I am the law

Yesterday I stumbled upon the fact that the pdf version of the Judge Dredd & The Worlds of 2000 AD RPG system have been released to the world at large.

This new system was kickstarted last year and is the third or fourth time that the future law man has been captured in a RPG system.

DriveThru RPG have the basic rule book, a free taster scenario and the not free Robot Wars scenario. The latest publisher has two more scenarios Luna-1 and The Cursed Earth lined up for later in the year. Along with two more source books focusing on the classic 2000 AD characters Rogue Trooper and Strontium Dog (really looking forward to this one).

This latest iteration uses the What’s Old is New (WOIN) system as it’s basis. Which uses a d6 dice pool system. As a prospective GM I like these dice pool systems (Genesys is an example of another). The pools of dice used for checking skills, combat etc can be adjusted based on difficultly and conditions. In the WOIN system the total of the dice rolled must be the same as or greater than a figure given by the GM. So the GM may decide that the task being attempt is simple and give a low score to beat. If the task succeeds and there are three sixes rolled there is an additional benefit that happens.

There is an interesting count down mechanic using a pool of dice, that can be used for players on deaths door, drowning or some other event that you want the player to feel the pressure of a clock.

I love the fact that they have taken the scenario from the main rules, and made it as a Quick Start scenario with pre-made characters to allow players to try the system before they commit to the full blown experience and campaigns in Mega City 1. Unlike the Genesys free scenarios you only need d6 dice to play this free scenario and the main game.

With the decades of the comic strip, source books and scenarios from the previous Judge Dredd RPG’s there is plenty of material to base/inspire adventures and campaigns on. Plus there are miniatures out there from the now defunct miniature skirmish game. So these potentially may not be cheap to get.

I just need to find some Judge Dredd fans like me to play the initial scenario with.

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