Another week has passed where I’ve written and played little.
It’s been the regular weekly pattern of work and sleep.
Work has been ballistic. Lots and lots of customers and no staff!
On the plus side I only have a week or five shifts left before my return.
Which means last nights club night will be my last (hopefully) one that I miss. It’s not great that the first two club nights of the new year I’ve had to miss.
At least I’m managing to find folks to play a game or two with on Sundays.
Now onto some D&D news that broke yesterday.
It’s pretty big news.
Remember all that #DnDBegone, boycott WotC and D&D stuff that happened over the last few weeks over the OGL 1.0a?
Well yesterday WotC announced a complete surrender over the issue after the survey feedback (so far) for their draft OGL 1.2 was overwhelmingly negative.

Der! They already knew that. The massive loss of D&DBeyond subscribers, the single voice of descent from content creators, social media.
I suspect this draft and survey were a ruse to allow WotC to backdown without losing face. Or that was the plan.
Whatever their motivation, we got to the right result that community were after. The OGL1.0a is safe. Plus the SRD 5.1 (that’s the document covered by the OGL that allows creators use core rules, classes, races, spells, etc) has been put under a Creative Commons license.
It’s a big win for the community.
The only question remaining is has this been enough to stop the haemorrhaging of creators and players? Or is this too late the damage has been done?