weeks Friday gaming session.

It wasn’t an easy decision.

We based it on the latest Government information. Which over the weekend is changing almost by the hour. I’d love to rant about the handling of this but this post is not the place to do that.

Even if we personally are not at risk, we have to think of those we come into contact with. They may be.

For me that means my 93 year old Nan and my over 70 mum. Luckily I’m in a position at the moment where I can easily avoid contact with others, and keep it to a minimum.

Jonathan and I were both on the same wavelength during our conversation. Although as I said we have cancelled this weeks session. Which if you are involved with a gaming group of some sort will be happening all around the country. All our ‘local’ groups are doing the same.

Our monthly meet-up for April at the moment is still going ahead. But we have warned members that this may change and be cancelled on short notice.

Jonathan also put up a post (copied below) for the group first thing yesterday that speaks for everyone I think. I definitely agree with it.

Coronavirus update

While I personally believe that we shouldn’t live in fear, as a gaming group Fenland Gamers have a responsibility towards our members. At this time we are following Government advice. We will also be working closely with our hosts, The Luxe Cinema. This might mean that planned events may have to be cancelled at short notice. At this time we ask you to double check events before travelling to make sure of no last-minute cancellations. If you are showing any of the symptoms of cold/flu (defined as a fever of above 37.8C or a persistent cough) we ask you not to attend sessions. We apologise for any disappointment this might cause.”

The Luxe Cinema is being brilliant, and really supportive. As much as we can during this difficult and worrying time we want to support them also.

My message to everyone is be safe, think of others. It’s a time to show our best side and not the worst.

Show the content!

One of my criticisms of the Genesys RPG is the lack of official modules/adventures/scenarios for players to buy.

I appreciate that FFG made available their scenarios that they used at cons for the Terrinoth and Android books. I also appreciate that the Genesys RPG is a generic system that is intended for players to use to build their own.

But I can’t help feeling that with more support on the pick up and play front from FFG that the system might be more popular. That and cheaper dice.

I’m starting to feel that way with the Judge Dredd and the Worlds of 2000 A.D. RPG.

My counting may be out on this but there is now four short scenarios for the Judge Dredd RPG if you sign up for the publishers Patreon. One of those is the scenario the publisher uses at cons.

This is great. Don’t get me wrong. But I think they should be easier to find and promoted better.

I’m not a fan of the publishers website for Judge Dredd or the WOIN system. The design is a bit dated.

Giving them a higher visibility makes the game look better supported than it is. And to be fair I think the support is pretty good for the game.

Not everyone wants or uses Patreon. Wider availability and promotion gives the impression that the game is alive and not going away any time soon.

Yes Judge Dredd has three great campaign books available based on classic story arcs. Plus it has more in the pipeline, plus the rules for Strontium Dog and Rogue Trooper on the horizon.

Considering the appeal of the Judge Dredd licence is not only to gamers but to those outside the hobby. Having the scenarios hidden on Patreon is not helping promote the game.

Not every player wants to create their own adventures. Look how popular the campaign books are for D&D and other systems. Some want to purchase an adventure and run it.

I know there is fan stuff for both on DriveThruRPG, and both systems support and promote fan created content.

But once again not everyone is plugged into that ecosystem. I look on DriveThruRPG and Patreon as something hardcore gamers use. That casual or non gamer moving in probably doesn’t know or care about them. They look on Amazon or their FLGS shelves usually.

I’m not saying give these adventures away for free. Well except the one used at cons. But making them more easily available and easier to find would help the growth of the game.

Genesys RPG Gets A Reprieve

I’m not sure how well last weeks US trade show for the gaming industry GAMA was attended. But with all that’s going on in the world currently it happened.

For fans of of the Genesys, Star Wars and L5R RPGs by FFG that was a good thing.

Since the New Year those RPGs have had an uncertain future. As we moved in to 2020 the news broke that the RPG team was part of the announced redundancies within FFG. Then the end of February saw rumours leak that FFG would no longer be producing them. That their current commitments of announced products would be met and that’s it.

It looked like this was it. They had run their natural course. They were deceased RPGs. They were no more. Ok I’ll stop trying to turn this into a Python dead parrot sketch.

Then last week Asmodee (the parent company) during the GAMA trade show held a keynote.

Like all things these days there were people in the audience live blogging the keynote.

It would appear that these RPGs are not no longer. That the development of them has been moved to a new studio based in Europe called EDGE Entertainment.

The existing books (and I’m assuming ancillary products of dice, game screen, and adversary cards) will still be printed. That new books will be developed. And that they will work with existing ones. They will not be new editions (ie second editions).

This is pretty good news.

Some Twitter DM/GM Tips

Here is the post I was going to write yesterday, but got side tracked instead by a flash of inspiration for my campaign that had to be recorded so it wasn’t lost.

Over the last week or tad longer I saved one or two tips for being a DM/GM from my twitter feed. I know these tips are flagged as being for D&D but they are applicable to any system as far as I see it.

