May 2024 games played

At the start of the month I was a bit down on my lack of gaming opportunities for the month ahead.

But as George Formby’s catch phrase goes “turned out nice again” (this really does age me. Growing up back in the day on the whole 3 channels that we had his movies were regularly shown).

3×3 of top 9 games played in May

In reality this was three gaming sessions and a chance to play some games with Ben at the expo.

Two thirds of the games played this month were new to me. That’s pretty high. Five of the games were trick takers. I like Ben do enjoy a good trick taking game.

My bgstats for the month

I’m hoping June will be a back to normal. But we are now entering that time of year of Summer holidays. So the next couple of months might be just as barren on the gaming opportunities.

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