One of my personal rpg goals this year is to DM/GM (hopefully) a D&D game at a con or FLGS.
Obviously it’d be a one shot. Especially at a con.
I already have the Matt Colville Lost Tomb of Delian Order, or Sly Flourish’s The Obsidian Skull (from the City of Arches) that both make great single session adventures.
Plus I have a copy of the Frank Mentzer single map (Dyson Logo version) AND an A3 printout of the classic Keep on the Borderland dungeon.
Add in my copies of the Lazy DM Workbook and Companion are always in my bag. Which will be joined by his Ruins of Grendleroot and Fantastic Locations.
I nearly forgot my cards that allow me to generate dungeons completely on the fly. Plus the npc cards.
I could at the drop of a hat improvise a session. But as a DM I’m a long way off being that good.
However being a patreon of Sly Flourish I have access to some patreon exclusive adventures. There are three adventures that I have had printed out that potentially could be used at either a con or FLGS. But they are by the looks of them a couple of sessions minimum. One is aimed at a one on one session (DM plus player).

I also took the opportunity to print out the City of Arches source book as a temporary stop gap until an official version can be purchased (a Kickstarter is planned for later this year).
These have been added to the folder.
I’m not up to going through the official UKGE channels and running a session that people buy tickets for. So in the run up to the UKGE I will try to organise something informal at the show.
In the meantime if an opportunity comes up to run a session at my FLGS I’ll take it as that will help build my confidence.