So that those pearls of wisdom from others don’t get lost I’ve put them in this post to share with the world, and make sure I have them in a safe place.

Let’s start with Tip #1…

I do use index cards. But for initiative I use the cards that come with the Essentials Kit. For secret notes I use either post-it notes or more likely the dry erase index cards I have.

I really like the dry erase index cards. I track monster stats on them during combat, can quickly hand one out with a message on, write a players condition on one and give it to a player as a reminder. Plus they are great to also use for the next tip.

Tip #2…

I don’t currently run theatre of the mind combat. It’s something I want to add to my tool box as a DM/GM. But I think I need a bit more experience and confidence as a DM/GM before I try it. But this is a great tip to tack on to the end of the first tip.

Tip #3…

I need more confidence in my sketching ability before I try this one on the fly during a session.

Tip #4…

This final tip is a two for one that wasn’t originally a tip. It started off as an image on a post about combat (which is well worth the read btw).

Examine the above photo that I “borrowed” from that post.

The first tip I’m taking from it is to use a perspex (plastic) sheet, not glass to hold up broken walk ways and add a second level to a battle map. This works for terrain or as shown above and the next tip drawn maps.

The second tip is to print out you battle maps on paper and cut them out. This will require me to experiment a little to get the size right so that the squares come out as one inch squares. But it’s a cheaper option than using 3D terrain, and quicker than drawing.

Hope you found those tips as useful as I think they will be for me.

Update on planning session 8 #2

SPOILER ALERT TO MY ADVENTURERS! The following post contains spoilers for the up and coming campaign. You may want to avoid this post and join me in a future one.

Today’s post was going to be some recent tips that Sly Flourish had shared on twitter over the last couple of days and my thoughts on them.

However inspiration hit me whilst I was in bed this morning. And I just had to record those thoughts before I forgot them. So you will have to wait for those tips and my take on them until tomorrow.

I can’t remember what sparked the train of thought off. The iPad was playing a podcast and I was semi conscious at the time. Drifting in and out of various states of sleep. Not quiet asleep but not fully awake.

But it came to me to use diaries scattered around the lost Ironstar mine to fill the players in on the backstory of the Ironstar clan. A standard video game tool in games like Bioshock.

From there my mind made the connection with probably my favourite book of all time Lord of the Rings.

I could use the diary and it’s discovery just like Tolkien had to act as a warning of something bad.

If the players recognise this borrowed scene from the book or movie then this will help ramp up the tension, especially if they think that I’m following the scene exactly.

Which I might then follow suit and have the group attacked. But there will be no balrog.

I get in my inbox on a “regular” basis an email from Johnn Four Playing Tips with usually a pretty interesting GM tip. There was one recently called ‘Back Pocket Encounter Idea: Planar Rifts’. Which basically involves opening planar rifts up for the players to encounter.

And that is the idea I’m going with instead of a balrog or some other big nasty creature from the under dark. While the Ironstar dwarves were alive they opened up a 1 foot square planar rift that bought about their demise.

I think the players will also jump to conclusions when they encounter the planar shift and think they are off to Avernus. Particularly after the conversation we had at the start of the previous session. I’m happy to have that bit of misdirection. More tension.

The one thing I’m concerned about at the moment is the mine big enough? The one I plan to use (see previous session planning post) is something I think could be completed in a single session, two at most depending on duration of the session. I’m leaning now to repurposing the lost mine from the Lost Mine of Phandelver campaign that is included in the Starter Kit.

Right I’ve captured the idea. What do you think?

Monthly Meet up March 2020

With current events as they are we would have been forgiven for cancelling this months meet up.

However it still went ahead. Although our hosts were not exactly rushed off their feet and feeling the impact of said events.

Our little get together was in fact for us rather well intended with seven brave souls turning up.

Jonathan, Nathan, Gavin and I decide to dabble in the stock market while waiting for others to turn up, by playing Oink Games Startups.

Startups has been sitting in my collection for nearly a couple of years now. I bought it at UKGE 2018 if my failing memory recalls correctly. It’s been one I’ve been meaning to play during that time. Often making it into the game bag for a session but never selected. Always the bridesmaid never the bride. Until last night.

Earlier in the day I had attempted to read the rule sheet that’s included in the box. However I found the print too small for my aging eyes. So I turned to the saviour of many the Internet and Google. Which took me to the official Oink Games website and their official how to play video.

The video I thought was rather well produced. Explained the game well. And somehow puzzling lasted just short of twelve minutes. I say puzzling because the rules are not that complicated.

Startups became the second Oink game I’ve played (I have two more in the collection to get to the table).

At it’s heart Startups is a set collection and majority control game.

Each player starts with a starting hand of three cards, and ten coins (worth one point). On a players turn they either draw a card from the deck and putting a coin on each of the cards in the market. Or take a card from the market. The player then has to either place a card in front of them as part of their portfolio or put one in the market.

