Hard to think it’s been a month since the last one of these jumps back in time to look at what I was playing six years ago.
Time sure flies when you are going from one challenging situation to another.
So let’s get right to it and look at what my top nine played games were back in October 2016.
Looking at the top nine, it looks like Netrunner was still a thing at my FLGS. FFG hadn’t started nerfing Anarchs or NBN at this point.
I was also getting some games in of Ashes. Although I was still using the pre-con decks, and hadn’t gotten into the deck building side.
If memory hasn’t failed me my games of Star Wars Imperial Assault were from one of the rare organised play events at my FLGS. Which means these were skirmish games not campaign games.
With Tiny Epic Western being played the Kickstarter for it must have just arrived. I know this didn’t sit with everyone who played it, but I did like the mix of worker placement and poker. Plus I loved the playmat they did for the game.
Karmaka is a great card game that deserves seeing the table again. I really liked the mechanic that attracted me to the Kickstarter where cards you play can be used by your opponent. The theme really does come through in this game.
Zombicide hit the table. I’m shocked that happened.
7 Wonders Duel, an instant two player classic. One I need to play again. Nathan loves this game too. That’s how good the game is.
Still enjoy playing Splendor, although no longer in my collection, I do have the Marvel version.
Star Wars Timelines. A lovely quick Star Wars game that does test your knowledge of the original trilogy.
Finally for this type of post here are the raw stats for the month.