If a player after playing a card in front of them becomes the player with the majority of that card type they get a matching anti-monopoly token. This token stops the player from taking any cards in the market that match with it. However it also means when taking a card from the deck that the player doesn’t have to put a coin on any cards that match it either.

There is a nice bluffing element to the game with the three cards that a player has in their hand. This is hidden information and the cards count towards final totals at the end of the game. Add in the fact that five cards are removed from the deck at the start of the game. You have this unknown element of not truly knowing how many of each card type there truly is out there on the table, and if you have a majority or not.

With the anti-monopoly tokens and the market place you have a nice tactical bit going on. Knowing that certain cards can’t be taken by certain players. There is a skill of staying on the right side of staying level with whoever has the token so they keep it, and allowing yourself free range of the market place.

I won. However the scores were surprisingly close. This is a nice little filler game. I’ll definitely try and get this back to the table.

By the time we had finished playing Startups, except for one player who messaged saying they would be late, everyone had turned up.

So unsure how long we would have to wait for the final player to arrive, we played New York Slice.

This game has been on my wish list for a while. Luckily Jonathan picked up a second hand copy recently. I’d say he pipped me to it. But in reality my economic circumstances would have hindered my chances of getting it. So I was pretty happy that Jonathan got it.

The packaging (a pizza box!) fits the theme perfectly.

This is a I split you choose game, with a majority control mechanic. A simple game that works so. The splitting of the pizza is such a tough decision to make. Being the splitter you will get the last piece. So it’s trying to split the pizza so that you have something left you can use.

It’s a nice game. I knew I’d like it because I enjoyed playing Piece ‘o Cake that this is a remake of with a pizza theme.

With everyone present we split into two groups.

The group I was in we played a four player game of Spirits of the Forest. My previous play of this was as a two player game with Jonathan. As a two player game it worked really well. But wow it was fun as four players two.

I think next time this hits the table I’ll add in one or two of the mini expansions that came with it.

Our groups final game of the evening was Azul. I still really enjoy this game. I still warn new players I will end the game as quick as possible. It’d be unfair if I didn’t. The two follow up games in the series haven’t tempted me. I don’t get Azul to the table often enough as it is. Maybe if I didn’t have Azul then choosing one of the other two might be an option.

As I write this post it’s hit me that all four of these games are pretty quick to teach. Five minutes at most I’d guess. Games that are easy to pick up, but hide a some hard decision making. Not that difficult to give analysis paralysis or put new players off. But enough to keep more experienced gamers interested.

As usual this was another great evening of gaming and great hosts.

Games Played: Startups, New York Slice, Spirits of the Forest, Azul

Update on planning session 8 #1

SPOILER ALERT TO MY ADVENTURERS! The following post contains spoilers for the up and coming campaign. You may want to avoid this post and join me in a future one.

While the players negotiate the date for the next session I still need to start planning. The time between now and the next session will just fly by. Before I know it I’ll be staring down the barrel of the next session with very little done.

That’s the benefit of the way of the Lazy DM. You focus on the important things that you need to run a session, whilst keeping the workload to a minimum.

It’s also why I write these planning posts. They are my notes for the next session, and sometimes ideas for future ones. Which I do refer back to while preparing my notes for the next session.

These days often my first task after a session is the post mortem (which I share with the world) followed by an update of my mind map.

Which is then followed by one of these posts capturing early thoughts about the next session.

Having justified these posts (probably for the umpteenth time) I think I should get on with my thought process.

During the players time in Mintarn and their quest for information about the Ironstar mine I kept mentioning that they were getting looks, glances from those around them. I think that was me not ready for them to take on Angrath but to have them fearful that at any moment they could be surprised by him and his pirate crew. (That bit probably could have been in the post mortem.)

The party think they managed to dodge a bullet. They went back to Mintarn and avoided Angrath. Or did they?

The party are basically camping on a beach at the moment.

So my thinking is, and I think this fits in with the ‘create a strong start’ of having a handful of pirates crash out of the undergrowth and attack the breakfasting party.

After the encounter from the beach they will notice a much larger boat near theirs. They won’t be able to get to their boat in time and make an escape. They will have to go in land.

For this over land travel and the search for the lost Ironstar mine I plan to run it based on the group challenge that was used in the D&D Beyond encounter of the Week: Detour Past Dragonspear. I will make it clear to the party that they will find the mine whether they fail or succeed. However how well they do on the challenge will determine what shape the party get there in and what happens when they find the mine.

The map I am going to use for the lost mine is from the Essentials Dragon of Icespire Peak adventure. I like the Dwarven Excavation scenario a lot for this. It looks the perfect length for our sessions. It’s designed for level 2 characters. So the threat level will have to be upped a little.

I also like the idea of using the Circle of Thunder or Dragon Barrow scenarios as potentially something the party could stumble upon to and from the lost mine. Although these would make great mini islands for the party to discover also.

So that’s my thinking at the moment. Obviously more to follow.